Planning Application Status



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Oldham Village Phase 2
Commercial Preliminary Development Plan
Commercial Preliminary Development Plan
Commercial Preliminary Development Plan
City Council
Phase 2 of 2 of the Oldham Village master development. Includes multifamily, fuel sales, drive-thru, and commercial services.
MATT SCHLICHT, Address:50 SE 30TH ST, Phone:(816) 623-9888  
OLDHAM INVESTORS LLC, Address:1700 132ND ST STE 150  
OLDHAM INVESTORS LLC, Address:7200 W 132ND ST STE 150  
Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Planning Review Corrections 08/20/2024 08/23/2024
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required

BUILDING ELEVATIONS. Provide color elevations for the proposed buildings (only black and white elevations have been provided): Five Four Restaurant & Drafthouse building; and Popeye's.
Corrective Action Required

ROOF-TOP MECHANICAL SCREENING. To comply with City ordinance, RTUs shall be fully screened from view on all sides via building parapet walls of a height at least equal to the height of the units being screened. The use of a separate screen system is not allowed on new construction buildings. 1) It isn't clear from the Panda Express building elevations if the composite bamboo material that will screen the units on three sides comprises parapet walls with the bamboo composite as the exterior finish material, or if said material is a separate screen system independent of the building architecture. 2) The Casey's building elevations show the RTUs being screened via a separate screen system rather than vertically extended parapet walls as required by the UDO.
Legal Description
Corrective Action Required

Please submit an electronic copy of the legal description. Microsoft Word document or selectable text PDF are the preferred file formats. The legal description can be emailed to the planner's email address above.
Corrective Action Required

LANDSCAPE BUFFER SCREEN. A modification to the high impact buffer has been requested along the west boundary of Lots 1 and 2 in Phase 1 of the Oldham Village project. No modification request is being made between the proposed development and the abutting residential and church uses to the south, so the expectation is that a high-impact buffer will be installed along the south project boundary.
Traffic Review Corrections 08/20/2024 08/20/2024
Susan Barry, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

MoDOT requested that the access east of Jefferson onto Oldham be a Right In access only. Plans do not reflect this and will require MoDOT approval. (Access 8)
Corrective Action Required

Site plan in TIS does not match civil plans, phase 2. After removing the RIRO, access to all of those lots has changed. Access 7 state that it accesses coffee, grocery and retail and there are only 2 lots that it accesses.
Corrective Action Required

Don't need a marked bike lane on Persels, just a wider right lane for westbound traffic.
Corrective Action Required

Access 8: MoDOT mentioned that they wanted this to be a Right In Only. Need approval from MoDOT for RIRO. They have concerns over exiting traffic crossing 4 lanes of traffic to make a left turn at MO 291.
Engineering Review Approved with Conditions 08/20/2024 08/20/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
DE C&O #01 Eng Plans – FP/PP
Corrective Action Required

All required engineering plans and studies, including water lines, sanitary sewers, storm drainage, streets and erosion and sediment control shall be submitted along with the final plat and approved prior to the approval of the final plat. All public infrastructure must be substantially complete, prior to the issuance of any building permits.
DE C&O #03 Eng & Insp Fees
Corrective Action Required

All Engineering Plan Review and Inspection Fees shall be paid prior to approval of the associated engineering plans and prior to the issuance of any site development permits or the start of construction (excluding land disturbance permit).
DE C&O #04 Cert FA or Escrow
Corrective Action Required

All subdivision-related public improvements must have a Certificate of Final Acceptance prior to approval of the final plat, unless security is provided in the manner set forth in the City's Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Section 7.340. If security is provided, building permits may be issued upon issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion of the public infrastructure as outlined in Article 3, Division V, Sections 3.540 and 3.550 and Article 3, Division IV, Section 3.475 of the UDO, respectively.
DE C&O #06 Land Disturbance
Corrective Action Required

A Land Disturbance Permit shall be obtained from the City if groundbreaking will take place prior to the issuance of a site development permit, building permit, or prior to the approval of the Final Development Plan / Engineering Plans.
DE C&O #07 Easements
Corrective Action Required

All permanent off-site easements, in a form acceptable to the City, shall be executed and recorded with the Jackson County Recorder of Deeds prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion or approval of the final plat. A certified copy shall be submitted to the City for verification.
DE C&O #13 ADA Sidewalk Ramps
Corrective Action Required

All ADA sidewalk ramps shall be constructed by the developer at the time the street is constructed.
Corrective Action Required

A United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permit may be required for work within the juriscictional stream near the proposed in-line detention basin. A jurisdictional determination letter shall be submitted during the Final Development Plan phase of this project.
Fire Review Corrections 08/20/2024 08/19/2024
Jim Eden
Code Statement

