Planning Application Status



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Commercial Final Development Plan
Commercial Final Development Plan
CHOYCE LLC, Address:PO BOX 847  
ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS, Address:50 SE 30TH ST, Phone:(816) 623-9888  
ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS, Address:50 SE 30TH ST, Phone:(816) 623-9888  
Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Planning Review Approved with Conditions 11/19/2018 11/20/2018
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required

SIDEWALKS. A 5' sidewalk is required along SE Hamblen Rd per the approved plat. The developer intends to provide escrow funds in lieu of sidewalk construction. The requested escrow option requires City Council approval. Please contact your Project Manager to initiate and coordinate this process.
Engineering Review Approved with Conditions 11/19/2018 11/20/2018
Sue Pyles, P.E.
DE C&O #06 Land Disturbance
Corrective Action Required

A Land Disturbance Permit shall be obtained from the City if ground breaking will take place prior to the issuance of an infrastructure permit, building permit, or prior to the approval of the Final Development Plan / Engineering Plans.
DE C&O #11 Pavement Thickness
Corrective Action Required

Private parking lots shall follow Article 8 of the Unified Development Ordinance for pavement thickness and base requirements.
DE Contact Field Eng. Inspector
Corrective Action Required

Contact the Field Engineering Inspector at (816) 969-1200 at least 48 hours prior to the onset of construction.
DE Engineers Estimate
Corrective Action Required

The Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Costs has been accepted for this project, and the Engineering Plan Review and Inspection Fee (which is calculated as 3% of the total infrastructure cost plus a water test inspection fee(s)), and the water tap and meter setup fee have been included. These must be paid prior to the issuance of an infrastructure permit and/or the final processing of a building permit. $13,053.04
DE Future Repair Work
Corrective Action Required

Please be aware that any future repair work to public infrastructure (e.g., water main repair, sanitary sewer repair, storm sewer repair, etc.) within public easements will not necessarily include the repair of pavement, curbing, landscaping, or other private improvements which are located within the easement.
Building Codes Review No Comments 11/19/2018 11/16/2018
Joe Frogge
Fire Review No Comments 11/19/2018 11/12/2018
Jim Eden
Corrective Action Required

Traffic Review No Comments 11/19/2018 11/12/2018
Michael Park
Engineering Review Corrections 11/09/2018 11/08/2018
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

The easements are readable on Sheet C.001, but are too light to be of use on all other sheets. Please revise as needed to make all easement lines and labels readable.
Corrective Action Required

Riprap for the flume is shown, but no riprap requirements are provided. Please add them to the plan set. Please also show that the riprap is adequate to prevent erosion both during and after construction.
Corrective Action Required

Please show and label the detention basin on Sheet C.001.
Corrective Action Required

Please relocate wall elevations for clarity on Sheet C.200.
Corrective Action Required

Include the storm sewer calculations and drainage maps in the plan set.
Corrective Action Required

Your waiver request is received and will be forwarded to the City Engineer for his review.
Planning Review Corrections 11/09/2018 11/08/2018
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required

SIDEWALKS. A 5' sidewalk is required along SE Hamblen Rd per the approved plat. The developer intends to provide escrow funds in lieu of sidewalk construction. The requested escrow option requires City Council approval. Please contact your Project Manager to initiate and coordinate this process. This comment is for documentation purposes.
Corrective Action Required

BUILDING ELEVATIONS. - A minimum 50% of the building facade facing Hamblen Rd shall use rough-textured metal panels or approved materials listed under Section 7.170.A of the UDO. - The site plan shows a loading dock/platform on the north side of the building. How is this loading area accessed from the buiding. The buidling elevations do not show any overhead or man doors on the north building elevations. The latest resubmittal did not address this previous comment.
Traffic Review No Comments 11/09/2018 11/07/2018
Michael Park
Fire Review No Comments 11/09/2018 11/05/2018
Jim Eden
Code Statement

All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2012 International Fire Code.
Building Codes Review No Comments 11/09/2018 11/05/2018
Joe Frogge
Fire Review Approved with Conditions 07/20/2018 10/15/2018
Jim Eden

