Review Type |
Outcome |
Est. Completion Date |
Completed |
Record Drawings Review
No Comments
Gene Williams, P.E.
Record Drawings Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Record Drawings Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Redesign Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Redesign Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineering Review
No Comments
Gene Williams, P.E.
DE Engineers Estimate
Corrective Action Required
Water line connections cannot be made until the public water line plans are submitted and approved. As indicated by note on the plans, these public infrastructure plans are to be reviewed under separate permit. In particular, a valve is required on both sides of the street for the connection line, which was not shown on the Final Development Plan.
DE Contact Field Eng. Inspector
Corrective Action Required
The Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Costs has been accepted for this project, and the Engineering Plan Review and Inspection Fee (which is calculated as 3% of the total infrastructure cost plus a water test inspection fee(s)), and the water tap and meter setup fee have been included. These must be paid prior to the issuance of an infrastructure permit and/or the final processing of a building permit. $322,130.21
DE Future Repair Work
Corrective Action Required
Prior to the commencement of any construction activities, the Contractor shall contact Field Engineering Inspections at (816) 969-1200 to coordinate a preconstruction meeting / conference with the assigned Field Engineering Inspector.
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
DE Engineers Estimate
Corrective Action Required
Water line connections cannot be made until the public water line plans are submitted and approved. As indicated by note on the plans, these public infrastructure plans are to be reviewed under separate permit. In particular, a valve is required on both sides of the street for the connection line, which was not shown on the Final Development Plan.
DE Contact Field Eng. Inspector
Corrective Action Required
The Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Costs has been accepted for this project, and the Engineering Plan Review and Inspection Fee (which is calculated as 3% of the total infrastructure cost plus a water test inspection fee(s)), and the water tap and meter setup fee have been included. These must be paid prior to the issuance of an infrastructure permit and/or the final processing of a building permit. $322,130.21
DE Future Repair Work
Corrective Action Required
Prior to the commencement of any construction activities, the Contractor shall contact Field Engineering Inspections at (816) 969-1200 to coordinate a preconstruction meeting / conference with the assigned Field Engineering Inspector.
Building Codes Review
Approved with Conditions
Mike Weisenborn
Miscellaneous Correction
A lightpole base design has not been provided.
Action required - Provide a design signed and sealed by an engineer licensed in the State of Missouri.
Building Codes Review
Mike Weisenborn
Miscellaneous Correction
2018 IPC 708.1.3 Building drain and building sewer junction. The junction of the building drain and the building sewer shall be served by a cleanout that is located at the junction or within 10 feet of the developed length of piping upstream of the junction. For the requirements of this section, the removal of a water closet shall not be required to provide cleanout access.
Action required: Cleanouts required near locations where sewers leave buildings. May be field verified.
10/7/20 - acknowledged in letter. To be field verified.
Miscellaneous Correction
A-series & E-series drawings not included in this review.
10/7/20 - acknowledged in letter
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
A lightpole base design has not been provided.
Action required - Provide a design signed and sealed by an engineer licensed in the State of Missouri.
Planning Review
No Comments
Hector Soto Jr.
Engineering Review
Approved with Conditions
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required
Water line connections cannot be made until the public water line plans are submitted and approved. As indicated by note on the plans, these public infrastructure plans are to be reviewed under separate permit. In particular, a valve is required on both sides of the street for the connection line, which was not shown on the Final Development Plan.
DE Engineers Estimate
Corrective Action Required
The Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Costs has been accepted for this project, and the Engineering Plan Review and Inspection Fee (which is calculated as 3% of the total infrastructure cost plus a water test inspection fee(s)), and the water tap and meter setup fee have been included. These must be paid prior to the issuance of an infrastructure permit and/or the final processing of a building permit. $322,130.21
DE Contact Field Eng. Inspector
Corrective Action Required
Prior to the commencement of any construction activities, the Contractor shall contact Field Engineering Inspections at (816) 969-1200 to coordinate a preconstruction meeting / conference with the assigned Field Engineering Inspector.
DE Future Repair Work
Corrective Action Required
Please be aware that any future repair work to public infrastructure (e.g., water main repair, sanitary sewer repair, storm sewer repair, etc.) within public easements will not necessarily include the repair of pavement, curbing, landscaping, or other private improvements which are located within the easement.
Corrective Action Required
An as-built and as-graded Record Drawing of all detention basins shall be submitted and approved prior to issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion.
Building Codes Review
Approved with Conditions
Mike Weisenborn
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
2018 IPC 708.1.3 Building drain and building sewer junction. The junction of the building drain and the building sewer shall be served by a cleanout that is located at the junction or within 10 feet of the developed length of piping upstream of the junction. For the requirements of this section, the removal of a water closet shall not be required to provide cleanout access.
Action required: Cleanouts required near locations where sewers leave buildings. May be field verified.
10/7/20 - acknowledged in letter. To be field verified.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
A-series & E-series drawings not included in this review.
10/7/20 - acknowledged in letter
Planning Review
No Comments
Mike Weisenborn
Traffic Review
No Comments
Mike Weisenborn
Fire Review
Approved with Conditions
Mike Weisenborn
Code Statement
Corrective Action Required
All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Fire Code.
Knox Locks
Corrective Action Required
IFC 506.1 - Where access to or within a structure or an area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire-fighting purposes, the fire code official is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an approved location. The key box shall be of an approved type listed in accordance with UL 1037, and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire code official. 506.1.1 Locks. An approved lock shall be installed on gates or similar barriers when required by the fire code official.
Action required: Knox boxes and padlocks are required for access to the buildings and fire lanes.