All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Fire Code.
Imposed Loads

IFC 503.2.3 - Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. Parking lots for fire department access shall support 75,000-pounds.
Fire Lanes - Marking

IFC 503.3 - Where required by the fire code official, approved signs or other approved notices or markings that include the words NO PARKING—FIRE LANE shall be provided for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads or prohibit the obstruction thereof. The means by which fire lanes are designated shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and be replaced or repaired when necessary to provide adequate visibility.
Corrective Action Required

IFC 507.5.1 - Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 300 feet from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, on-site fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Provide a complete hydrant plan showing public and private hydrants. Hydrant distances are measured around the buildings and not through them. Public hydrants shall be located and spaced per design standards Who will be responsible for the maintence of private hydrants on the access roads? Provide hydrants on four lane roads and roads separated separated by medians arrange hydrants on either side of the street wit an average spacing of 500 feet (IFC Table C102.1).
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

The aerial access lane along the south side of the apartments shall be 26 feet.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

Provide a drawing showing turning movements for a 44 foot straight truck. Show movements in the lots to access the buildings. Aerial access lanes shall be those closest to the building.
Planning Review Corrections 07/16/2024 07/19/2024
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required

PLAN BOUNDARIES/LEGAL DESCRIPTION. 1) Revise the vicinity map to only call out the property contained within the include the Abundant Life Church property and the Leland's Commercial Park property in order to match the plan boundaries. 2) The legal description for the Abundant Life Church property simply reads "Part of Lots 11 and 12, Clearview Acres...". This description is too vague to mean anything. A detailed description of the actual boundaries of said property is required for inclusion in any approval ordinance for the subject application. 3) The legal description doesn't capture all of the property south of SW Oldham Pkwy and east of SW Jefferson St that fronts/backs up to SW Market St.
Corrective Action Required

STREETS/DRIVES. All pad sites with drive-through lanes shall meet minimum width requirements required under the UDO.
Corrective Action Required

SIDEWALKS. Sidewalk connections between the public streets and the individual lots shall be provided to accommodate and encourage pedestrian usage, particularly considering that Phase 2 of Oldham Village includes multi-family development. Pedestrian connectivity shall be provided to all proposed lots.
Corrective Action Required

BUILDING ELEVATIONS. Scalable and dimensioned architectural building elevations of all elevations for each building is required for preliminary development plan approval. Staff has communicated to the applicant, and the applicant has acknowledge, that only those lots with full architectural building elevations shall proceed looking for preliminary development plan approval as part of the subject application. All other lots with only renderings shall be considered for conceptual approval and shall require future preliminary development plan approval under separate application.
Corrective Action Required

SITE DATA AND PARKING TABLES. Provide the impervious coverage information for each lot in addition to the overall coverage listed for the development.
Corrective Action Required

DRIVE-THROUGH QUEUING. Show that adequate queuing spaces are provided for all drive-through facilities in the form of a minimum 5-car stacking from the order box and 4-car stacking from the pickup window without backing out into the parking lot drive aisles.
Engineering Review Approved with Conditions 07/16/2024 07/16/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
DE C&O #01 Eng Plans – FP/PP
Corrective Action Required

All required engineering plans and studies, including water lines, sanitary sewers, storm drainage, streets and erosion and sediment control shall be submitted along with the final plat and approved prior to the approval of the final plat. All public infrastructure must be substantially complete, prior to the issuance of any building permits.
DE C&O #03 Eng & Insp Fees
Corrective Action Required

All Engineering Plan Review and Inspection Fees shall be paid prior to approval of the associated engineering plans and prior to the issuance of any site development permits or the start of construction (excluding land disturbance permit).
DE C&O #04 Cert FA or Escrow
Corrective Action Required

All subdivision-related public improvements must have a Certificate of Final Acceptance prior to approval of the final plat, unless security is provided in the manner set forth in the City's Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Section 7.340. If security is provided, building permits may be issued upon issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion of the public infrastructure as outlined in Article 3, Division V, Sections 3.540 and 3.550 and Article 3, Division IV, Section 3.475 of the UDO, respectively.
DE C&O #06 Land Disturbance
Corrective Action Required

A Land Disturbance Permit shall be obtained from the City if groundbreaking will take place prior to the issuance of a site development permit, building permit, or prior to the approval of the Final Development Plan / Engineering Plans.
DE C&O #07 Easements
Corrective Action Required

All permanent off-site easements, in a form acceptable to the City, shall be executed and recorded with the Jackson County Recorder of Deeds prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion or approval of the final plat. A certified copy shall be submitted to the City for verification.
DE C&O #13 ADA Sidewalk Ramps
Corrective Action Required

