Planning Application Status



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Engineering Plan Review
Engineering Plan Review
SCHLAGEL & ASSOCIATES, Address:14920 W 107TH ST, Phone:(913) 492-5158  
Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Record Drawings Review No Comments 02/02/2023 01/30/2023
Mike Weisenborn
Record Drawings Review Corrections 01/26/2023 01/25/2023
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Record Drawings Review Corrections 12/29/2022 12/29/2022
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Redesign Review No Comments 05/25/2022 05/24/2022
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Planning Review No Comments 10/21/2021 10/20/2021
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Engineering Review No Comments 10/21/2021 10/15/2021
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Planning Review Corrections 10/05/2021 10/05/2021
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required

FENCE DETAIL. - Add a detail to the plans of the required wrought iron fence that will tie into the existing wrought iron fence along SW Ward Rd. The detail shall include the stone column referred to below. - To match the existing fence feature at the subdivision entrances on SW Ward Rd and SW Scherer Rd, a single stone column shall be constructed on both sides of the intersection of the new SW Ward Rd/SW 14th St intersection to which the wrought iron fence will tie into.
Building Codes Review No Comments 10/05/2021 10/04/2021
Joe Frogge
Engineering Review No Comments 10/05/2021 09/30/2021
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Engineering Review Corrections 07/08/2021 07/08/2021
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

The plans don't require any revisions. Comments on the estimate will be sent under separate cover by Monday, 7/12/21.
Traffic Review No Comments 07/08/2021 07/06/2021
Brad Cooley, P.E., RSPI
Traffic Review Corrections 06/24/2021 06/24/2021
Brad Cooley, P.E., RSPI
Corrective Action Required

TTC Plan shall be included and comply with City Standard Details and Specifications. The plan or notes should also address issues/commitments noted during the PDP Public Hearing(s) for phasing and routing construction related traffic.

The Ward and Persels CIP will be constructed in 2024. The project will improve access management along Ward, south of the intersection. This project will require TCEs and possibly additional right-of-way from the subject property.
Engineering Review Corrections 06/24/2021 06/21/2021
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

What do the hatched areas at each retaining wall represent? Clarify or remove throughout the plan set.
Corrective Action Required

The use of text “masking” throughout the plan set, especially on Sheet 9, covers too much information. Please revise accordingly by removing the “masking” function.
Corrective Action Required

Please include a pavement typical section.
Corrective Action Required

The Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Costs includes all of the items that the City reviews and/or inspects. In this case, it includes both the public and private storm sewer. It also includes all of the sidewalk, regardless of who is to build it. My comments on the estimate are: • Revise to include all storm sewer and sidewalk shown in the plans. • Include all items in the plans on the estimate. • Revise the erosion control lump sum item to be a breakdown of all of the individual erosion control components. • Revise the Summary of Quantities table on the cover sheet to match the estimate.
Traffic Review Corrections 06/02/2021 06/02/2021
Brad Cooley, P.E., RSPI
Corrective Action Required

TTC Plan shall be included and comply with City Standard Details and Specifications. The plan or notes should also address issues/commitments noted during the PDP Public Hearing(s) for phasing and routing construction related traffic.
Engineering Review Corrections 06/02/2021 06/02/2021
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Throughout the plan set there is a lot of information covered by text boxes masking what they are over. Please consider removing that feature or adjusting them so that they don’t hide relevant information.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 3: Revise “Sediment Trap” to “Sediment Basin” in the “Total Drainage Area to…” heading.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 9: • Please remove all building footprints. • Please ensure all lot/tract corners have existing and proposed elevations. This includes each corner in lots/tracts that have several, top of curb at intersections, etc. • Please include top elevations for all structures.
Corrective Action Required

Sheets 22-24: These sheets are blank.
Corrective Action Required

Stormwater Report: The 100-year WSE shown in the report calculations for each basin match the plan set. The table included in Section 2.2 of the report, however, does not match the calculations and plans. Please revise as needed.
Corrective Action Required

