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Manor at Bailey Farm 1st Plat - Public Sanitary Main
Engineering Plan Review
Engineering Plan Review
CLAYTON PROPERTIES GROUP, INC, Address:120 SE 30TH ST, Phone:(816) 246-6700  
SCHLAGEL & ASSOCIATES, Address:14920 W 107TH ST, Phone:(913) 492-5158  
Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Engineering Review Approved with Conditions 12/14/2023 12/14/2023
Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineering Review No Comments 11/13/2023 11/13/2023
Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineering Review Approved with Conditions 05/31/2022 06/02/2022
Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineering Review No Comments 05/11/2022 05/11/2022
Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineering Review Corrections 02/14/2022 02/15/2022
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Sanitary sewer line beneath the creek shall be encased in concrete as per the City standard detail. Please show the location of the encasement, including the length of the encasement and dimesions. The pipe shall be encased from bank to bank, plus 10 feet each side of the stream bank.
Corrective Action Required

Please include the City standard detail SAN-7 for concrete encasement. Ensure all callouts specified on this sheet such as length and thickness are called out on the profile view of the sanitary sewer plans.
Corrective Action Required

Cost estimate was missing the following items: 1) concrete encasement in accordance with the standard City detail SAN-7, 2) tracer wire and boxes for all sanitary sewer laterals, and 3) manhole frame and lid placement within pavement in accordance with detail.
Engineering Review Corrections 11/19/2021 11/19/2021
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Detail on Sheet 14 shows 6 inch aggregate over top of pipe. Standards changed in July 2020. New requirement is a minimum of 12 inch aggregate over top of pipe. Please revise.
Corrective Action Required

Title may be incorrect. We are showing "Manor at Bailey Farm 1st Plat", not "The Manors at Bailey Farm 1st Plat". Please revise as appropriate.
Corrective Action Required

The City is requiring sanitary sewer manholes installed within the pavement to be placed in the middle of the driving lane rather than the centerline of the roadway. Previous methods of placing at the centerline of the street have proved difficult. Either driving lane is acceptable, but the frame and lid should be centered within the driving lane to avoid wheel/vehicular conflict.
Corrective Action Required

The detail for the sanitary sewer manholes placed within pavement is acceptable, with one condition. A note should be placed on the detail which specifies the "square" be placed in such a way that the apex of opposing corners be aligned with the centerline of the roadway. This will create a "diamond" as viewing along the roadway rather than a square, and is purely for aesthetics.
Corrective Action Required

Sanitary sewer manholes at the end of the line are shown with invert (in) elevations to serve future phases. This is not allowed. Manholes must be core-drilled during subsequent phases. Stubbing of manholes for future phases is not allowed by the Design and Construction Manual. Please review the plans for instances where this is shown, and ensure they are corrected.
Corrective Action Required

Can a manhole be eliminated between A12 and G2? It would appear manhole G1 can be eliminated.
Corrective Action Required

Slope between manhole K2 and K3 appears deficient. The slope requirement for sanitary sewer lines is dependent upon the number of upstream lots. In accordance with the Design and Construction Manual, the City requires 0.60% or greater if there are 31 or more upstream connections. For 15 to 30 upstream connections, the slope requirement is 0.80%. If 1 to 14 upstream connections, the slope requirement is 1.00%. It would appear 1.00% is required in this instance.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 10: Can one of the manholes be eliminated along Sweet Root Dr.? It would appear A8 could be relocated further south to align with the extended centerline shown. Finally, manhole D2 appears to be placed too far to the south. The City only desires the minimum length necessary to serve the lots in question (i.e., lots 49 and 50). As shown, the sanitary sewer line is shown extending too far along these two lots.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 9: A slope of 0.60% is called-out for Line B. Please see previous comments concerning the upstream lot issue. The City requires a minimum slope that is dependent upon the number of upstream lots. It would appear a minimum 1.00% is required in this instance.
Corrective Action Required

Manhole A10 appears to be 20.7 feet deep as measured from the rim to the flowline. Maximum depth of cover is 20.0 feet. Please revise.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 6: The location of the Tri County water line does not appear to be shown in the profile view between manhole A1 and A2. Please show a best estimate of its location.
Corrective Action Required

Wherever ductile iron pipe is specified, it shall be zinc-coated ductile iron pipe. Please revise notes.
Corrective Action Required

There are several instances where 0.60% slope is called-out. Recommend adding some leeway, since the City may reject anything less than 0.60% (e.g., if as-builts show 0.58%, it is possible the City will reject the installation).
Corrective Action Required

North arrow appears incorrect on Sheet 4. Please revise.
Corrective Action Required

North arrow appears incorrect on Sheet 3. Please revise.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 8: Private lateral line beyond the normal length of construction is shown in bold serving the future clubhouse. Recommend removing the bold notation on the portion beyond the lateral to be constructed to avoid confusion.
Corrective Action Required

Recommend adding an allowance for the standard drop in manholes (i.e., instead of 0.20 feet, perhaps 0.30 feet for normal situations, and 0.60 for higher angles rather than 0.50 feet). The City has experienced numerous situations in the past involving as-builts where the required drop was not provided. It is possible the City will not accept manholes that are less than specified in the Design and Construction Manual, and perhaps some leeway can be added to the plans to avoid this situation.

There are no hearings for this planning application.

Documents & Images
Date Uploaded File Type Document Name
11/05/2021 Plans 21-130-SAN(REV0)
11/19/2021 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
01/31/2022 Letter Response to DE-Comment Letter - Sanitary Sewer Engineering Plans
01/31/2022 Plans 21-130-SAN(REV1) signed
01/31/2022 Engineers Estimate 21-130-Cost Estimate (REV0) signed
02/15/2022 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
04/26/2022 Engineers Estimate 21-130-EOPC(REV1) Sealed
04/26/2022 Plans 21-130-SAN(REV2)sealed
04/26/2022 Letter Response to DE-Comment Letter - Public Sanitary Main
05/19/2022 Plans 21-130-SAN(REV3) sealed
05/19/2022 Letter Response to Email Comments dated 5-11-22 - Public Sanitary Sewer Approval_doc
05/19/2022 Engineers Estimate 21-130-EOPC(REV2) Sealed
05/24/2022 Email PL2021433 The Manor at Bailey Farms 1st Plat - Sanitary Sewer Final QAQC Check
05/24/2022 Plans 21-130 SAN(REV4)sealed
05/24/2022 Letter EMAIL COMMENTS WU
05/24/2022 Letter Response to Comments Emailed 5-24-2022 Sanitary Sewer Plans Final QA-QC Check - Manor at Bailey Farms 1st Plat
06/06/2023 Letter APPLICATION EXTENSION REQUEST_Rev 0_PL2021431
10/27/2023 Plans 10272023-21-130-SAN-REV(0)sealed
11/30/2023 Plans 21-130 SAN(REV6) sealed
12/14/2023 3rd Party Permit/Approval MDNR Concurrence Letter - MANOR BAILEY
12/14/2023 Activity Document FeeWorksheetSanitaryManorBailey1st
12/14/2023 Email STKY APPROVAL
02/05/2024 3rd Party Permit/Approval MDNR PERMIT
04/04/2024 Email Tri-County Water and Sewer Conflict Email
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