All ADA sidewalk ramps shall be constructed by the developer at the time the street is constructed.
DE C&O #14 Common Area Sidewalks
Corrective Action Required

All sidewalks adjacent to a common area tract, unplatted land or any land where no structure is intended to be built, and is required, shall be constructed by the developer at the time the street is constructed.
Corrective Action Required

Sanitary sewer upgrades for Phase 2 as identified by Water Utilities shall be installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion.
Traffic Review Corrections 07/16/2024 07/15/2024
Susan Barry, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Provide a TWLTL on Jefferson for turning vehicles to access lots 12-13 and 14-16.

Throat length as Access 6 does not meet standards. This will cause issues for internal circulation on lots 14-16. City will support since this is better than adding an additional access point farther south.
Corrective Action Required

TIS needs to address substandard throat lengths and their reasoning why they should be allowed.
Corrective Action Required

Plans should show more of M-291 and Persels. Since turn lanes and a median are recommended in the TIS, these should be shown.
Corrective Action Required

Don't see a trash enclosure for apartments. Please label.
Corrective Action Required

TIS needs to address what improvements are needed at Persels if RIRO is not approved.
Corrective Action Required

Shared use path is 10' not 8'.
Fire Review Corrections 07/16/2024 07/12/2024
Jim Eden
Code Statement

All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Fire Code.
Imposed Loads

IFC 503.2.3 - Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. Parking lots for fire department access shall support 75,000-pounds.
Fire Lanes - Marking

IFC 503.3 - Where required by the fire code official, approved signs or other approved notices or markings that include the words NO PARKING—FIRE LANE shall be provided for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads or prohibit the obstruction thereof. The means by which fire lanes are designated shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and be replaced or repaired when necessary to provide adequate visibility.
Corrective Action Required

IFC 507.5.1 - Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 300 feet from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, on-site fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Provide a complete hydrant plan showing public and private hydrants. Hydrant distances are measured around the buildings and not through them. Public hydrants shall be located and spaced per design standards Who will be responsible for the maintence of private hydrants on the access roads? IFC 507.5.1 - Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 300 feet from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, on-site fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Provide a complete hydrant plan showing public and private hydrants. Hydrant distances are measured around the buildings and not through them. Public hydrants shall be located and spaced per design standards Who will be responsible for the maintence of private hydrants on the access roads? Provide hydrants on four lane roads and roads separated separated by medians arrange hydrants on either side of the street wit an average spacing of 500 feet (IFC Table C102.1).
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

The aerial access lane along the south side of the apartments shall be 26 feet.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

Provide a drawing showing turning movements for a 44 foot straight truck. Show movements in the lots to access the buildings. Aerial access lanes shall be those closest to the building.
Fire Review Corrections 07/02/2024 07/02/2024
Grant White
Code Statement

All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Fire Code.
Imposed Loads

IFC 503.2.3 - Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. Parking lots for fire department access shall support 75,000-pounds.
Fire Lanes - Marking

IFC 503.3 - Where required by the fire code official, approved signs or other approved notices or markings that include the words NO PARKING—FIRE LANE shall be provided for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads or prohibit the obstruction thereof. The means by which fire lanes are designated shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and be replaced or repaired when necessary to provide adequate visibility.
Corrective Action Required

IFC 507.5.1 - Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 300 feet from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, on-site fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Provide a complete hydrant plan showing public and private hydrants. Hydrant distances are measured around the buildings and not through them. Public hydrants shall be located and spaced per design standards Who will be responsible for the maintence of private hydrants on the access roads?
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

The aerial access lane along the south side of the apartments shall be 26 feet.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

Provide a drawing showing turning movements for a 44 foot straight truck.
Planning Review Corrections 07/02/2024 07/02/2024
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required

PLAN BOUNDARIES/LEGAL DESCRIPTION. 1) The plan boundaries include all of the property owned by Abundant Life Church that includes the original church site that now houses their Admin/Education/Counseling facility. The northernmost portion of said property is proposed to house regional detention. What improvements, if any, will take place on the portion of the property that houses the original church site? 2) Revise the vicinity map to only call out the property contained within the include the Abundant Life Church property and the Leland's Commercial Park property in order to match the plan boundaries. 3) The legal description for the Abundant Life Church property simply reads "Part of Lots 11 and 12, Clearview Acres...". This description is too vague to mean anything. A detailed description of the actual boundaries of said property is required for inclusion in any approval ordinance for the subject application. 4) The legal description doesn't capture all of the property south of SW Oldham Pkwy and east of SW Jefferson St that fronts/backs up to SW Market St.
Corrective Action Required