Fire Review
Approved with Conditions
Jim Eden
Code Statement
All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Fire Code.
Knox Locks
IFC 506.1 - Where access to or within a structure or an area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire-fighting purposes, the fire code official is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an approved location. The key box shall be of an approved type listed in accordance with UL 1037, and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire code official. 506.1.1 Locks. An approved lock shall be installed on gates or similar barriers when required by the fire code official.
Action required: Knox boxes and padlocks are required for access to the buildings and fire lanes.
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required
Please see Sheet C1029 through C1046. Every plan view shown on these sheets is illegible. It appears a triangulation layer was inadvertantly left on, and are unusable in the field or for review.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1047: Please see previous applicant letter. The emergency spillway is still being shown (by label) directed to the south. In addition, notes on this sheet direct the reader to Sheet C1050, for details concerning the emergency spillway. The emergency spillway details are not contained on this sheet. Please revise as appropriate.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1059: No details are provided for this sheet as was provided on the two subsequent sheets for the detention basins. Were the layers turned off, or was this sheet left unfinished? Please use the other sheets as a guide to complete this unfinished detail of the detention basin.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1061: This new sheet contains what appears to be a typographical error in the plan view for the emergency overflow weir elevation. The elevation called out in the plan view does not agree with the detail view.
Corrective Action Required
Although not necessarily required for resubmittal, it should be noted that an Engineer's Estimate of Probable Construction Costs will need to be submitted prior to any approval of these plans.
Corrective Action Required
The stream buffer waiver has been approved by the City Engineer.
Planning Review
No Comments
Hector Soto Jr.
Traffic Review
No Comments
Michael Park
Building Codes Review
Approved with Conditions
Joe Frogge
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
2018 IPC 708.1.3 Building drain and building sewer junction. The junction of the building drain and the building sewer shall be served by a cleanout that is located at the junction or within 10 feet of the developed length of piping upstream of the junction. For the requirements of this section, the removal of a water closet shall not be required to provide cleanout access.
Action required: Cleanouts required near locations where sewers leave buildings. May be field verified.
10/7/20 - acknowledged in letter. To be field verified.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
A-series & E-series drawings not included in this review.
10/7/20 - acknowledged in letter
Planning Review
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required
PARKING AISLES. The comment below that was made on the initial review has not been addressed:
The north and south entrances to each row of parking spaces that is flanked by landscape islands shall have a minimum driveable pavement width of 24' (28' from back-of-curb to back-of-curb). Sheets C1002, C1005 and C1007 show a driveable pavement width between the landscape islands as 20'. The noses of the islands shall be pulled back to gain the additional 4' pavement width at the entrances.
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required
Please refer to the previous applicant letter regarding the emergency spillways. None of the grading plans or grading details show the location of the emergency spillways, other than the contours. They are also missing a label for the emergency spillway, the location of the spillway, the critical dimensions, such as width, length, elevation of the spillway, minimum top of dam elevation. There is a reference to Sheet 1050 which show in schematic profile format the general section view of the spillway, but the information should also be shown on the plan view for these critical features. Finally, the general location of the emergency spillway for the southern detention basin is shown on the general drainage sheet in the wrong location (or at least it is assumed the wrong location since it is directed directly toward the off-site property to the south).
Corrective Action Required
Concerning the above comment, each detention basin should be provided with a dedicated plan sheet showing the details concerning its construction, including the name of the basin (e.g., EDD-1, EDD-2, EDD-3). As presented, the scale is too small to determine what is being proposed. These dedicated plan sheets must include all information necessary to construct the basins, including minimum top of dam elevations, location and dimensions of emergency spillways, elevation of the emergency spillway, dimensions of the spillway, and all other information already provided. If details are provided on other sheets, standard drafting references must be provided showing where these additional details are contained within the plan set. Finally, grading near the southern portion of EDD-3 appears to have an adverse impact on the adjacent property owner. Stormwater is now altered at their property line. There are several ways to eliminate this issue, either by engineering methods, or entering into an agreement with the adjacent property owner.
Corrective Action Required
Please be aware that as-graded and as-built Record Drawings will be required for all detention basins.
Corrective Action Required
Please provide a note on the detailed detention basin plan(s) stating that the detention basins and silt basins and temporary siltation basins will be constructed prior to any other activities, (with the exception of erosion and sediment control and mass grading).
Corrective Action Required
Typical drafting standards dictate the use of appropriate notes and references to details contained elsewhere within the plan set. The plan views for the detention basins must provide these notes and references to the detention basin outlet structures, emergency spillways, or any other detail needed to construct the detention basins. As shown, there is only mention of a "modified junction box", with no other information concerning their location in the plan set.
Corrective Action Required
Please see previous applicant letter. The note on the typical pavement section still references "additional requirements" in the geotechnical report. The contractor and the City inspector will not have access to this report, nor would this be standard practice to require our City inspector to read this document. In addition, we are not aware of any "additional requirements" contained within this report, and as such, perhaps this note should be eliminated? The City is in agreement with the proposed typical pavement details, however, based on the conclusions contained within the geotechnical report.
Corrective Action Required
Please add the HEC-HMS screenshots to the appendix of the stormwater report. These screenshots contain the pond setup tables, which include the elevation and sizing of the weirs and orifices making up the detention basin outlet structure.
