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Record Drawings Review
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Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineering Review
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Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required
A "flowline in" elevation from the northeast is still shown for manhole A7, which implies a stub. It is also not the correct diameter. Please remove reference to the northeast "flowline in" elevation.
Corrective Action Required
The future sanitary sewer extension estimate did not appear to show core-drilling of the manhole to install the 12 inch line, and was also missing the engineering costs (i.e., plans, as-builts, USACE permitting).
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required
Proposed alignment looks acceptable, but why was the 18 inch line shown between A7 and A8? The new alignment makes this unneccessary and not desired by the City.
Corrective Action Required
Provide sufficient notes that make it clear the future connection to the northeast at A7 shall be core-drilled. No temporary stub-outs are allowed.
Corrective Action Required
The additional easement (sanitary) shall be provided prior to approval of the plans. This easement should be 30 feet wide, with the sanitary sewer line centered within the easement. Please provide a review copy prior to execution and recording.
Corrective Action Required
Please provide the document number of easements already executed and recorded.
Corrective Action Required
A cost estimate (itemized) shall be provided prior to approval of the plans. There should be a separate cost estimate for the future 12 inch sanitary sewer to the northeast in order to facilitate an escrow agreement. This estimate should not only include cost of installation, but should also include some engineering costs associated with the scope of work.
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required
After revising the road alignment, there are now issues with the geometry of the sanitary sewer extension. It would appear a far better and more maintainable solution would be to extend the sanitary sewer service from manhole A7, crossing the creek just north of the confluence of the east/west tributary, and then terminate the sanitary sewer within the middle of the extended Cape Dr.
Corrective Action Required
Please provide a profile view how the above alignment will work for the extension.
Corrective Action Required
An off-site easement would also be needed in addition to the other easement(s) needed.
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required
As discussed in the Jun. 9, 2021 email, plans should be updated as appropriate.
Traffic Review
No Comments
Mike Weisenborn
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required
Coordination between Olsson and Schlagel in regard to the Cape Dr. extension continues to be an issue. This will have a direct bearing on the sanitary sewer plans. According to the Bailey Farms preliminary plans, the Cape Dr. right of way is not abutting the Whitnance property to the south, but rather, is offset by approximately 29 feet. This will have a bearing on the design of the public manhole location. In this instance, the manhole should be located outside the limits of the roadway so the future connection from Bailey Farms subdivision to the east can be made without being installed beneath the box culvert.
Corrective Action Required
Future connection to Bailey Farms shows a 12 inch pipe. Please remove reference to "8 to 12 inch pipe".
Corrective Action Required
Future connection to Bailey Farms is showing inadequate drop across this high deflection manhole. Minimum drop is 0.5 feet, but recommend 0.6 to account for tolerance.
Corrective Action Required
Ductile iron pipe is required from manhole to manhole beneath stream crossings. It must be epoxy coated, and include restrained joints.
Corrective Action Required
Concrete encasement is required beneath stream crossings. Encasement should be shown "bank to bank".
Corrective Action Required
Depth of bury beneath the stream channel is too shallow. A minimum depth of 3 feet is required.
Corrective Action Required
We are assuming the additional manhole at the downstream connection point is being proposed to accommodate the incoming pipe diameters?
Corrective Action Required
Approval of these plans is contingent upon the submittal and approval of the additional downstream sanitary sewer improvements.
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required
Off-site easements (from the Whistance property to the south) in a form acceptable to the City shall be obtained prior to approval of plans. They should be twice the depth of the sewer, rounded to the next 5 feet. Please submit a review copy prior to execution and recording. A document number should be provided to the City following recording for verfication.
Corrective Action Required
Manhole A8 shall be a outside drop manhole due to the excessive drop greater than 2 feet at this point. Please provide notation, along with the standard detail for the outside drop manhole (i.e., SAN-4).
Corrective Action Required
Recommend increasing the drop across manholes to allow for construction tolerance (i.e., additional 0.1 feet?). As shown, the minimum drop is shown.
Corrective Action Required
Manhole A5 is too close to the stream bank. Please move the manhole to achieve a minimum distance of 15 feet from the top of bank to the outside of the manhole.
Corrective Action Required
What is the calculated 100 water surface elevation of the stream? A conservative approach to determining these elevations in relation to the flowline of the stream should be calculated along key points, assuming full build-out upstream, and upstream detention basins being fully clogged and zero available storage (i.e., assume no detention). Tops of manholes shall extend a minimum 1'-0" above the calculated 100-year floodwater elevation, provided that such extension shall not exceed 4 feet above final finish grade. Where these requirements result in a manhole with a rim at or below the 100-year floodwater elevation, the manhole shall be equipped with watertight ring and bolt-down cover assembly with neoprene gaskets.
Corrective Action Required
Label the existing tie-in point as City manhole #47-019.
Corrective Action Required
It is very difficult to determine what is shown at the connection point. It appears two (2) new manholes are being installed, and it is unclear why.
Corrective Action Required
The private forcemain was not located on the plans. What is the plan for managing the private forcemain? This forcemain serves the school district, and will need to be considered during the design. The location of the line should also be shown, rather than assumed based on the easement.
Corrective Action Required
Portions of the sanitary sewer improvements are shown in red, and would appear to be separate from these plans. Please provide sufficient notation that these lines are not part of the project, to be installed by others (or equivalent language).
Corrective Action Required
Recommend coordination with David Rinne at Schlagel and Associates concerning the connection point for Bailey Farms. You are showing a manhole in the southeast corner of the school project, which will likely become a drop manhole. Will this drop manhole be able to service the Bailey Farm project? A large diameter sewer line will be connected presumably at this location, and the manhole size may not work with a standard drawing for a drop manhole.
Corrective Action Required
Concerning the coordination comment above, a plan and profile view of the intended route to serve the Bailey Farm site is required. A cost estimate shall be required for this portion, even if not built until the Bailey Farm project proceeds (see next comment).
Corrective Action Required
Public sanitary sewer shall be extended to the plat boundary (i.e., to the east to serve Bailey Farms). An off-site easement may suffice after coordination with David Rinne at Schlagel and Associates for this extension. The City would consider an easement be dedicated to the plat boundary in lieu of construction of said improvements, but construction costs would need to be provided by the school district. Coordination between David Rinne would also be required to minimize any future disruption of the sanitary sewer line, and to minimize any re-design at the connection point.
Corrective Action Required
Trenching and backfill detail shall include 12 inches of aggregate on top of pipe rather than 6 inches shown. This standard changed in the Design and Construction Manual in 2020.
Corrective Action Required
Design flow calculations were not shown. Typically this is provided in the form of a table. It should include the ultimate condition including the Bailey Farm property.