STREETS/DRIVES. 1) Lot 15 - The width of the double-lane drive-through entrance doesn't have sufficient pavement width (excluding curb and gutter) to accommodate two vehicles. 2) Lot 14 - Also, minimum queuing requirements from the menu board/order station aren't being met withouth conflicting with the adjacent parking spaces. 3) Lot 17 - The minimum pavement width of 24' (excluding curb and gutter) isn't being met on this lot in the area west of the building.
Corrective Action Required

CIRCULATION. 1) Staff has some general circulation concerns regarding Lots 14-18. 2) Clarify the limits of the improvements to be made as part of this project for the area north of Lot 18 labeled as "Not Part of Project".
Corrective Action Required

LOT 18 - PARKING LOT. 1) Is the intent to construct all of the parking shown on the north side of the building in a single phase with the C-store building? The C-store will require approximately 21 total parking spaces, but 46 total parking spaces are shown on the site. Who are the intended users for the spaces on the north side of the building? 2) Remove the striped parking spaces thak the trash/recycling enclosure area.
Corrective Action Required

SIDEWALKS. 1) Sidewalk connections between the public streets and the individual lots shall be provided to accommodate and encourage pedestrian usage, particularly considering that Phase 2 of Oldham Village includes multi-family development. Pedestrian connectivity shall be provided to all proposed lots. 2) 5' sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all street segments.
Corrective Action Required

SETBACK TABLE (SHEET C.101). 1) The side yard setback proposed for all commercial lots is 0'. Staff will recommend a minimum 5' setback for all of the commercial lots, subject to compliance with any building and/or fire code requirements for greater separation between the buildings. 2) The edge of the parking lot closest to MoDOT ROW for Lot 13 doesn't meet the proposed minimum 10' setback called out in the setback table.
Corrective Action Required

BUILDING INFORMATION. Dimension the building footprints on all of the pad sites. The comment above was previously made, but not addressed on the resubmittal.
Corrective Action Required

LIGHTING. No lighting or photometric information has been provided. Provide lighting and photometric information in accordance with the requirements of UDO Article 8, Subdivision 5. The response to the previously made comment above is that the information shall be provided at the time of FDP. Add a note to the plans indicating that the proposed development will comply with the lighting standards under UDO Article 8.
Corrective Action Required

BUILDING ELEVATIONS. 1) Scalable and dimensioned architectural building elevations of all elevations for each building shall be submitted as part of this application. The building elevations shall have callouts of all exterior building materials and colors. Only partial elevations for the north and west elevations of a Popeye's were provided. Renderings of a Panda Express, Smalls Sliders and Q39 were provided in lieu of architectural exterior building elevations. Renderings are helpful artistic representations that convey what a building will look like, but they only serve as a supplement to scalable architectural drawings. 2) Regarding the proposed car wash elevations and the use of clear glass along the length of the tunnel, provide detail as to the maintenance program that the user follows to maintain the integrity (both aesthetic and otherwise) of the glass in a wet environment. The previously made comments above were not addressed in the resubmittal.
Corrective Action Required

SITE DATA AND PARKING TABLES. Provide the impervious coverage information for each lot in addition to the overall coverage listed for the development.
Corrective Action Required

DRIVE-THROUGH QUEUING. Show that adequate queuing spaces are provided for all drive-through facilities in the form of a minimum 5-car stacking from the order box and 4-car stacking from the pickup window without backing out into the parking lot drive aisles.
Engineering Review Corrections 07/02/2024 07/02/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Please see comments related to Phase 1 of this application. These comments also apply to Phase 2.
Traffic Review Corrections 07/02/2024 07/01/2024
Erin Ralovo
Corrective Action Required

All comments from Phs 1 will apply to the approval of Phs 2 as well.
Corrective Action Required

Sidewalk will be required on both sides of Jefferson Street.
Planning Review Corrections 06/06/2024 06/07/2024
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required

PLAN BOUNDARIES/LEGAL DESCRIPTION. There is a lack of clarity as to the plan limits for which the subject application for Oldham Village Phase 2 covers, particularly when compared to the plans provided for the separate but associated Oldham Village Phase 1 application. The legal description for both application plan submittals are identical and cover approximately 45.41 acres. The Phase 2 plans depict the improvements on Phase 1 as if they are part of the Phase 2 submital with no graphical distinction. Clearly call out the actual boundaries of the Phase 2 application and grey out or hatch out the portion of the area not covered by this plan and revise the legal description accordingly. Since the Phase 2 plan set depicts the layout and uses, is there any desire to bring both phases under a single PDP application with a detailed phasing plan that calls out the expected sequence of development and associated improvements?
Corrective Action Required