Corrective Action Required
Please see previous applicant letter concerning the hydraulic grade line shown for the pipe. The most recent submittal omitted the labels for the design storm. Was a layer turned off from that submittal to this particular submittal? In addition, it does not appear the comment was addressed, because the design storm is still above the crown of the pipe. Typically, the design storm for this application would be the 10 year event, with overflow capacity shown for the 100 year event. In this case, it would appear the 100 year event is managed under pressure flow, but it is unclear whether the 10 year event is managed under gravity flow (i.e., without surcharging over the crown of the pipe). Please be aware that the City of Lee's Summit has adopted a design standard different than APWA, in that the hydraulic grade line for the design storm (i.e., 10 year in this case, at a minimum) be at or below the crown of the pipe.
Corrective Action Required
It appears the most recent submittal omitted the existing grade and proposed grade labels from the stormwater profile views. This appears to be the case for all sheets. Was a layer turned off from the previous submittal?
Corrective Action Required
Please see previous applicant letter. It was assumed the private sanitary sewer was an 8 inch based on the wye dimensions. It now appears the private sanitary sewer line is a 6 inch. A 6 inch line cannot direct connect to a public manhole. The remedy in this case would be to upgrade the last segment of sanitary sewer line to an 8 inch line, just upstream of the new public manhole to be constructed.
Corrective Action Required
Please ensure the public sanitary sewer will be no greater than 20 feet deep from the finish grade of the extended roadway (i.e., the elevation of the roadway to be constructed in the future). Although it appears it will be acceptable, this would be the time to make any changes. The City cannot support any waivers to this rule, since the old 15 foot standard was recently changed to 20 feet. This distance is measured from the future ground surface or roadway surface, to the flowline of the pipe or flowline of any manhole. All segments must be no greater than 20 feet in depth.
Corrective Action Required
Although not necessarily needed for these plans, please ensure the public water line plans show a 6 inch gate valve on the north side of Bailey Rd., just south of the new cut-in tee. In addition, another valve is required on the south side of Cape Dr. in addition to the gate valve just prior to the backflow vault. Street crossings require two (2) gate valves with one on each side (with the one valve before the backflow vault counting towards the 2 valves).
Corrective Action Required
Please refer to the standard detail for the water meters. A site-specific design is required for the 4 inch meter vault located near Cape Dr. The standard detail includes a note concerning this issue, because the standard detail will not accept a 4 inch meter. The standard drawing is only applicable for 2 inch meters and smaller.
Corrective Action Required
The stream buffer waiver shall be required prior to formal approval. This waiver is currently under review.
Corrective Action Required
Please be aware that retaining wall design shall be provided separately to the City. No review was performed, other than to ensure none were installed over public sanitary sewer, public water lines, or public storm lines, and to ensure none were being installed within public easements, including any tie-back structures, geogrid, or footings. These requirements appear to have been met.
Corrective Action Required
An Engineer's Estimate of Probable Construction costs should accompany your final submittal drawings and revised stormwater report. This estimate should include all sitework, less the building and exterior lighting (and also less the items to be covered under separate public infrastructure plans noted in the Final Development Plan). Items to include in the estimate are: 1) storm lines greater than 6 inches in diameter, 2) storm structures such as inlets, junction boxes, and manholes, 3) detention basins, 4) detention basin outlet structures, 5) rip rap and turf reinforcement mat and associated materials, 6) water lines, 7) valves, fittings, elbows, tees, and sleeves, 8) fire hydrants and backflow vaults, 9) thrust blocks and straddle blocks, 10) sanitary sewer lines, 11) sanitary sewer manholes, 12) parking lot and drives, 13) curb and gutter, 13) grading for parking lot, 14) compaction for parking lot, 15) aggregate for parking lot, including the area one (1) foot beyond the back of curb, 16) chemically-stabillzed subgrade or geogrid, including the area one (1) foot beyond the back of curb, 17) public sidewalks, 18) commercial entrances and 19) special water meter vault. Please be aware these items do not include the public infrastructure noted on the plans as to be covered under separate public plans.
Building Codes Review
Approved with Conditions
Joe Frogge
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
2018 IPC 708.1.3 Building drain and building sewer junction. The junction of the building drain and the building sewer shall be served by a cleanout that is located at the junction or within 10 feet of the developed length of piping upstream of the junction. For the requirements of this section, the removal of a water closet shall not be required to provide cleanout access.
Action required: Cleanouts required near locations where sewers leave buildings. May be field verified.
10/7/20 - acknowledged in letter. To be field verified.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
A-series & E-series drawings not included in this review.
10/7/20 - acknowledged in letter
Traffic Review
No Comments
Michael Park
Fire Review
Approved with Conditions
Jim Eden
Code Statement
All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Fire Code.
Fire Lane Required
IFC 503.1.1 - Approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction. The fire apparatus access road shall comply with the requirements of this section and shall extend to within 150 feet (45 720 mm) of all portions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. Exception: The fire code official is authorized to increase the dimension of 150 feet (45 720 mm) where: 1. The building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3. 2. Fire apparatus access roads cannot be installed because of location on property, topography, waterways, nonnegotiable grades or other similar conditions, and an approved alternative means of fire protection is provided.
Action required: The gate to the athletic building shall be the full width of the fire lane. The dimension varies on different drawings.
Fire Lanes - Marking
IFC 503.3 - Where required by the fire code official, approved signs or other approved notices or markings that include the words NO PARKING—FIRE LANE shall be provided for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads or prohibit the obstruction thereof. The means by which fire lanes are designated shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and be replaced or repaired when necessary to provide adequate visibility.
Action required: The fire lane to the atletic building shall be posted.
Knox Locks
IFC 506.1 - Where access to or within a structure or an area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire-fighting purposes, the fire code official is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an approved location. The key box shall be of an approved type listed in accordance with UL 1037, and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire code official. 506.1.1 Locks. An approved lock shall be installed on gates or similar barriers when required by the fire code official.