IFC 304.3.3 - Dumpsters and containers with an individual capacity of 1.5 cubic yards [40.5 cubic feet (1.15 m3)] or more shall not be stored in buildings or placed within 5 feet (1524 mm) of combustible walls, openings or combustible roof eave lines. Where will the dumpster be located?
Knox Locks

IFC 506.1 - Where access to or within a structure or an area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire-fighting purposes, the fire code official is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an approved location. The key box shall be of an approved type listed in accordance with UL 1037, and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire code official. 506.1.1 Locks. An approved lock shall be installed on gates or similar barriers when required by the fire code official.
Code Statement

All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2012 International Fire Code.
Planning Review Corrections 10/12/2018 10/12/2018
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required

SIDEWALKS. A 5' sidewalk shall be provided along SE Hamblen Rd. The applicant's response letter indicates that the developer will provide escrow funds in lieu of sidewalk construction. FYI, this requested escrow option requires City Council approval. Please contact your Project Manager to initiate and coordinate this process.
Corrective Action Required

WALL LIGHTING. The building elevations only appear to show two fixtures for the entire building, located on the front of the building. Show all other proposed wall-mounted light fixtures, if any, on the building elevations to the extent possible. Wall-mounted fixtures shall comply with Section 7.260 of the UDO. Provide manufacturer specifications of the light fixtures for review. The latest resubmittal did not address this previous comment.
Corrective Action Required

PARKING LOT LIGHTING. Parking lot lighting shall be provided for the development in accordance with Section 7.250 of the UDO. Provide manufacturer specifications of the light fixtures, as well as a light pole and base detail, for review. The latest resubmittal did not address this previous comment.
Corrective Action Required

PHOTOMETRIC PLAN. Provide a photometric plan in accordance with Section 7.230 of the UDO. The latest resubmittal did not address this previous comment.
Corrective Action Required

MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. Show the location of all proposed ground- or roof-mounted mechanical equipment on the site plan or building elevations, as is applicable. Mechanical equipment shall be totally screened from view up to the height of the units in accordance with Section 7.180.E and F. The latest resubmittal did not address this previous comment.
Corrective Action Required

SIGNS. Show the location of any proposed monument sign on the plans to review for any conflicts with public water, sanitary sewer and storm water lines. The latest resubmittal did not address this previous comment.
Corrective Action Required

BUILDING ELEVATIONS. - A minimum 50% of the building facade facing Hamblen Rd shall use rough-textured metal panels or approved materials listed under Section 7.170.A of the UDO. - To meet the four-sided architecture requirement, additional architectural details shall be incorportated into to the north (right) and west (rear) building elevations. Horizontal and vertical elements shall be used to break up the large wall planes. - The site plan shows a loading dock/platform on the north side of the building. How is this loading area accessed from the buiding. The buidling elevations do not show any overhead or man doors on the north building elevations. The latest resubmittal did not address this previous comment.
Corrective Action Required

PARKING. Based on the building's gross square footage and breakdown of the allocation of that space between office and warehouse, a total of 16 parking spaces are required. The plan shows a total of 14 parking spaces provided (12 standard + 2 ADA spaces.) Two additional spaces are required to be provided.
Corrective Action Required

FENCING. The following comments were made on the initial submittal: - The plans call out the use of a 6' tall metal fence that secures the loading area. Provide a detail of the metal fence. If barbed wire is intended to be used at the top of the fence, no more than 3 strands of barbed wire are allowed. The barbed wire shall be placed no lower than 6' above grade. - Sheet C.100 include a detail of a 6' vinyl fence. Where is this fence proposed to be located and for what purpose? Is any outdoor storage proposed with this building? If so, any outdoor storage area shall be totally screened from view on all sides using 6' vinyl fencing. The response letter from Engineering Solutions dated October 4, 2018, states that no fencing will be used. However, all of the plan sheets of the October 5, 2018, resubmittal continue to show a fence around the loading area. The only difference is that the vinyl detail on Sheet C.100 has been removed. Staff's previous comments still apply.
Engineering Review Corrections 10/12/2018 10/12/2018
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