STREETS/DRIVES. Label the widths of all the private streets/drives that will come off SW Jefferson St and the internal private drives and streets.
Corrective Action Required

VACATION OF EASEMENTS/ROW. 1) Show, label and dimension the location of all existing and proposed easements. 2) The proposed layout will require the vacation of right-of-way and possibly easements as well under separate application prior to the issuance of any building permits.
Corrective Action Required

SURROUNDING LAND USES. Label the existing subdivision name, ownership and zoning of adjacent development located within 185' of the project site.
Corrective Action Required

LOT INFORMATION. Show, label and dimension all of the proposed lot lines, including lot numbers.
Corrective Action Required

SIDEWALKS. 1) Label the proposed sidewalk width on the plans. 2) No sidewalk is shown along the south side of Lot 17. A minimum 5' sidewalk is required along the SW Persels Rd street frontage. 3) Sidewalk connections between the public streets and the individual lots shall be provided to accommodate and encourage pedestrian usage, particularly considering that Phase 2 of Oldham Village includes multi-family development.
Corrective Action Required

SETBACKS. What setbacks regulations are sought to govern the PMIX-zoned development? Is the intent for standard CP-2 setbacks or some customized version?
Corrective Action Required

BUILDING INFORMATION. Dimension the building footprints on all of the pad sites.
Corrective Action Required

LIGHTING. No lighting or photometric information has been provided. Provide lighting and photometric information in accordance with the requirements of UDO Article 8, Subdivision 5.
Corrective Action Required

BUILDING ELEVATIONS. 1) The same renderings and elevations provided for the Phase 1 application were submitted for the subject application. To which lots do the elevations and renderings correlate? 2) Scalable and dimensioned architectural building elevations of all elevations for each building shall be submitted as part of this application. The building elevations shall have callouts of all exterior building materials and colors. Only partial elevations for the north and west elevations of a Popeye's were provided. Renderings of a Panda Express, Smalls Sliders and Q39 were provided in lieu of architectural exterior building elevations. Renderings are helpful artistic representations that convey what a building will look like, but they only serve as a supplement to scalable architectural drawings.
Corrective Action Required

SITE DATA TABLE. 1) The site data table information on Sheets C.100 and C.101 doesn't correlate to the actual plans. For example, square footages and uses on the plans don't match up to the listed information in the tables. Update and revise all site data table information, including the parking table information, to reflect the most recent plan revisions. 2) Provide impervious coverage percentages and FAR/density data for each individual lot in the site data table.
Corrective Action Required

MODIFICATION REQUEST NARRATIVE -- GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - ENVISION LS OVERLAY. Because the subject property is located within the EnVision LS overlay area, please review the pertinent development standards that apply to the multi-family and commercial sites found starting with UDO Section 5.640. Provide documentation/response indicating how the development standards of the overlay are being met and provide a modification narrative for all aspects said requirements that are not being met.
Corrective Action Required

COMMON AREA NOTE. Revise the common area note on Sheet C.100 to state that the POA (not HOA) shall own and be responsible for maintenance of all common area tracts.
Corrective Action Required

LANDSCAPING/SCREEN BUFFER. At this PDP stage, just add a note to the plans that landscaping will be provided in accordance with the requirements of Article 8. Final details of said requirement and all other landscaping requirements will be reviewed and approved at the FDP stage.
Corrective Action Required

OVERALL SITE PLAN (Sheet C.101). The overall site plan shown on this sheet includes information in a table that doesn't match what is graphically depicted on the sheet. Also gray out or hatch the lots that are not part of the Phase 2 plans if the intent is to move forward with separate PDP applications for Phases 1 and 2.
Corrective Action Required

DRIVE-THROUGH QUEUING. Show that adequate queuing spaces are provided for all drive-through facilities in the form of a minimum 5-car stacking from the order box and 4-car stacking from the pickup window without backing out into the parking lot drive aisles.
Engineering Review Corrections 06/06/2024 06/06/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Cleanup of the plans appears warranted. It appears there are developments labeled as Phase 1 which appear to be Phase 2 (i.e., see Lot 11). Please see Sheet C.101 which appears to show a discrepancy in what is shown for Phase 1 versus Phase 2 (i.e., Lot 11).
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.400: The sanitary sewer within the intersection does not appear to make sense. Please evaluate and revise as appropriate.
Corrective Action Required

Please see comments related to the stream buffer and detention basin on Phase 1 of this project. The detention basin is within a stream buffer which is not allowed without a waiver. Development Engineering does not support a waiver to the stream buffer requirement in this instance. Please revise the plans as appropriate.
Traffic Review Corrections 06/06/2024 06/05/2024
Erin Ralovo
Corrective Action Required

All curb returns to public streets should be 35 FT to meet city desging guidelines. Please adjust or provide an engineering justifycation for the variation.