Action required: Knox boxes and padlocks are required for access to the buildings and fire lanes.
Planning Review
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required
PARKING AISLES. The north and south entrances to each row of parking spaces that is flanked by landscape islands shall have a minimum driveable pavement width of 24' (28' from back-of-curb to back-of-curb). Sheets C1005 and C1007 show a driveable pavement width between the landscape islands as 20'. The noses of the islands shall be pulled back to gain the additional 4' pavement width at the entrances.
Corrective Action Required
ADA ACCESSIBLE ROUTES. Provide plan sheets that identify the accessible routes between the ADA parking spaces and the building entrances. The plan shall include the accessible route slopes and cross-slopes to review for ADA compliance.
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required
Notes are still being shown on the Utility Plan which call-out the connection to the 16 inch public water main on the west side of the project. It appears the water lines were removed, but the notes still are shown on the plan view. As discussed in the previous applicant letter, no additional water tap or cut-in tee is allowed on the 16 inch public water main other than as shown on the east side of the project.
Corrective Action Required
Utility Plan: The public line should call-out a cut-in tee at the 16 inch line on the north side of Bailey Rd. At present, it does not appear the plans mention how this will be done, and to avoid any misconception that a tap might be allowed, please call-out a cut-in tee. Add sufficient notes to the plans which direct the contractor to specific City requirements concerning water line shutdown, public notification requirements, and working at night to ensure the shutdown does not have a negative impact on customers.
Corrective Action Required
Utility Plan: A 16 inch butterfly valve may be required on the 16 inch public water line near the new cut-in tee, unless there is already a valve within 500 feet. If no valve is present within 500 feet, please show the location of the new butterfly valve.
Corrective Action Required
Utility Plan: The plan must specify that boring be used to construct any of the utility crossings across Bailey Rd. For purposes of boring the water main across Bailey Rd., steel casing carrier pipe should be omitted from the design. This is no longer a requirement for water mains installed beneath City streets.
Corrective Action Required
The locations of the new water meters should be shown on the east side of the new drive entrance, rather than a new segment running east/west as shown, and two (2) water meters at the end of this public extension. The length of the public water line extensions should be minimized, and therefore the water meters should be placed on the east side of the new drive entrance.
Corrective Action Required
The plans call for the installation of 4 inch ductile iron pipe from the "tap". Taps of this size are not allowed. Please specify a cut-in tee. Finally, please consider 4 inch C900 rather than ductile iron. If using ductile iron pipe, it must be zinc coated.
Corrective Action Required
There are numerous references to HDPE pipe throughout the plans for the fire line. The City does not allow this material for the fire line. It is recommended that C900 be used, although ductile iron may be considered if zinc-coated.
Corrective Action Required
Is there enough space to construct the backflow vault in relation to the vertical bends shown on the profile view on Sheet C1028A?
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1028A: What is the "null structure" called-out as FP1DD? Why is it also shown on the plan view?
Corrective Action Required
Utility Plan View Sheet: There is a line shown from near the gate valve denoted as FP1FF extended to the southeast, and labeled as "W-1a". Is this a mistake? Please correct, because it is very confusing. Is this the small storm line connected to the inlet for the backflow vault drainage? If so, then please make this clear in terms of notation.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1027: Note W-1f is still not correct. The 10 foot minimum length is from the meter to the building, and refers to copper line. A minimum of 10 feet of copper line is required past the meter. However, it is our understanding that copper line of 3 inch size may not be available, and therefore other alternatives such as C900 or zinc coated ductile iron pipe may be used for this minimum length of pipe past the water meter.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1027: Note W-1c specifies a 4x4x3 inch tee. This should be a 4x4x4 inch tee, with the appropriate reducer at the water meter. These are two (2) inch water meters, correct?
Corrective Action Required
Please add notes specifying that all fittings be zinc coated ductile iron pipe for the fire line and the line feeding the fire line from the north across Bailey Rd.
Corrective Action Required
Notes for All Profile Views: Where fill is being placed in proximity to sanitary sewer lines, water lines, and storm lines, please show in graphic format that backfill be placed to a plane that is a minimum of 18 inches above the top of the future utility line, properly compacted, and then trenched and the utility line installed after this has taken place.
Corrective Action Required
Please refer to the previous applicant letter. Comment #12 was not addressed. The discharge from the southwest detention basin is going to lead to serious erosion issues due to the fact that no grading is provided at the end of the rip rap.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1028: Note W-2b discusses a tap, which is not allowed for this size of line. In addition, 4 inch ductile iron pipe is called-out, and if used, must be zinc coated ductile iron pipe. Alternatively, 4 inch C900 may be used if available.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1028: Notes specifying "WM1B" and "WM1C" are called-out on the south side of Cape Dr. What do these represent? Finally, BD-1 is shown, but does not point to any line or other known feature. BD-1 is supposed to be a drain line for the backflow vault, but does not appear to be pointing at anything.
Corrective Action Required
Please see comment #21. Although the public fire hydrant on the south side of Cape Dr. will be part of the public infrastructure plans, it is shown on the FDP on the wrong side. It should be shown on the south side of Cape Dr. and should be shown as an in-line temporary fire hydrant, with all connections for the fire line crossing Cape Dr. to be made prior to the temporary fire hydrant assembly. In other words, the temporary fire hydrant should be placed at the very end of the line on the south side of Cape Dr., after the fire line connection.
