Planning Application Status



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East Trails Middle School - Bailey Rd
Commercial Preliminary Development Plan
Commercial Preliminary Development Plan
New middle school
DLR GROUP, Address:7290 W 133RD ST, Phone:(913) 897-7811  
OLSSON ASSOCIATES, Address:1301 BURLINGTON, SUITE 100, Phone:(816) 361-1171  
MCCOWN GORDON CONSTRUCTION LLC, Address:850 MAIN ST, Phone:(816) 960-1111  
Kyle Gorrell, Address:Lee's Summit R-7 School District, Phone:(816) 986-2425  
Dana Schwartz, Address:DLR Group, Phone:(913) 897-7811  
Brett Taylor, Address:McCown Gordon Construction, Phone:(785) 452-8836  
Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Engineering Review Approved with Conditions 06/23/2020 06/17/2020
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

The sanitary sewer analysis only extended to the upper reach of the interceptor line (i.e., to manhole #47-020). The sanitary sewer study must be revised to include an analysis to manhole #54-002, and include calculations of the sanitary sewer flows and hydraulic grade line for the northwest 24 inch branch upstream of manhole #54-002.
Corrective Action Required

A discussion of downstream sanitary sewer line upgrades must be discussed in the report if the results of the revised sanitary sewer study show surcharging in the downstream portion of the line.
Corrective Action Required

The point of road termination is shown just east of the plat boundary. As such, the water line serving the school must be revised so that the water line is not constructed in an "overland" condition (i.e., the water service must be connected at an appropriate location where there is pavement adjacent to the connection point).
Corrective Action Required

Public sanitary sewer is shown connecting to the residential subdivision to the west, which is not allowed.
Corrective Action Required

Public sanitary sewer service to the adjacent property to the east is shown to be constructed at a later date, presumably by others. This sanitary sewer line must be included in the list of items to be constructed in the future, and covered by an appropriate development agreement and/or escrow agreement.
Corrective Action Required

For purposes of calculating construction costs for future infrastructure, the following items must be included: 1) box culvert for the future stream crossing and engineering fees for the future extension of Cape Dr., 2) road construction fees and engineering fees for construction of Cape Dr. to the limits of the plat boundary to the east, 3) water line extension and engineering fees for construction of the water main extension to the east plat boundary, and 4) sanitary sewer extension and engineering fees for construction of the sanitary sewer extension to the east plat boundary. All of this work will be summarized by a development agreement and/or escrow agreement.
Corrective Action Required

DE C&O #01 Eng Plans – FDP/PDP
Corrective Action Required

All required engineering plans and studies, including water lines, sanitary sewers, storm drainage, streets and erosion and sediment control shall be submitted along with the final development plan. All public infrastructure must be substantially complete, prior to the issuance of any certificates of occupancy.
DE C&O #03 Eng & Insp Fees
Corrective Action Required

All Engineering Plan Review and Inspection Fees shall be paid prior to approval of the associated engineering plans and prior to the issuance of any infrastructure permits or the start of construction (excluding land disturbance permit).
DE C&O #04 Cert FA or Escrow
Corrective Action Required

All subdivision-related public improvements must have a Certificate of Final Acceptance prior to approval of the final plat, unless security is provided in the manner set forth in the City's Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Section 16.340. If security is provided, building permits may be issued upon issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion of the public infrastructure as outlined in Section 1000 of the City's Design and Construction Manual.
DE C&O #06 Land Disturbance
Corrective Action Required

A Land Disturbance Permit shall be obtained from the City if ground breaking will take place prior to the issuance of an infrastructure permit, building permit, or prior to the approval of the Final Development Plan / Engineering Plans.
DE C&O #07 Easements
Corrective Action Required

All permanent off-site easements, in a form acceptable to the City, shall be executed and recorded with the Jackson County Recorder of Deeds prior to approval of any plans. A certified copy shall be submitted to the City for verification.
Fire Review Corrections 06/16/2020 06/15/2020
Jim Eden
Corrective Action Required

IFC 903.3.7 - Fire department connections. The location of fire department connections shall be approved by the fire code official. Connections shall be a 4 inch Storz type fitting and located within 100 feet of a fire hydrant, or as approved by the code official. Action needed: Relocate the FDC to, or near, the front of the building.
Code Statement
Corrective Action Required

All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Fire Code.
Planning Review Approved with Conditions 06/16/2020 06/14/2020
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required

LANDSCAPE PLANS. A modification shall be required for the proposed 2" caliper ornamental trees. Staff supports the modification request.
Corrective Action Required