Estimate review comments, if any, will be sent under separate cover in the next few days.
Engineering Review Corrections 05/13/2020 05/13/2020
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Sheets 2-4: • Revise Sediment Trap to Sediment Basin, they have distinctly different design requirements. • The sediment traps are required prior to grading operations, and are shown in Stage A in the ESC Staging Chart. They are not included in the plan view until the Stage B plan. Please revise.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 7: • There are left over U/E labels on Lot 44 (15’ U/E) and Tract C2 (50’ U/E & 10’ U/E). • Consistently label all private storm sewer. • Add “SW” to the Heartwood Drive label on this sheet and throughout the plan set. • Relocate the Plat Boundary” label at Lot 56, it covers the sidewalk. • Sidewalk ramps and all sidewalk located adjacent to tracts are to be installed by the developer at the time of street construction. Clearly denote this on the plans.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 8: • The existing contour lines appear to be the top layer, making it difficult to read the other lines. Please revise for clarity on this sheet and anywhere else it occurs in the plan set. • Is Swale A contained completely within Tract A? • The proposed grading doesn’t appear to swale where Swale D is shown. Please clarify if needed. • Clearly indicate a start and stop location for each swale typical section. • Include a note regarding the limits of the swale IF that will help to clarify the required location of the typical section. o Example Note: Swale sections extend the entire length between upstream and downstream structures with the exception of a transition at each structure.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 9: Clearly show and label the 100-year WSE at each detention basin. Other elevation information for the basin may also be presented, but clearly show the location and elevation of the 100-year WSE.
Corrective Action Required

Sheets 14 & 15: • Complete design information must be provided for all ADA-accessible sidewalk ramps. Ramps must include detectable warnings. • As required by the City’s Traffic Engineer, please remove the midblock ramps and add ramps to the south half of the 14th St. & Winthrop Ter. Intersection. Specific designs of those ramps will also be required.
Corrective Action Required

Sheets 17-19: The 100-year WSE shown on outlet structure details, storage summaries, and in the stormwater report must all match, but they don’t appear to. Please review and revise as needed.
Corrective Action Required

Sheets 20-21: The compacted fill hatching is too light. Please revise for clarity.
Corrective Action Required

The orifice diameter for EDDB #1 in the Final Stormwater Management Report (3”) does not match the plan set (4”). Please revise the report as needed, 4” is the minimum diameter allowed.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 9: • Include existing and finish grades at all lot corners. • Include Top Elevations at all structures. • Include 100-year WSE at all area inlets. • Include 100-year WSE at all lot corners adjacent to an overflow swale, area inlet, or area with an established 100-year WSE. • MBOEs must be a minimum of 2 feet above any 100-year WSE associated with the lot. • Please review the MBOEs set for these lots to make sure they fit the proposed grading. For example, Lot 51 MBOE is higher than the proposed grading. This might be just fine, so please verify. • For clarity, consider breaking this sheet into 2 sheets. One sheet could have contours and swale information, and one sheet could have spot elevations and MBOEs. • Additional review will be done after all of the required spot elevations have been added.
Traffic Review Corrections 05/13/2020 05/11/2020
Michael Park
Corrective Action Required

Remove the two mid-block pedestrian crossings (ramps) located north and south of 14th Street across Winthrop Ter. Pedestrian sidewalk ramps must be provided at the intersection of 14th St. and Winthrop Ter. to connect all sidewalks at this location.
Corrective Action Required

Add pedestrian sidewalk ramps at the intersection of Heartwood and Winthrop Dr. to connect the sidewalks.
Corrective Action Required

The TTC Plan shall also comply with City Standard Details and Specifications. The plan or notes should also address issues/commitments noted during the PDP Public Hearing(s) for phasing and routing construction related traffic.
Engineering Review Corrections 03/16/2020 03/16/2020
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Public infrastructure plans must match the associated plats for location of improvements. When resubmitting, please provide separate plan sets for Woodland Glen 2nd Plat and Woodland Glen 3rd Plat, unless the two plats are combined into a single plat.
Corrective Action Required

General: • Submit an Engineer's Estimate of Probable Construction Costs. • Submit the SWPPP and a copy of the MDNR Land Disturbance Permit.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 1: • Add the plat number to the project title on this sheet and the title block on all sheets. • Revise the phone number to 816-969-1200 in General Note 14. • Remove General Notes 14 & 15, they are not applicable. • Include a Vicinity Map with nearby streets labeled. • Revise “Public Works” to “Development Services” in Street Note 2.
Corrective Action Required