Corrective Action Required
Sanitary Sewer Plans: HDPE pipe is called-out. This is not allowed. This should be PVC pipe, not HDPE.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1028C appears to be missing a portion of the line in the profile view.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1028C: Was the intent to make the private sanitary sewer service 8 inch? 8"x4" tees are specified, so this would imply 8 inch pipe is being proposed.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1028C: Tees are not allowed for sanitary sewer service connections. These should be wyes, not tees.
Corrective Action Required
Storm Line Profile Views: There are many instances where the 100 year design storm is shown in a surcharge condition. The design storm event must be contained below the crown of the pipe. If using a different design event, it should be shown, and the overflow route established for the 100 year event. This overflow route must not be a hazard to any building, and the overflow route for the 100 year event must be a minimum of 2.0 feet below any building opening.
Corrective Action Required
Rip rap was not sufficiently detailed as requested in the previous applicant letter. Dimensions of the rip rap, depth of the rip rap, geotextile, type of rip rap, and any other pertinent information must be provided.
Corrective Action Required
The previous applicant letter discussed the note on Sheet C1050. The note in question concerns a geotechnical report not in possession by the City, nor would it be in the possession of the contractor or inspector on the project. The typical details shown on this sheet must reflect what is being proposed, without any "additional requirements". Finally, the typical section view for the light duty asphalt is still not sufficient to meet the City requirements in terms of asphaltic concrete base course. The City requires a minimum of 4 inches base course, and a 1.5 inch surface course of asphaltic concrete. If the applicant would like the City to consider this substitution for the light duty asphaltic concrete, then the report should be provided. This geotechnical report must adhere to the City design life standards and other design parameters.
Corrective Action Required
The Final Stormwater Report dated August 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the stormwater report) contains language within the body of the report which still states this is a preliminary report. This iincludes the following sections: 1) Summary.
Corrective Action Required
The stormater report discusses under "Study Purpose" that the 1 year event is being analyzed. Do you mean the 2 year event?
Corrective Action Required
Section 3.2 of the report discusses Stream Protection and Buffer Zones. There is no discussion, however, of the waiver to the stream buffer requirement in certain areas.
Corrective Action Required
In regard to the comment concerning the stream buffer waiver in certain areas, the City received this request on Oct. 9, 2020. Final approval of the Final Development Plan is contingent upon this waiver being granted. A review of this document is currently underway.
Corrective Action Required
EDD-1, EDD-2, and EDD-3 pond setup tables were not provided in the appendix of the stormwater report. Only the summary results were shown.
Corrective Action Required
An existing condition drainage map with their respective points of interest were not provided, although it was noted in the Appendix cover page under Appendix A. Without the existing condition drainage map along with their respective points of interest, how were allowable peak flow rates to the respective points of interest determined?
Corrective Action Required
The stormwater report still discusses four (4) detention basins, although only three (3) are planned?
Corrective Action Required
The "Conclusions and Recommendations" section of the stormwater report are vague in terms of specifying whether or not all aspects of Section 5600 of the Design and Construction Manual are being followed. No waivers are discussed for the stream buffer, nor are any waivers discussed for the peripheral areas near the property boundary which typically require waivers due to their proximity to existing developments, and the need to limit the number of detention basins. Again, without the inclusion of an existing condition drainage area map, allowable release rates to respective points of interest are impossible to determine.
Corrective Action Required
The post-developed drainage area diagram should be noted appropriately (i.e., post-developed drainage area map or equivalent language).
Corrective Action Required
Where are the emergency spillways for the three (3) detention basins, and why were they not discussed within the text of the report? Please see Section 5600 of the Design and Construction Manual for specific information related to the emergency spillway system(s). The emergency spillway must be sized to accommodate the 100 year event assuming 100% clogging of the primary outlet structure, and zero available storage in the basin, with 1.0 feet of freeboard between the clogged condition 100 year water surface elevation, and top of the dam. The emergency spillway must be a minimum of 0.5 feet above the nominal 100 year water surface elevation.
Corrective Action Required
It appears the from the drawings that the outlet structures are being utilized for the emergency spillway system. As proposed, this is not allowed since there is only one point of entry into the system from the inlet pipe. Although the emergency spillway may be combined with the primary outlet works, it cannot be based on a single point of entry, where a clog may occur. It is for this reason that most detention basins employ a earthen emergency spillway.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1057: There appears to be a discrepancy in the orifice plate dimensioning on structure EDD-2. 2 ft. 5" is called-out, yet it does not appear to extend to the top of the plate. Please reconcile.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1057: Using the dimensions of the perforated riser orifices on structure EDD-2, it would appear this does not make sense when taking into consideration the 9 inch orifice at 996.50. Using the dimensions noted, this would place the uppermost 1 inch water quality orfices higher than the flowline of the 9 inch orifice?
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1058: The elevation of the 15 inch orifice at 994.50 does not appear to make sense. The floor is shown at 995.03. Please reconcile. In addition, dimensions of the plate do not make sense. It is shown only half way up the plate, not the entire length.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1058: How many openings are being proposed for EDD-3 near the top? How will this be constructed? It appears the openings are covered in some sort of metal screen, with no instructions on what is to occur. Finally, how will manhole steps be constructed across these openings?
Corrective Action Required
Based on the inconsistencies in the design of the outlet structures, and based on the lack of information contained within the stormwater report showing the pond setup tables showing the locations in terms of elevation, and sizing of the orifice and weir combinations, no further review is being performed on the outlet structures or detention basins at this time.