As previously requested, show and label all easements throughout the plan set.
Corrective Action Required

The plans show existing buildings and parking lot on the adjacent lots. Nothing has been built there, please remove or scale back and label as future.
Corrective Action Required

Label the flume throughout the plan set. Include temporary and adequate permanent erosion protection between the flume and the basin.
Corrective Action Required

Show and label the detention basin throughout the plan set.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.001: • Label the street name in the Plan view. • Label Broadway and Kingspoint in the Vicinity Map. • Remove the Storm Sewer Note, it does not apply.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.200: Include top and bottom wall elevations on this sheet.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.300: Roof drains information between building and storm sewer appears to be missing.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.301: • Label the bend in Storm Line 1 in both Plan and Profile views. • Revise the Storm Line 1 Profile to include the Outlet Structure. • Include design HGLs in the Profile views. • Label storm lines and structures in Plan view. • Include note and detail specifying requirements for connection to the existing storm structure.
Corrective Action Required

Estimate: Include items for FES and connection to existing storm structure.
Corrective Action Required

Detention requirements cover the entire lot. Even though some perimeter area isn't being built on, the soil cover will change. If some of the areas are allowed to free release, the detention will still have to detain for the entire lot. In this case, sub-area 4 will need to be over-detained to meet requirements.
Traffic Review No Comments 10/12/2018 10/11/2018
Michael Park
Building Codes Review No Comments 10/12/2018 10/09/2018
Joe Frogge
Planning Review Corrections 07/20/2018 07/20/2018
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required

SCALE. - The scale on Sheet C.001 is 1"=40', not the listed 20'. Revise. - The scale on Sheet C.101 is 1"=20', not the listed 10'. Revise. - Check the all listed scales on the plans sheets.
Corrective Action Required

STREETS. Label the Hamblen Rd ROW width on Sheet C.100.
Corrective Action Required

SIDEWALKS. A 5' sidewalk shall be provided along SE Hamblen Rd.
Corrective Action Required

PARKING SPACE DIMENSIONS. The 3 northernmost parking spaces do not meet the minimum 17' depth (measured to the face of the curb) for spaces that have an adjacent 6' sidewalk at the head of the spaces that allow for overhang.
Corrective Action Required

WALL LIGHTING. The building elevations only appear to show two fixtures for the entire building, located on the front of the building. Show all other proposed wall-mounted light fixtures, if any, on the building elevations to the extent possible. Wall-mounted fixtures shall comply with Section 7.260 of the UDO. Provide manufacturer specifications of the light fixtures for review.
Corrective Action Required

PARKING LOT LIGHTING. Parking lot lighting shall be provided for the development in accordance with Section 7.250 of the UDO. Provide manufacturer specifications of the light fixtures, as well as a light pole and base detail, for review.
Corrective Action Required

PHOTOMETRIC PLAN. Provide a photometric plan in accordance with Section 7.230 of the UDO.
Corrective Action Required

MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. Show the location of all proposed ground- or roof-mounted mechanical equipment on the site plan or building elevations, as is applicable. Mechanical equipment shall be totally screened from view up to the height of the units in accordance with Section 7.180.E and F.
Corrective Action Required

SIGNS. Show the location of any proposed monument sign on the plans to review for any conflicts with public water, sanitary sewer and storm water lines.
Corrective Action Required

BUILDING ELEVATIONS. - A minimum 50% of the building facade facing Hamblen Rd shall use rough-textured metal panels or approved materials listed under Section 7.170.A of the UDO. - To meet the four-sided architecture requirement, additional architectural details shall be incorportated into to the north (right) and west (rear) building elevations. Horizontal and vertical elements shall be used to break up the large wall planes. - The site plan shows a loading dock/platform on the north side of the building. How is this loading area accessed from the buiding. The buidling elevations do not show any overhead or man doors on the north building elevations.
Corrective Action Required