SIGNAGE. Staff supports the two proposed monument sign details included on the resubmittal.
Traffic Review No Comments 06/23/2020 06/09/2020
Michael Park
Fire Review Corrections 05/29/2020 05/26/2020
Jim Eden

IFC 507.5.1 - Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 300 feet from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, on-site fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Show hydrants.
Corrective Action Required

IFC 903.3.7 - Fire department connections. The location of fire department connections shall be approved by the fire code official. Connections shall be a 4 inch Storz type fitting and located within 100 feet of a fire hydrant, or as approved by the code official. Show the location of FDC and supply hydrant within 100'. Action required: Relocate the FDC to the front, or near the front of the building.
Knox Locks

IFC 506.1 - Where access to or within a structure or an area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire-fighting purposes, the fire code official is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an approved location. The key box shall be of an approved type listed in accordance with UL 1037, and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire code official. 506.1.1 Locks. An approved lock shall be installed on gates or similar barriers when required by the fire code official. Confirm location of the gates. Knox padlocks will be required on all gates to fire lanes.
Imposed Loads

IFC 503.2.3 - Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities.
Dead Ends

IFC 503.2.5 - Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet (45 720 mm) in length shall be provided with an approved area for turning around fire apparatus. If Cape Drive is extended, a turnaround will be required.
Code Statement

All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Fire Code.
Engineering Review Corrections 05/22/2020 05/22/2020
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

What is meant by the note "Future SE Cape Dr."? Is there a reason this road will not be extended to the plat boundary? Public water line extensions are shown along this road, and the road should be built along with the water line extension.
Corrective Action Required

The sanitary sewer analysis must be resubmitted in accordance with the discussion last week during the meeting. There is concern about connecting through the residential subdivision, and worst case scenario must be assumed for the school development, in regard to performing the analysis through the residential subdivision. No surcharging above the crown of the pipe within the residential subdivision shall be allowed.
Corrective Action Required

City utilities along SE 15th St. east of Dalton Dr. should be shown as being removed, along with the street itself. Please see Traffic comments related to the removal of this street stub.
Corrective Action Required

The waiver for the partial relaxation of stream buffer requirements in selected areas will be forwarded to the City Engineer for signature. Development Services supports the request; however, it may be necessary to supply additional justification if deemed necessary by the City Engineer.
Planning Review Corrections 05/22/2020 05/22/2020
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required

SIDEWALKS. - Collector streets are required to have sidewalks on both sides of the street. The short SE Cape Dr extension to be constructed with this project needs to include sidewalk along the south side. - The public sidewalks along SE Cape Dr and SE Bailey Rd shall be a minimum 5' in width. Label the sidewalk widths.
Corrective Action Required

PARKING LOT DESIGN. Parking lot and access drive improvements shall comply with the pavement design requirements under UDO Section 8.620.F.
Corrective Action Required

TRASH ENCLOSURES. - Show the location of all proposed trash dumpsters. All dumpsters shall be housed in an enclosure. Each trash enclosure shall be constructed of masonry walls or steel architecturally designed walls with either a solid steel opaque gate painted to be compatible with the color of the masonry or steel walls and building it is to serve or a steel framed semi-opaque gate with a screen mesh material approved by the Director that provides an appropriate visual barrier. - Trash enclosure areas shall be improved with a Portland cement concrete pad and a Portland cement concrete approach 30 feet in length, measured from the enclosure opening. The pad and approach shall be improved with a minimum six inches of full depth unreinforced Portland cement concrete constructed on a sub-grade of four inches of granular base course.
Corrective Action Required

ADA ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES. Accessible parking spaces shall have an R7-8 sign (white background, green text, green border and blue wheelchair symbol) posted at the head of each space. The signs shall be mounted a minimum 5' above grade, measured to the bottom of the sign.
Corrective Action Required

MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SCREENING. Show the location of all roof-top and ground-mounted units on the building elevations and/or site plan to the extent possible. Roof-top units shall be totally screened from view up to the height of the units by raised parapets. Ground-mounted units shall be totally screened by view up to the height of the units by masonry walls or evergreen landscaping.
Corrective Action Required

LANDSCAPE PLANS. - Show the proposed sizes of the deciduous trees in caliper size. Deciduous trees (both shade and ornamental) shall be a minimum 3" caliper at the time of planting. - Evergreen trees shall be a minimum 8' in height at the time of planting.
Corrective Action Required

SIGNAGE. Provide sign package details for all proposed wall and monument signs in order to determine if special approvals are required by the Planning Commission for the proposed signage. The site is subject to the sign standards for a Non-Residential Use in the AG zoning district found under UDO Section 9.260, Table 9-1.
Traffic Review Corrections 05/22/2020 05/21/2020
Michael Park
Corrective Action Required