Corrective Action Required
Just so there are no misunderstandings on the requirements of an adequate detention basin outlet structure, the primary outlet works must be able to manage the 100 year nominal condition flows without the reliance on an emergency spillway. The emergency spillway is only intended to function in the event of: 1) exceedance of the 100 year event, or 2) clogging and zero available storage within the detention basin. The emergency spillway must be a mminimum of 0.5 feet from the 100 year nominal condition hydraulic grade line. The depth of flow within the emergency spillway based on the calculated 100 year flow assuming 100% clogging of the primary outlet works and zero available storage must be a minimum of one (1) foot below the top of the dam. Finally, the 100 year water surface elevation for the clogged condition must be a minimum of 20 feet from the property line or any building.
Corrective Action Required
In plan view (i.e., not profile view), the location of the 100 year water surface elevation for the clogged condition and the nominal condition discussed above must be shown in graphic format. It must be a minimum of 20 feet from any property line or any building. It is impossible to determine whether this requirement was met using a profile view.
Corrective Action Required
No provisions appear to have been shown to prevent clogging of the primary outlet works for any of the detention basins.
Fire Review
Approved with Conditions
Jim Eden
Code Statement
All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Fire Code.
Fire Lane Required
Corrective Action Required
IFC 503.1.1 - Approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction. The fire apparatus access road shall comply with the requirements of this section and shall extend to within 150 feet (45 720 mm) of all portions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. Exception: The fire code official is authorized to increase the dimension of 150 feet (45 720 mm) where: 1. The building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3. 2. Fire apparatus access roads cannot be installed because of location on property, topography, waterways, nonnegotiable grades or other similar conditions, and an approved alternative means of fire protection is provided.
Action required: The gate to the athletic building shall be the full width of the fire lane. The dimension varies on different drawings.
Fire Lanes - Marking
Corrective Action Required
IFC 503.3 - Where required by the fire code official, approved signs or other approved notices or markings that include the words NO PARKING—FIRE LANE shall be provided for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads or prohibit the obstruction thereof. The means by which fire lanes are designated shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and be replaced or repaired when necessary to provide adequate visibility.
Action required: The fire lane to the atletic building shall be posted.
Knox Locks
IFC 506.1 - Where access to or within a structure or an area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire-fighting purposes, the fire code official is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an approved location. The key box shall be of an approved type listed in accordance with UL 1037, and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire code official. 506.1.1 Locks. An approved lock shall be installed on gates or similar barriers when required by the fire code official.
Action required: Knox boxes and padlocks are required for access to the buildings and fire lanes.
Traffic Review
No Comments
Michael Park
Building Codes Review
Approved with Conditions
Joe Frogge
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
2018 IPC 708.1.3 Building drain and building sewer junction. The junction of the building drain and the building sewer shall be served by a cleanout that is located at the junction or within 10 feet of the developed length of piping upstream of the junction. For the requirements of this section, the removal of a water closet shall not be required to provide cleanout access.
Action required: Cleanouts required near locations where sewers leave buildings. May be field verified.
10/7/20 - acknowledged in letter. To be field verified.
Miscellaneous Correction
Inadequate information to complete review.
Provide the following:
- Size of water meter to serve school building.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
A-series & E-series drawings not included in this review.
10/7/20 - acknowledged in letter
Fire Review
Jim Eden
Code Statement
All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Fire Code.
Fire Lane Required
Corrective Action Required
IFC 503.1.1 - Approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction. The fire apparatus access road shall comply with the requirements of this section and shall extend to within 150 feet (45 720 mm) of all portions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. Exception: The fire code official is authorized to increase the dimension of 150 feet (45 720 mm) where: 1. The building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3. 2. Fire apparatus access roads cannot be installed because of location on property, topography, waterways, nonnegotiable grades or other similar conditions, and an approved alternative means of fire protection is provided.
Action required: Widen the gate to 20-feet.
Fire Lanes - Marking
Corrective Action Required
IFC 503.3 - Where required by the fire code official, approved signs or other approved notices or markings that include the words NO PARKING—FIRE LANE shall be provided for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads or prohibit the obstruction thereof. The means by which fire lanes are designated shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and be replaced or repaired when necessary to provide adequate visibility.
Action required: Indicate the areas to be marked. Marking shall be be by signage, or a combination of signage and painted curbs.
Knox Locks
IFC 506.1 - Where access to or within a structure or an area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire-fighting purposes, the fire code official is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an approved location. The key box shall be of an approved type listed in accordance with UL 1037, and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire code official. 506.1.1 Locks. An approved lock shall be installed on gates or similar barriers when required by the fire code official.
Action required: Knox boxes and padlocks are required for access to the buildings and fire lanes.
Planning Review
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required
Some of the Planning comments contained in this letter may have been overlooked due to the number of sheets contained in the submittal. If that is the case, please respond to the comment by indicating where to find the information on the submittal.
Corrective Action Required
SIDEWALKS. Label the sidewalk width along Bailey Rd. The sidewalk shall be a minimum 5' in width.
Corrective Action Required
FLOODPLAIN NOTE. Include a note on the plans indicating the location of the site relative to the 100 year floodplain. Cite the FIRM panel number and date used to make this determination.
Corrective Action Required
RIGHT-OF-WAY. Label the ROW widths for 13th St and Cape Dr.
Corrective Action Required
OIL AND GAS WELLS. Add a note on the plans regarding the presence or absence of any active, inactive or capped oil and gas wells on the property. Cite the source of information used to make this determination. The Missouri Dept of Natural Resources maintains a database of well information for the state.
Corrective Action Required
NEW PARKING AREA. This FDP added a new parking area west of the sports utility/concessions building.
- Dimension the parking space widths. The spaces shall be a minimum 9' wide.
- The drive connecting the parking area from the outer road shall have a minimum pavement width of 24', excluding curb and gutter.