LANDSCAPE PLAN. - The street frontage tree and shrub requirement also applies to the SE Hamblen Rd frontage. Revise the landscape calculations and plan accordingly. - Do not exclude the parking and other paved area from the open yard tree and shrub calculations. Only the building footprint area can be deducted from the total lot area for this calculation. Revise. - All disturbed open area not otherwise covered with landscape material shall be sodded. Seeding is not allowed.
Corrective Action Required

SITE DATA TABLE. - List the total building floor area, inclusive of the mezzanine. - To determine the minimum parking requirement, break out the gross floor area by office space and warehouse/storage space. - List the number of required and provided parking spaces. The office space shall be calculated at 4 spaces/1000 sq. ft.; the warehouse/storage space shall be calculated at 1 space/1000 sq. ft.
Corrective Action Required

TRASH ENCLOSURE. Will there be an outdoor trash recepticle? Dumpsters shall be housed within a trash enclosure with masonry walls and solid steel gates painted to be compatible with the building it serves.
Corrective Action Required

FENCE DETAIL. - The plans call out the use of a 6' tall metal fence that secures the loading area. Provide a detail of the metal fence. If barbed wire is intended to be used at the top of the fence, no more than 3 strands of barbed wire are allowed. The barbed wire shall be placed no lower than 6' above grade. - Sheet C.100 include a detail of a 6' vinyl fence. Where is this fence proposed to be located and for what purpose? Is any outdoor storage proposed with this building? If so, any outdoor storage area shall be totally screened from view on all sides using 6' vinyl fencing.
Building Codes Review Corrections 07/20/2018 07/20/2018
Joe Frogge

2012 IPC 708.3.2 Building sewers. Building sewers shall be provided with cleanouts located not more than 100 feet apart measured from the upstream entrance of the cleanout. For building sewers 8 inches and larger, manholes shall be provided and located not more than 200 feet from the junction of the building drain and building sewer, at each change in direction and at intervals of not more than 400 feet apart. Manholes and manhole covers shall be of an approved type. Action required: Revise plans to show cleanouts no further than 100' apart. Cleanout is also required near point of entry. Coordinate with building design.

2012 IPC 605.4 Water service pipe. Water service pipe shall conform to NSF 61 and shall conform to one of the standards listed in Table 605.3. (see code for additional requirements. Action required: Specify water service piping sizes and materials for all sections of piping including between tee and water meter and between water meter and building entry.
Traffic Review No Comments 07/20/2018 07/19/2018
Michael Park
Corrective Action Required

Sidewalk is needed in compliance with standards.
Engineering Review Corrections 07/20/2018 07/18/2018
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

A more in-depth review will be completed when additional storm sewer information is provided.
Corrective Action Required

Clearly show and label all easements throughout the plan set.
Corrective Action Required

Sidewalks are required along SE Hamblen Road and SE Broadway Drive. Please show and label throughout the plan set. Include a detailed design of the ADA sidewalk ramps at the commercial entrance to SE Broadway Drive.
Corrective Action Required

Include storm sewer profiles in the plan set. Show all crossings provide adequate separation as required.
Corrective Action Required

Include detention basin information, such as overflow spillway, in the plan set.
Corrective Action Required

Revise the fire and domestic water line layout to meet the requirements of Section 6901 in the Design and Construction Manual, particularly location of domestic tap, backflow vault location, and water meter location.
Corrective Action Required

Label the 100-yeam Water Service Elevation throughout the plan set.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.001: Revise General Note 4 to refer to Development Engineering at 816-969-1200 and remove the Storm Sewer note, it does not apply.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.001: Revise the vicinity map, the streets are not visible. The FIRMette is not required, just a note regarding location of project to floodplain referencing the map number and effective date.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.050: Provide inlet protection for existing inlets with Phase 1 erosion and sediment control.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.100: The commercial entrance and curb standard details included do not meet City requirements. Replace with the City’s standard details.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.201: Provide top and bottom wall elevations for all walls. Clarify what is a retaining wall and what is an extension of foundation (stem wall).
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.400: The orifice plate detail, plan view, and Storm Water Drainage Study all show different orifice size. Revise as needed.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.400: The orifice plate detail and plan view show different pipe sizes. Please revise.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.400: The water line under the street will need bored. Please add the appropriate notes.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.400: Verify that the proposed connection to the existing storm sewer structure meets angle requirements.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C.401: Remove structure details, they are not applicable. Include City standard details for all proposed work.
Corrective Action Required