TIS comments on Phase 1 apply for Phs 2 as well.

Should the break in access on MO 291 not be approved, improvements on Percels at Jefferson and Market will be required.
Fire Review Corrections 06/06/2024 06/04/2024
Jim Eden
Code Statement
Corrective Action Required

All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Fire Code.
Imposed Loads
Corrective Action Required

IFC 503.2.3 - Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. Parking lots for fire department access shall support 75,000-pounds.
Fire Lanes - Marking
Corrective Action Required

IFC 503.3 - Where required by the fire code official, approved signs or other approved notices or markings that include the words NO PARKING—FIRE LANE shall be provided for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads or prohibit the obstruction thereof. The means by which fire lanes are designated shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and be replaced or repaired when necessary to provide adequate visibility.
Corrective Action Required

IFC 507.5.1 - Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 300 feet from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, on-site fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Provide a hydrant plan for public and private hydrants.
Planning Review Corrections 01/29/2024 01/30/2024
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required

SITE DATA TABLE (SHEET C.100). The information listed on the cover sheet is incomplete/missing, such as: FAR calculations for each lot; listed uses for Lots 11, 16 and 17; impervious coverage data for each individual lot; and establishment of applicable setbacks for the subject lots.
Corrective Action Required

USE CLARIFICATION. Please clarify the use and revisit the square footage listed for Lot 11. It appears that the use may be a convenience store/gas station. The listed square footage is 11,370 sq. ft., but the west structure is only approximately 4,600 sq. ft. If this is a gas pump island canopy on the east side of the site, that square footage isn't considered as part of the building area, which also impacts the parking requirement calculation that is based on building square footage.
Corrective Action Required

COMMON AREA NOTE AND INFORMATION. A line item for common area (Tract A) is listed on the cover sheet that calls out a 5.1-acre retention area, but there doesn't appear to be such a facility. Also, remove the common area note stating that the HOA will be responsible for maintenance (if there is no such common area).
Corrective Action Required

PARKING CALCULATIONS. The parking ratio provided for Lot 11 doesn't meet the minimum requirement of 5 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of building area for a retail use. The parking ratios provided for Lots 13, 14 and 16 do not meet the miminum requirement of 14 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of building area for drive-through restaurants. Revise accordingly to meet minimum parking requirements.
Corrective Action Required

LOT 15. The area labeled Lot 15 is presumably not under control of the applicant and is therefore not included as part of this application. It appears that a new drive or drive extension will be constructed toward the east site boundary based on the line weight used. Please clarify the scope of improvements on Lot 15, if any.
Corrective Action Required

DRIVE-THROUGH QUEUES. To comply with City ordinance, drive-throughs require a minimum five (5) car stacking from the order box plus four (4) car stacking from the window. As currently layed out and not showing the location of order boxes on the drive-through restaurant sites, it does not appear that the 5-car stacking from the order box areas will be met without interfering with parking lot circulation. Revise the layouts so the minimum stacking from both the windows and order boxes is met without extending into the parking lot circulation or blocking access to parking spaces.
Corrective Action Required

CURB CUT SEPARATION. Revisit the separation between the two curb cuts that provide cross-access for Lots 11-14. The drives are separated approximately 186' from center to center. Commercial collectors require a minimum 300' of separation between drives. A single curb cut along SW Jefferson St can provide shared access to the four lots.
Corrective Action Required

PARKING LOT SETBACK. The UDO requires a minimum 20' setback for all parking lots and associated drives from the right-of-way. Said minimum setback is not met along SW Jefferson St on Lots 13, 14; along M-291 Hwy on Lots 13, 14, 16 and 17; and along SW Persels Rd on Lot 17.
Corrective Action Required

LOT 17. - Bring over all of the site improvement (e.g. parking spaces, vacuum bays, kiosk) information shown for Lot 17 onto the site plan drawings. The site plans on Sheets C.101 and C.103 show on such information. - Add "Do Not Enter/One Way" signage and striping at the exit for the slip lane providing access from SW Persels Rd so as to help prevent any vehicles from attempting to exit the site via the lane.
Corrective Action Required

TRASH ENCLOSURES. No trash enclosures are shown on any lot. Any site requiring the use of an exterior trash dumpster or other recepticles shall house them in an enclosure constructed in accordance with the requirements of UDO Section 8.180.G.
Corrective Action Required

