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Engineering Review
Approved with Conditions
Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineering Review
No Comments
Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineering Review
No Comments
Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineering Review
No Comments
Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required
Where depth of cover over the top of water mains exceeds 7.0 feet, a waiver is required prior to approval of the plans. The waiver shall be submitted on forms provided by the City under separate cover, and shall provide the citation within the Design and Construction Manual to be waived. The form shall have an attachment which includes a brief summary of the waiver, the location of the excessive depth of cover, the actions that were taken during design to eliminate the depth of cover issues, and the rationale behind the waiver request. Finally, an exhibit showing the plan and profile of the location in question shall be provided. A waiver is required for each location where depth of cover is greater than 7.0 feet, so it appears there will be 8 separate waivers required for this project.
Corrective Action Required
Please refer to comment 33 in previous applicant letter. Trenching and backfill detail is showing 6 inches over top of pipe for aggregate backfill. The City changed this requirement in July 2020 to 12 inch minimum. Please revise.
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required
Tri County Water Authority (TCWA) may have issues with the expanded right of way along Ranson Rd., and may require additional easement for their line and/or relocation of their line. Please coordinate with TCWA (John Overstreet) on this issue, as it may affect lot placement, right of way, off-site traffic improvements on Ranson Rd., or other effects.
Corrective Action Required
Fire hydrant is too close to the PC at Ranchland St. and Cape Dr. The minimum distance is 20 feet as measured from the PC of the curb return.
Corrective Action Required
A fire hydrant is required on Sweet Root Dr. Distance requirements cannot include adjacent streets, hence the requirement for a fire hydrant along Sweet Root Dr.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 5: It appears the new 8 inch water line beneath Bailey Rd. is being bored. No notes or details are provided, however. Please provide sufficient notes, references to the standard detail for casing carrier pipe (which was missing), casing size, wall thickness, etc. Please refer to the Design and Construction Manual for lateral limits of casing carrier pipe in relation to the roadway. The lateral limits of the casing carrier pipe is dependent upon the depth of the water main.
Corrective Action Required
Please review the profile view for all segments of water line. Where fill is being provided, provide sufficient notation on the profile view, along with sufficient notes which specify that the fill be brought in and compacted to a plane 18 inches minimum over the top of pipe prior to trenching and installation of pipe.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 5: Stub streets serving future phases are shown with fire hydrants within the curb return which is normally not allowed. In this instance, however, it may make sense given the future construction will require these to be relocated. We would recommend an inline placement of the fire hydrants in these instances to facilitate an easier relocation in the future.
Corrective Action Required
Fire hydrants appear to be missing along Bailey Farms Pkwy. Maximum distance between fire hydrants is 500 feet. Fire hydrants on adjacent cross streets cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 6: Two (2) of the storm line crossings are too deep. The City allows up to 7 feet maximum depth of cover over a water main.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 6: Fire hydrants appear to be missing along Bailey Farms Pkwy. Please see previous comment related to this requirement.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 7: Fire hydrant is shown within the curb return on Richland St. The fire hydrant shall be no closer than 20 feet from the PC of the curb return.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 7: The water main should be extended a short distance to the west along Cape Dr., and a temporary inline fire hydrant installed.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 7: Storm line crossing near sta 4+00 is too deep. Maximum depth of cover is 7 feet as measured from top of pipe.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 7: Where are the gate valves at the tees? The City requires two (2) valves for each tee, including the new tee to be installed for the short western extension along Cape Dr. described in the above comment.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 8: Fire hydrants are missing along Ranchland St. Maximum distance between fire hydrants is 500 feet. Fire hydrants on adjacent cross-streets cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 8: Fire hydrants are shown within the curb return which is not allowed. Please see previous comments related to placement of fire hydrants behind the PC of the curb return.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 8: Gate valves appear to be missing at tees. Please see previous comments related to this requirement.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 9: Valves appear to be missing on this sheet. Please see previous comments related to the placement of two (2) valves in relation to tees. Also, three (3) valves are required at a cross, so please ensure this is considered.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 10: Storm crossing shown on the profile view is too deep. Maximum depth of cover is 7 feet.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 10: Please see previous comments related to placement of valves in relation to tees and crosses. No valves were shown.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 11: Storm line crossings (both) shown in the profile view are too deep. Maximum depth of cover is 7 feet.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 11: A fire hydrant is warranted on Sweet Root Dr. Fire hydrants located on adjacent cross streets cannot be used to satisfy the 500 foot maximum distance requirement between fire hydrants.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 11: Please refer to previous comments related to the installation of valves in relation to tees and crosses. No such valves were shown on the plans.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 12: Both storm line crossings shown on the profile view are too deep. Maximum depth of cover is 7 feet as measured to the top of pipe.
Corrective Action Required
General Comment Related to All Future Stubs: The City does not allow a plug to be installed at the end of the line as shown in numerous locations. A temporary inline fire hydrant is required. Please go through all sheets related to this requirement and revise.
Corrective Action Required
Please refer to Sheet 12. As an example of the above comment, please see the notes at the south end of Line 5. The City does not allow a simple cap in this instance, but rather, a temporary inline fire hydrant. Since these are stub streets and the hydrants will be moved in the future, it will be acceptable to place the temporary fire hydrant within the curb return limits rather than 20 feet beyond the PC of the curb return.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 12: Please refer to previous comments related to the placement of valves in relation to crosses and tees. No such valves were shown.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 13: A blow-off assembly is shown. The City does not allow blow-off assemblies. Please remove and use a temporary fire hydrant.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 13: Regarding the temporary fire hydrants along Bailey Pkwy., these fire hydrants shall not count towards the required number of fire hydrants along Bailey Farm Pkwy. The reason is that these are temporary fire hydrants to be relocated along their respective streets in the future, and cannot be used to satisfy the 500 foot rule for maximum distance between fire hydrants along Bailey Farm Pkwy.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 14: Profile view for Line 9 and 10 appears incomplete. Please revise.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 14: Blow-off assembly is called-out. These are not allowed in the City of Lee's Summit.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 14: Please see previous comments related to stub-off streets and temporary fire hydrants. Termination of all water mains shall be at a fire hydrant rather than a plug.
Corrective Action Required
Sheet 15: Please see previous comments related to the placement of valves in relation to tees and crosses. It appears this was missing from the sheet.
Corrective Action Required
A trenching and backfill detail was missing. Please ensure the new July 2020 standard of 12 inch aggregate over the top of pipe is shown, rather than the previous 6 inch requirement.