Storm Water Drainage Study: The body of the report contradicts itself regarding the detention meeting APWA 5600 requirements. In general, the report is insufficient. Expand the body of the report to clearly define both existing and proposed conditions, along with how detention and water quality requirements will be met. The watershed model schematic is blank, sheet C.301 is referenced but is not in the report or plan set, and the word “calculations” is misspelled on the Hydroflow cover sheet.
Corrective Action Required

Submit the SWPPP and Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Costs.
Fire Review Approved with Conditions 07/20/2018 07/16/2018
Jim Eden
Code Statement
Carried Forward

All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2012 International Fire Code. For information only.
Corrective Action Required

IFC 304.3.3 - Dumpsters and containers with an individual capacity of 1.5 cubic yards [40.5 cubic feet (1.15 m3)] or more shall not be stored in buildings or placed within 5 feet (1524 mm) of combustible walls, openings or combustible roof eave lines. Where will the dumpster be located?
Knox Locks
Corrective Action Required

IFC 506.1 - Where access to or within a structure or an area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire-fighting purposes, the fire code official is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an approved location. The key box shall be of an approved type listed in accordance with UL 1037, and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire code official. 506.1.1 Locks. An approved lock shall be installed on gates or similar barriers when required by the fire code official.
Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
9110077-Final Development Plan fee $600.00 $600.00 Paid 07/09/2018
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid

Title Location Date Time
Documents & Images
Date Uploaded File Type Document Name
07/06/2018 Receipt Receipt for transaction: 2018-004699
07/09/2018 Receipt Receipt for transaction: 2018-004709
07/09/2018 Letter Routing Sheet - FDP
07/20/2018 Letter Applicant Letter - FDP (DFDP)
10/05/2018 Letter Resubmittal Routing Sheet - FDP
10/12/2018 Letter Applicant Letter - FDP (DFDP)
11/02/2018 Letter Resubmittal Routing Sheet - FDP
11/09/2018 Letter Applicant Letter - FDP (DFDP)
11/09/2018 Activity Document PL2018109 Lot 293 Newberry Landings 1st Plat
11/09/2018 Letter Applicant Letter - FDP (DFDP)
11/12/2018 Plans C.200 GRADING PLAN
11/12/2018 Plans C.201 SPOT ELEVATIONS
11/12/2018 Plans C.300 ROOF DRAIN PLAN
11/12/2018 Plans C.301 STORM SEWER PLAN
11/12/2018 Plans C.401 STANDARD DETAIL SHEET
11/12/2018 Plans C.600 STANDARD DETAIL SHEET
11/12/2018 Plans L.100 LANDSCAPE PLAN
11/12/2018 Plans C.001 COVER SHEET
11/12/2018 Plans C.050 ESC PHASE 1 PLAN
11/12/2018 Plans C.051 ESC PHASE 2 PLAN
11/12/2018 Plans C.052 ESC PHASE 3 PLAN
11/12/2018 Plans C.100 SITE PLAN
11/12/2018 Plans C.101 DIMENSION PLAN
11/12/2018 Letter Resubmittal Routing Sheet - FDP
11/20/2018 Letter Applicant Letter - FDP (DFDP)
11/27/2018 Activity Document Fees PL2018109 Lot 293 Newberry Landings 1st Plat FDP
04/17/2019 Plans Binder1
07/08/2020 Approved Plans Approved 1450 SE Broadway Dr
08/18/2020 Photograph Revised Elevation
08/18/2020 Plans COM-5078 (REV 8-17-20 REMOVE STONE)
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