BUILDING MATERIALS. The exterior material legend for Starbucks calls out wood siding. The exterior material legend for "Other Tenants" calls out wood/fiber cement siding. True wood is not an allowed exterior material for non-residential development in this case. A wood composite material for wood-look fiber cement product is allowed. Please clarify the specific type of "wood" product intended to be used. To re-iterate, true wood is not an allowed material.
Corrective Action Required

BUILDING ELEVATIONS. Is the intent for the elevation for the multi-tenant building to serve as a typical for all commercial buildings for Phase 2? Staff cannot recommend approval for the drive-through, C-store (?) site or car wash without elevations and materials provided for those sites. Submit elevations for review.
Corrective Action Required

ENVISION LS DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. Please be aware that the project site sits within the boundaries of the EnVision LS and as such development of the project area is subject to compliance with the development standards established for the overlay area by UDO Sections 5.640. Any relief from said established standards require modifications to be granted by the City Council as part of the preliminary development plan process.
Fire Review Corrections 01/29/2024 01/30/2024
Jim Eden
Code Statement
Corrective Action Required

All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Fire Code.
Imposed Loads
Corrective Action Required

IFC 503.2.3 - Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. Parking lots for fire department access shall support 75,000-pounds.
Fire Lanes - Marking
Corrective Action Required

IFC 503.3 - Where required by the fire code official, approved signs or other approved notices or markings that include the words NO PARKING—FIRE LANE shall be provided for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads or prohibit the obstruction thereof. The means by which fire lanes are designated shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and be replaced or repaired when necessary to provide adequate visibility.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

There isnt a clear access to Lot 17. How will it be addressed?
Corrective Action Required

IFC 507.5.1 - Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 300 feet from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, on-site fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Provide a hydrant plan.
Engineering Review Corrections 01/29/2024 01/29/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

The storm study dated Jul. 14, 2023 appears to be the same study that was submitted for Phase 1 Oldham Village. Previous comments were provided concerning this storm report which have not been addressed. Please see previous comments on Phase 1 related to this report.
Corrective Action Required

Portions of Phase 2 appear to be within the subarea B which is not being detained. Please explain within the body of the report why detention is not being provided for this subarea.
Corrective Action Required

Several issues with sanitary sewer line connections do not appear thought-out or in some cases appear impossible due to the angles. Further discussion will be held at the applicant's meeting.
Corrective Action Required

The downstream improvements to the sanitary sewer will be a condition of approval of this application. It is our understanding a suitable development agreement is being formulated to address the downstream sanitary sewer issues in the form of upgrades to downstream sanitary sewer lines. Please be aware the costs associated with these upgrades may be significant.
Corrective Action Required

Lot 17 does not appear to be shown connecting to any stormwater collection system. Please show how this will be accomplished.
Corrective Action Required

Please label all public right of way or private streets.
Corrective Action Required

Please move sanitary sewer manholes to either driving lane, centered within the middle of the driving lane.
Corrective Action Required

Please see supplemental pdf markup of the water line plan for comments related to the water mains. Also, please see suppplemental as-built Record Drawing for reference. Please revise the plans to address the comments on the markup.
Corrective Action Required

Where is the emergency spillway in relation to any houses? Please show the location of the emergency spillway in relation to houses to ensure the route of overflow would have no impact on a home(s).
Corrective Action Required

What is the condition of the downstream receiving system that will be managing the discharge from the retention basin? Is it adequately sized? A downstream analysis appears warranted to ensure the downstream system is in adequate condition and adequate sizing to manage up to the 100 year event without surcharging.
Traffic Review Corrections 01/29/2024 01/29/2024
Erin Ralovo
Corrective Action Required

An updated TIS is required.
Corrective Action Required

MoDOT approval will be required for the new Right-In Right-Out onto MO 291 before any permits can be issued.
Corrective Action Required

The queing area for lots 13 and 14 are very short and likely to cause traffic to back up and block access to the lot and opens the possiblitiy of backing up onto Jefferson.
Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
9110077-Commercial Preliminary Development Plan fee $2,900.00 $2,900.00 Paid 01/19/2024
9110076-Legal Notice Publishing Charge $165.00 $165.00 Paid 01/19/2024
9110076-Legal Notice Publishing Charge $165.00 $165.00 Paid 01/19/2024
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
No outstanding fees.