- What is the pavement design for this parking area? The legend shows it as being the same concrete type used on the internal sidewalk system as opposed to a different concrete design specific for a parking lot.
Corrective Action Required
DRIVE AISLE WIDTHS. The noses of the landscape islands flanking all of the entrances/exists of each of the parking lot aisles west of the main building need to be pulled back so the driveable pavement width is a minimum 24', excluding curb and gutter.
Corrective Action Required
- Label and identify the accessible routes from the ADA parking spaces to the building on the site plan. Label the slopes of said accessible route.
- Revise the ADA parking sign detail on Sheet C1050. The sign shall be mounted a minimum height of 5' above finished, measured to the bottom of the sign.
Corrective Action Required
SIGNAGE. FYI - sign permit approval is required for all proposed signage under separate application.
Traffic Review
Michael Park
Corrective Action Required
The limits of public improvement plan for 13th Street should end at the beginning (or west) curb return PC so that the intersection is part of the school driveway/roadway (a continuous private drive/road).
The 6' sidewalk shown along the entirety of west property line could be 5' wide considering the 8' typical green space between sidewalk and curb; an optional change.
Any impacts to ROW or easement(s) along Bailey Road that may or may not impact the FDP are pending submittal and review of public improvement plans.
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required
Comments on the stream buffer waiver were provided under separate cover (i.e., email dated Sep. 9, 2020). At this time, the waiver request should be resubmitted in accordance with the comments provided in the Sep. 9, 2020 email.
Corrective Action Required
The "Final Stormwater Study" dated Aug. 28, 2020 (hereinafter referred to as "the stormwater study") is geared towards a preliminary stormwater study. There is no detailed discussion within the text of the outlet structures and orifies/weirs, nor the emergency spillway system. The appendix does not appear to show any detailed pond setup. In short, the study needs to be updated to a final report, not a preliminary report. It must include a discussion of the sizing of the orifice/weir combinations within the basins, the type of riser structure, the emergency spillway, along with calculations of the 100% clogged, zero available storage event.
Corrective Action Required
The stormwater study appears to contain many missing elements that are reserved for the next submittal as evidenced by the terms "Error! Bookmark not defined". There is also an erroneous reference to a 1 year design storm. For this reason, no further review is being performed on this incomplete stormwater study.
Corrective Action Required
The private sanitary sewer system was missing a profile view. This private system is large enough and long enough that a profile view is warranted.
Corrective Action Required
Hydraulic grade lines for the design storm event should be shown on the profile view of all storm lines greater than 6 inches in diameter.
Corrective Action Required
Detention basin outlet structures were missing from the plan set. It is impossible to review the detention basin design without these details.
Corrective Action Required
General Layout Sheet: Please label all detention basins. We are showing three (3) total, while the report discusses four (4) total. Is there an additional basin that is now shown?
Corrective Action Required
Grading Detail Sheets: Please call out the bottom slope within the detention basins. It must be at least 2.0%.
Corrective Action Required
Detention basin footprint on Sheet C1014: Is it really the intention to have square corners for the basins? Wouldn't it be better to have rounded corners?
Corrective Action Required
The Utility Plan shown in the approved Preliminary Development Plan does not match what is shown int terms of water service for the development. Please review the approved Preliminary Development Plan. You are showing a single domestic water service connection to a line on Bailey Rd. which was not shown on the approved Preliminary Development Plan. This is a 16 inch water main, and cannot be connected for a single domestic service.
Corrective Action Required
The public road extensions of 13th St. and Cape Dr. should be separate public engineering plans.
Corrective Action Required
The southwest detention basin is shown discharging onto rip rap, and then descending down a steep slope. This is going to lead to severe erosion issues. Finally, no grading is shown to direct stormwater to the creek. It is recommended that this design be re-evaluated. It does not appear there was much thought given to this issue.
Corrective Action Required
Separate public water line plans are required along Cape Dr. These may be combined with the street plans discussed in the previous comment above.
Corrective Action Required
It was our understanding that all domestic water service would be served from the water line extension along Cape Dr. This was shown in the approved Preliminary Development Plan.
Corrective Action Required
Notes are provided concerning water meter sizing. This must be provided on the plans prior to approval.
Corrective Action Required
The note under domestic water on Sheet C1027 note "d" is not correct. It should read that a minimum of 10 feet of copper line be installed from the meter to the building, in addition to the copper line required from the main to the meter.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 1027: The domestic water service line should be a separate conection.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1027: The backflow vault should be located closer than shown. It should be located outside of any easement or right of way, generally 6 feet from either.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1027: Provide a note which references the separate public water main extension plans. They can and should be shown on the FDP, but perhaps greyed-out with notes indicating that these are to be built under separate plans.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1027: The gate valve is called-out on the notes for the backflow vault, but must also be shown on the plan view. Finally, an additional valve is required on the public side across the street on the south side of Cape Dr.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1027: The public fire hydrant should be located on the south side of Cape Dr. It may be installed as an inline temporary hydrant, since it will be extended in the future. The private fire line and the private domestic service lines must be connected prior to the fire hydrant on the south side of Cape Dr.
Corrective Action Required
Plan and profile views of the private fire line are required. The plans must show the placement of the bends (including the magnitude of the bend), tees, thrust blocks, etc. Pipe cannot be allowed to bend under any circumstances, so the location of these bends must be shown where curvature would introduce stresses in the line. Please be aware this is only required for the fire line, not the domestic water service where a plan view and call-outs are sufficient.