Sheets 2-4: • Show and label the existing detention basin. • Label the sediment traps. Include design calculations, show and label emergency spillway location and dimension, and ensure all standard detail requirements are met. • Clearly indicate that the sedmiment traps, where the proposed detention basins are proposed, are to be constructed prior to any site grading. • Include ESC for Lots 56-58 & Tract A3. • The “Tract A3” label overlaps the easement label on Sheet 3.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 7: • Revise SW 14th Street to terminate at SW Winthrop Terrace. • Retaining walls are not allowed in utility easements or over public storm sewer. Revise as needed to meet this requirement with the proposed retaining walls. • Label “Winthrop Terrace” to “SW Winthrop Terrace” on this sheet and throughout the plan set. • Label SW Heartwood Drive on this sheet and throughout the plan set. • Revise the temporary turnaround to meet the Design and Construction Manual requirements. • Show and label a 5’ sidewalk along the south side of SW 14th Street on this sheet and throughout the plan set. • Show and label a 5’ sidewalk on the east side of SW Heartwood Drive on this sheet and throughout the plan set.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 8: The storm sewer labeled as private should be public. Revise accordingly.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 9: • All lots must have a designated MBOE. This information may be included in a table for clarity. • Show and label the 100-year WSE for each detention basin. Verify it is a minimum of 20’ from all property lines.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 10: • Revise the leader line weights for Inlets 104, 1001, and 1101 drainage areas. • Label Structure 201. • Show and label the drainage area that encompasses the area draining to the existing detention basin.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 12: Add underdrains at the low points of SW Winthrop Terrace.
Corrective Action Required

Sheets 14 & 15: • All ADA-accessible ramps and ADA-accessible ways must have a specific detail associated with them. The specific details of these features must include, at a minimum, the design details specified in Section 5304.8 of the Design and Construction Manual. Elevation call-outs, although required, are not sufficient. Other design details specified in this section are required, including slope call-outs which comply with the criteria listed in Table LS-5, and section views specified in 5304.8. • Include ADA-accessible route details, using the City of Lee’s Summit design standards, across intersections under stop control. In addition, the profile view of the roadway sections must be updated to clearly show the locations of these stop controlled intersections.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 16: • Label SW Ward Road on this sheet and throughout the plan set. • Show and label the existing storm sewer on the south side of SW Ward Road. • Label the detention basins. • Revise the description for Structure 2 from “4x4 Junction Box” to “Outlet Structure” to match the other outlet structure descriptions in the Storm Sewer Construction Notes. • The minimum crossing angles for sanitary sewer and water mains is 45 degrees. The storm sewer crossing a water main upstream of Structure 802 and a sanitary sewer downstream of Structure 301 don’t appear to meet this requirement. Revise as needed. • Remove the partial profile from this sheet.
Corrective Action Required

Sheets 17-19: • Please depict the orifice plate accurately for each structure. Label the dimension between the top of the plate and the flowline of the next higher orifice to verify elevations make sense. • Label the dimension between the top of the 10” and the flowline of the 24” orifice for EDDB 2 Outlet Structure. It appears too close for proper construction. • Clarify construction of the outlet structures. Is the intent to have to main structure follow junction box detail, or something different? Please clearly indicate requirements.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 20: • Relocate overlapping text on the Line 100 & 300 Profiles. • Revise the Structure 201 description as discussed above. • Label the structure numbers with description as well as Flowlines Out at Structures 200, 600, and 700. • Include the following note on any profile sheet applicable: “Compacted Fill shall be placed to a minimum 18” above the top of the pipe prior to installation.” • Show and label the limits of the compacted fill placement in the Profile view. Use hatching for clarity.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 21: • Label the water crossing upstream of Structure 802 in the Line 800 Profile. • Revise the Line 900 Flowline In at the existing curb inlet to provide a minimum 0.2’ drop through the structure. • Include the following note on any profile sheet applicable: “Compacted Fill shall be placed to a minimum 18” above the top of the pipe prior to installation.” • Show and label the limits of the compacted fill placement in the Profile view. Use hatching for clarity.
Corrective Action Required

Final Stormwater Management Report: • Revise the study to depict the proposed layout. • Label the existing and proposed detention basins. • Include and/or clarify the following additional information in the body of the report: o Drainage areas to each proposed detention basin. o Water Surface elevations for 2/10/100 year events as well as the Water Quality event for each proposed detention basin. o Emergency overflow: location, calculations showing the spillway can pass the 100-year flow in a fully clogged condition.
Traffic Review Corrections 03/16/2020 03/03/2020
Michael Park
Corrective Action Required

Plans are missing roadway typical sections, sidewalk and ADA ramp information, pavement design, street signs (e.g. stop signs/street name signs), and a temporary traffic control plan. The TTC Plan should also address issues/commitments noted during the PDP Public Hearing(s) for phasing and routing construction related traffic.
Corrective Action Required