Title Location Date Time
Planning Commission Meeting 09/12/2024 5:00 PM Council Chambers 09/12/2024 05:00 PM
Agenda Item
City Council Public Hearing 01/07/2025 6:00 PM Council Chambers 01/07/2025 06:00 PM
Agenda Item
City Council Ordinance 2nd Reading 01/14/2025 6:00 PM Council Chambers 01/14/2025 06:00 PM
Agenda Item
Documents & Images
Date Uploaded File Type Document Name
01/12/2024 Plans CIVIL PLANS_Rev 0_PL2024015
01/12/2024 Engineer Report/Study Storm Study_Rev 0_PL2024015
01/12/2024 Plans Elevations multi tenant_Rev 0_PL2024015
01/19/2024 Application Form Signed Application Form_PL2024015
01/19/2024 Receipt Payment Receipt_PL2024015
01/22/2024 Public Notice Document Notification List_PL2024015
01/30/2024 Letter Applicant Letter_Rev 0_PL2024015
01/30/2024 Letter Water Utility Plan staff comments_Rev 0_PL2024015
01/30/2024 Letter AsBuilt Record Drawing staff markup_Rev 0_PL2024015
05/22/2024 Engineer Report/Study Storm Study_Rev 1_PL2024015
05/22/2024 Plans CIVIL PLANS_Rev 1_PL2024015
05/22/2024 Drawing Renderings_PANDA EXPRESS_PL2024015
05/22/2024 Drawing Elevations_POPEYES_PL2024015
05/22/2024 Drawing Renderings_Q39_PL2024015
05/22/2024 Drawing Renderings_SMALL SLIDERS_PL2024015
05/22/2024 Drawing Elevations_TIDAL WAVE_PL2024015
05/24/2024 Engineer Report/Study Traffic Study_Rev 1_PL2024015
06/07/2024 Letter Applicant Letter_Rev 1_PL2024015
06/11/2024 Public Notice Document Notification list_Updated_Oldham Village phase 1 and 2_6.11.2024
06/25/2024 Plans CIVIL PLANS_Rev 2_PL2024015
06/25/2024 Drawing Preliminary Plat Phase 2_PL2024015
06/25/2024 Letter PHASE 2 CITY RESPONSE_Rev 1_PL2023188
07/02/2024 Letter Applicant Letter_Rev 2_PL2024015
07/09/2024 Letter PHASE 2 CITY RESPONSE_Rev 1_PL2024015
07/09/2024 Drawing PRELIMINARY PLAT PHASE 2_PL2024015
07/09/2024 Plans CIVIL PLANS_Rev 3_PL2024015
07/09/2024 Plans Elevations_Lots 6-12-17- 18_PL2024015
07/09/2024 Plans Elevations_Lot 11 MULTIFAMILY_PL2024015
07/09/2024 Drawing Elevations_Lot 15 POPEYES_PL2024015
07/09/2024 Drawing Renderings_Lot 16 PANDA EXPRESS_PL2024015
07/09/2024 Plans Monument Sign_PL2024015
07/15/2024 Plans CIVIL PLANS_Rev 3 updated_PL2024015
07/15/2024 Letter Oldham Village Lot breakdown_PL2024015
07/15/2024 Specifications Lot 4 Building Finishes_PL2024015
07/15/2024 Plans Elevations_Lot 4 54th St_PL2024015
07/15/2024 Drawing Rendering_Lot 4_PL2024015
07/17/2024 Public Notice Document Newspaper notice_Pulse_PL2024015
07/17/2024 Public Notice Document Newspaper notice_Tribune_PL2024015
07/18/2024 Letter City letter 291 break-in-access_PL2024015
07/19/2024 Letter Applicant Letter_Rev 3_PL2024015
07/24/2024 Public Notice Document File Affidavit of notice_Phase 2_PL2024015
08/13/2024 Letter PHASE 2 CITY RESPONSE_Rev 3_PL2024015
08/13/2024 Plans CIVIL PLANS_Rev 4_PL2024015
08/13/2024 Plans PRELIMINARY PLAT_Rev 4_PL2024015
08/13/2024 Engineer Report/Study Traffic study_Rev 4_PL2024015
08/13/2024 Plans Elevation Summary Status and Elevations_Rev 4_PL2024015
08/13/2024 Letter Developer Letters_supporting documents_PL2024015
08/23/2024 Letter Applicant Letter_Rev 4_PL2024015
09/05/2024 Drawing Location Map_PL2024015
09/05/2024 Engineer Report/Study Traffic study_Rev 5_PL2024015
09/05/2024 Engineer Report/Study Storm Study_PL2024015
09/06/2024 Letter Staff Report_PL2024015
10/21/2024 Drawing Elevations_Lot 15_PL2024015
10/21/2024 Drawing Elevations_conveience store_PL2024015
12/19/2024 Public Notice Document Newspaper notice_Pulse_PL2024015
01/02/2025 Drawing Elevation Summary Status and Elevations -- UPDATED
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