Corrective Action Required
All Utility Sheets: Why is the proposed private sanitary sewer line greyed-out as if it were an existing feature? Please use standard drafting practice and show a bold line, along with a profile view of the lines.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1026: A gate valve is required on both sides of Bailey Rd. when installing the backflow vault. One should be placed on the north side of Bailey, and the other should be placed just prior to the backflow vault. A note is not sufficient. It should be shown on the plan view.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1026: Why is an existing sanitary sewer line shown along the south side of Bailey Rd.? Is this a drafting error?
Corrective Action Required
All Utility Sheets: How will the backflow vaults be drained? The standard drawing requires the design engineer to provide a method to drain the backflow vault, either by daylighting, or construction of an infiltration trench below the sump. It must be shown in plan view, a note is not sufficient. A very small pipe is all that is required to drain these backflow vaults, so it will not be necessary to provide a profile view unless the engineer deems this a necessity.
Corrective Action Required
It is difficult to determine whether the discharge points for the two (2) northern detention basins are appropriate. It appears at least one of the basins is is discharging into the main channel of the stream, with a bed of rip rap. Is this appropriate? Please re-evaluate this design and please consult the Design and Construction Manual concerning discharges into streams, and best practices.
Corrective Action Required
Rip rap calculations were not provided for any of the rip rap locations. There is a chart in the standard details, but this is not a design. It references "as shown on the plans", but the only thing shown on the plan view is a vague outline of the rip rap. Please use standard notation on the plan view so everyone knows what is being installed at that particular location, including width, length, depth, type of rip rap, In addition, no details were provided. The purpose of the calculations would be to verify the design, and the notes on the plans will enable the contractor and inspector to be able to order appropriate materials, and place the rip rap according to plan. As of now, there is no plan other than a placeholder on the plan set.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C1050: The detail for the pavement design for light duty asphaltic concrete pavement does not quite meet the Unified Development Ordinance. A minimum of 4" base course is required, with 1.5 inch surface course. In addtiion, the typical section views refer to a geotechnical report. Please be aware that if the geotechnical report recommends a different pavement section than shown on these plans, that must be evaluated separately. We have no such report in our possession.
Corrective Action Required
The standard details need to show pavement within the private drives and parking lots having the prepared subgrade extend a minimum of one (1) foot beyond the back of curb.
Corrective Action Required
CG-1 curb should be used, and should be called-out on the plans. The standard details provide all of the curb and gutter section views, with no specific design for this particular project.
Corrective Action Required
Road abandonment plans for 15th St. can be combined with the public water main, and public street plans described elsewhere in this comment letter.
Corrective Action Required
General Layout Sheet: Please note the location of the public street extension on 13th St., the public street extension on Cape Dr., the public street abandonment on 15th St., the public water main extension on Cape Dr. and the public sanitary sewer extension to the south (which also includes the public extension to the east to serve the future development to the east). Additional notes should be provided that these improvements are covered under separate engineering plans, and in the case of the future extension of sanitary sewer to the east, a note stating that an easement is being granted to serve this future development to the east.
Corrective Action Required
The hydraulic grade line for the 100 year event (nominal) must be shown within the detention basins both in numerical and graphic format. A minimum of 20 feet is required from this elevation to the property line or any building. Finally, the 100% clogged, zero available storage 100 year water surface elevation must be shown in the same format, and a discussion should be initiated between the Engineering Group on whether the nominal or clogged condition be considered for the 20 foot setback requirement (i.e., there may be a situation where it makes sense to use the most stringent, or vice versa).
Corrective Action Required
Plan and Profile Views of Stormwater: There are numerous instances where pipe is being laid in locations where fill is being brought in. It is now standard practice to show in graphic format (i.e., hatched pattern, or equivalent) with sufficient notes that the contractor shall fill to a point 18 inches above the proposed top of pipe, and then excavate a trench for placement of the pipe. In other words, the City will not allow placement of the pipe on the ground and backfilling around it. This should be specifically shown in graphic and notation format on the profile view.
Corrective Action Required
The same comment above applies to all pipes, whether sanitary sewer, water line, or stormwater lines. Since no profile view was provided for the sanitary sewer line, it is unclear whether these notes will be required.
Corrective Action Required
Very little is known about the detention basin outlet structures. However, it appears that Nyloplast inlets are being proposed. The City does not support the use of these types of inlets for detention basin outlet structures. We would recommend a concrete structure with appropriate anti-clogging measures installed.
Corrective Action Required
General Layout Sheet: Please label all detention basins.
Corrective Action Required
Please determine the best placement of the future public sanitary sewer extension to the east, to serve the future development to the east. This location should be able to serve the eastern development in a low point.
Corrective Action Required
All three (3) commercial entrances must be constructed of KCMMB 8 inch thick concrete from the right of way line, to the sawcut in the public pavement. Notes must be provided on the plan views for each.
Corrective Action Required
A note must be provided on the general layout sheet which states that all detention basins must be constructed prior to any other improvements. This note should be bold, and clearly-visible to the contractor.
Corrective Action Required
It is our understanding that all ADA-accessible ramps will be detailed with the public improvement plans.
Corrective Action Required
An erosion and sediment control plan was missing.
Building Codes Review
Joe Frogge
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
2018 IPC 708.1.3 Building drain and building sewer junction. The junction of the building drain and the building sewer shall be served by a cleanout that is located at the junction or within 10 feet of the developed length of piping upstream of the junction. For the requirements of this section, the removal of a water closet shall not be required to provide cleanout access.
Action required: Cleanouts required near locations where sewers leave buildings. May be field verified.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Inadequate information to complete review.
Provide the following:
- Size of water meter to serve school building.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
A-series & E-series drawings not included in this review.