Planning Application Status



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Cornerstone At Bailey Farms, 1st Plat
Final Plat
Final Plat
City Council
37 lot single family plat
SCHLAGEL & ASSOCIATES, Address:14920 W 107TH ST, Phone:(913) 492-5158  
CLAYTON PROPERTIES GROUP, INC, Address:120 SE 30TH ST, Phone:(816) 246-6700  
Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Planning Review Corrections 03/12/2025 03/12/2025
Ian Trefren
Corrective Action Required

[CCR] - Please include a cover letter that denotes or otherwise highlights the language within the CCR that is required by Sec. 4.290 (A thru N)
Planning Review No Comments 01/10/2025 01/09/2025
Ian Trefren
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

Replace Director of Development Services with Aimee Nassif - Interim Director of Development Services
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

Lot numbers do not match those on the approved PDP. Please revise.
Planning Review Corrections 11/26/2024 11/27/2024
Ian Trefren
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

Replace Director of Development Services with Aimee Nassif - Interim Director of Development Services
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

Lot numbers do not match those on the approved PDP. Please revise.
Engineering Review No Comments 11/26/2024 11/26/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
GIS Review No Comments 11/26/2024 11/25/2024
Kathy Kraemer
Traffic Review No Comments 11/26/2024 11/25/2024
Erin Ralovo
Fire Review No Comments 11/26/2024 11/25/2024
Jim Eden
Planning Review No Comments 01/25/2022 01/25/2022
Shannon McGuire
Engineering Review Corrections 01/25/2022 01/25/2022
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

There appear to be two (2) different stormwater detention facility notes shown in the upper right hand corner. Recommend removing the redundant version of the note since it does not follow the City-provided template. Also, ensure the name of the entity is "Homes Association" in the first note as this appears not to be a normal name of a POA. Was this intended to read "Homeowner's Association"? "Property Owners Association"?
Fire Review No Comments 01/25/2022 01/19/2022
Jim Eden
Traffic Review No Comments 01/25/2022 01/19/2022
Brad Cooley, P.E., RSPI
GIS Review No Comments 01/25/2022 01/18/2022
Kathy Kraemer
GIS Review No Comments 01/07/2022 01/07/2022
Kathy Kraemer
Engineering Review Corrections 01/07/2022 01/07/2022
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Sidewalk is shown extending around the entire cul-de-sac bulb on the west side of Cronin St. Normal procedure for a local residential street which Cronin St. is classified, is to extend the sidewalk on one (1) side of the cul-de-sac bulb, and enter at a straight angle or 90 degree angle into the cul-de-sac bulb. In other words, show the sidewalk on south side of Cronin, and enter the cul-de-sac bulb at a straight or ninety degree angle near Lot 7. In these instances, there is no need for a "receiver ramp" for the ADA-accessible ramp, but rather, entry into the cul-de-sac bulb is desired by the City with no "receiver ramp". City staff can provide an example if requested.
Corrective Action Required

Sidewalk appears to be missing along the collector steet "Bailey Farms Pkwy.". Was this previously shown on 'The Manor at Bailey Farms 1st Plat"?
Corrective Action Required

Stream buffers along with dimensions were missing on the plat. This includes the stream buffer to the west, and the stream buffer to the south along Tract C, The Manor at Bailey Farms 1st Plat.
Corrective Action Required

Stream buffer language was missing on the plat. The City has standard language to be included on the plat as directed by our Law Department which should be used to define the stream buffer shown in graphic format on the plat.
Corrective Action Required

Detention basin language shown on the plat does not match what is required by our Law Dept. Please use our standard template to define the detention basins contained within common area tracts.
Corrective Action Required

Note on plat concerning sidewalk construction shall be revised to include all ADA-accessible ramps. Developer shall be responsible for all ramp construction in addition to the features described in the sidewalk note.
Traffic Review No Comments 01/07/2022 01/06/2022
Brad Cooley, P.E., RSPI
Fire Review No Comments 01/07/2022 01/04/2022
Jim Eden
Planning Review Corrections 01/07/2022 12/29/2021
Shannon McGuire
Corrective Action Required

Please label the area in square feet for each lot, parcel, or tract.
Corrective Action Required

Please label each lot, parcel, or tract with its street number.
Corrective Action Required

Please include the directional prefix, SE, with the street name labels.
Corrective Action Required

Duplex developments require sidewalks on both sides of the street. Please show the required sidewalk adjacent to lots 15-32.
Corrective Action Required

During the PDP process, various modifications were grant to the minimum lot requirements (lot width, lot area & side yard setback). These modifications were granted to specific lot numbers and as such the lot numbers on the final plats must be constant with the approved preliminary plat lot numbers.
Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
9110077-Final Plat fee $850.00 $850.00 Paid 12/21/2021
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
No outstanding fees.

Title Location Date Time
Planning Commission Meeting 01/09/2025 5:00 PM Council Chambers 01/09/2025 05:00 PM
Agenda Item
City Council Ordinance 1st Reading 01/21/2025 6:00 PM Council Chambers 01/21/2025 06:00 PM
Agenda Item
City Council Ordinance 2nd Reading 04/15/2025 6:00 PM Council Chambers 04/15/2025 06:00 PM
Agenda Item
Documents & Images
Date Uploaded File Type Document Name
12/21/2021 Application Form APPLICATION_Rev 0_PL2021483
12/21/2021 Plans PLAT_Rev 0_PL2021483
12/21/2021 Plans DESCRIPTION_Rev 0_PL2021483
12/21/2021 Plans BOUNDARY_Rev 0_PL2021483
12/21/2021 Application Form CHECKLIST_Rev 0_PL2021483
12/21/2021 Receipt Receipt for transaction: 2021-009434
01/11/2022 Letter Applicant Letter - FP _Rev 0_PL2021483
01/14/2022 Letter RESPONSE LETTER_Rev 0_PL2021483
01/14/2022 Plans PLAT_Rev 1_PL2021483
01/25/2022 Letter Applicant Letter - FP _Rev 1_PL2021483
06/06/2023 Letter APPLICATION EXTENSION REQUEST_Rev 0_PL2021431
11/19/2024 Letter RESPONSE LETTER_Rev 1_PL2021483
11/19/2024 Plans PLAT_Rev 2_PL2021483
12/04/2024 Letter Applicant Letter - FP (DRCF)
01/03/2025 Plans PLAT_Rev 3_PL2021483
01/14/2025 Plans Description - Cornerstone_Rev 0_PL2021483
03/03/2025 Routing Sheet Final Plat Signature Routing
03/03/2025 Activity Document Bailey Farms CC&R's - 08-16-2024
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