A temp. cul-de-sac is required that complies with the Design and Construction Manual. The "turn around" proposed is not acceptable.
Title Location Date Time
Documents & Images
Date Uploaded File Type Document Name
02/21/2020 Letter Routing Sheet
03/16/2020 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
03/18/2020 Activity Document Woodland Glen Final Stormwater Report
05/05/2020 18-017 SS (REV1)
05/05/2020 0-20200501_18-017_FSWR
05/06/2020 Letter RESPONSE TO DE-Comment Letter - Woodland Glen 2nd Plat (Street, Storm, Master Drainage and Erosion Control) dated 05-06-2020
05/06/2020 Activity Document MDNR PERMIT
05/06/2020 Engineer Report/Study SWP2
05/11/2020 18-017 SS (REV0)
05/14/2020 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
05/18/2021 Plans 20210510_18-017 SANITARY SET (Rev 4)
05/18/2021 Engineer Report/Study 0-20210510_18-017_FSWR
05/18/2021 Plans 20210517_18-017 SS SET (Rev_3)
05/18/2021 Letter 20210518_18-017-RESPONSE TO 20200514_DE-Comment Letter SS (Engineering Plans)
05/27/2021 Plans Woodland Glen - Barbour - Storm Structures Submittal RPM
05/27/2021 Plans Woodland Glen - Tandem - Asphalt Pavement Submittal RPM
05/27/2021 Plans Woodland Glen - DTEL - Retaining Wall and Fence Submittal RPM
05/27/2021 Plans Woodland Glen - Fortiline - Pipe Material Submittal RPM
06/01/2021 Plans 20210601_18-017 SS ESC SET (Rev_3)
06/02/2021 Email Woodland Glen 2nd Plat Sidewalk Layout Requirements
06/02/2021 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
06/17/2021 Letter RESONSE TO 20210602_DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)2 RPM
06/17/2021 Plans 20210615_18-017 SS SET (Rev_5)
06/24/2021 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
06/29/2021 Engineers Estimate 20210628_18-017_Street and Storm Public Engineers Probable Cost Estimate to City_RPM
06/29/2021 Letter Response to Comments PL2020042 - Woodland Glen 2nd Plat (Street-Storm-Master Drainage and EC) dated 6-24-2021 RPM
06/29/2021 Plans 20210628_18-017 SS SET (Rev_6)
07/08/2021 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
07/28/2021 Engineers Estimate 20210719_18-017_Street and Storm Public Engineers Probable Cost Estimate to City
07/28/2021 Activity Document Fees PL2020042 Woodland Glan 2nd Plat Street Storm
08/02/2021 Approved Plans Woodland Glen, 2nd Plat - Street, Stormwater, MDP & ESC Approved 8.2.21
08/03/2021 Letter DE-Engineering Plans Approval Letter
09/28/2021 Plans 9-28-21Woodland Glen 2nd Plat RW1-5 RPM
09/28/2021 Plans 20210928_18-017 SS SET-Rev_7
10/06/2021 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
10/14/2021 Letter RESONSE TO 20211006_DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)5-signed
10/14/2021 Plans 20211006_18-017 SS SET-Rev_8
10/20/2021 Approved Plans Woodland Glen 2nd Plat Street, Storm, MDP and ESC Revisions Approved 10.20.21
05/18/2022 Plans 20220516_18-017 SS SET-Rev_10
05/24/2022 Plans Woodland Glen 2nd Plat Street, Storm, MDP, and ESC Revisions Approved 05.24.22
06/10/2022 d3-1 Street
06/10/2022 OM4-1 Marker
06/10/2022 r1-1 Stop
06/10/2022 Telespar_Sign_Support_Submittal
06/23/2022 Tenax LBO 302 Type 2 Data Sheet(approved)
08/11/2022 Email RE_ Woodland Glen northern retaining wall - STOP CONSTRUCTION!
08/11/2022 Email RE_ Woodland Glen northern retaining wall - Reply from Brad
09/22/2022 Plans PL2020042 Woodland Glen 2nd Revised Sh 9 Wall Layout
12/01/2022 Plans 20221114_18-017 SS SET-Rev_11-AB
12/29/2022 Email Woodland Glen 2nd Plat Street_ Storm_ MDP
01/11/2023 Plans 20230110_18-017 SS SET-Rev_12-MDP Set
01/11/2023 Plans 20230110_18-017 SS SET-Rev_12-AB
01/25/2023 Email RE_ WG 2nd MDP and Street_Storm AB Review Comments
01/26/2023 Plans 20230110_18-017 SS SET-Rev_12-AB
01/26/2023 Plans 20230110_18-017 SS SET-Rev_12-MDP Set
01/30/2023 Accepted MDP Woodland Glen 2nd Plat Accepted MDP
01/30/2023 Accepted Record Drawings Woodland Glen 2nd Street Storm MDP AsBuilts Accepted RD
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