Traffic review comments herein pertain to the site plan; comments do not include review of the off-site improvements which are subject to review by the City and MoDOT of the submitted traffic impact study. That review is on-going and comments will be sent directly to the engineer (OA) that submitted the study. City approval and MoDOT approval of the traffic impact study must be recieved prior to the PDP Public Hearing at Planning Commission. However, a preliminary review of the traffic study and associated off-site improvement recommendations as well as other potential off-site traffic mitigations/improvements in consideration of Access Management Code, Standards and Policies has been done to identify site impacts from off-site improvements. None were identified that could significantly impact the site plan.
Corrective Action Required

The extension of 14th Street to the proposed private drive shall be a local residential public street extention.
Corrective Action Required

15th Street east of Dalton Drive shall be removed and existing driveway extended to Dalton Drive. Sidewalk shall remain. ROW vacation will be required for this area of removed public roadway and easements established for sidewalk, driveway access and utilities, as needed.
Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
9110077-Commercial Preliminary Development Plan fee $2,400.00 $2,400.00 Paid 06/01/2020
9110076-Legal Notice Publishing Charge $165.00 $165.00 Paid 06/01/2020
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
No outstanding fees.

Title Location Date Time
Planning Commission Meeting 07/23/2020 05:00 PM Council Chambers 07/23/2020 05:00 PM
Public Hearing Review
Documents & Images
Date Uploaded File Type Document Name
05/05/2020 Activity Document Application
05/08/2020 Activity Document LSR7_MIDDLE_SCHOOL_04_AG TABLE (002)_200508
05/08/2020 Activity Document LSR7_MIDDLE_SCHOOL_04_DESIGN STANDARDS_200508
05/08/2020 Activity Document LSR7_MIDDLE_SCHOOL_04_PDP_CHECKLIST_200508
05/08/2020 Letter LSR7_DCM Waiver Request 7-2-18 Signed_Combined
05/08/2020 Engineer Report/Study LSR7_PRELIMINARY STORMWATER REPORT_2020.05.08
05/08/2020 Engineer Report/Study LSR7_TFTC_LS MS TIS_20-05-08_
05/08/2020 Engineer Report/Study LSR7_WTWW_Sanitary Sewer Capacity Analysis_Middle School 4_DRAFT_20-05-05
05/08/2020 Plans LSR7_Drawings_PDP_Middle_School_04_200508
05/22/2020 Letter Applicant Letter - Dev. Apps (DRCP)
05/29/2020 Letter Applicant Letter - Dev. Apps (DRCP)
06/01/2020 Receipt Receipt for transaction: 2020-002527
06/09/2020 Letter ltr_CityLeesSummit_DSchwartz_PlanReview_LSR7MS#4_200609
06/09/2020 Plans +Drawings_LSMS#4_PDP_Resubmittal_200609_Combined
06/15/2020 Engineer Report/Study 20-06-11_WTWW_Sanitary Sewer Capacity Analysis_Lee's Summit School District 7_Middle School 4_DRAFT
06/16/2020 Adjacent Property Owners
06/17/2020 Letter Applicant Letter - Dev. Apps (DRCP)
06/19/2020 Activity Document _Affidavit of Notice to Property Owners_200619
07/01/2020 Drawing Location Map
07/01/2020 Engineer Report/Study LSMS #4 Traffic Study text
07/02/2020 Presentation LSR7_Planning_Commission_Pres_0702
07/01/2020 Engineer Report/Study LSMS #4 Storm Water Study text
07/01/2020 Email Email correspondence - Cindy DeShazo
07/02/2020 Engineer Report/Study R7 Middle School #4 TIS
07/02/2020 Engineer Report/Study PL2020134 LSR7 Middle School 4 TIA
07/02/2020 Letter Staff Report
07/07/2020 Letter LEGAL PL2020-134 PDP
07/08/2020 Email Email correspondence -- Jennifer Novogoratz
07/08/2020 Email Email -- Cronin
07/08/2020 Letter PL2020-134 PDP LS Middle School #4 -- revised PC.docx
08/20/2020 Engineer Report/Study Accepted Sanitary Sewer Capacity Analysis_Lee's Summit School District 7_Middle School 4
10/09/2020 Application Form Application 20-10-08 Signed
10/16/2020 Letter Amended PL2020-134 LSMS #4 Memo.docx
10/30/2020 Approved Plans Approved PDP
09/21/2021 Ordinance Development Agreement (Final Executed 11-11-20)
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