Permit Application Status


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Public Infrastructure
Schlagel & Associates, PA, Address:14920 W. 107th Street  
Anthony Nosbush, Address:140 Walnut, Ste 101  
JIM LONG, Address:SCHLAGEL ASSOCIATES, Phone:(913) 322-7146  
EMERY SAPP AND SONS INC, Address:2301 I-70 DR NW, Phone:(573) 445-8331  
Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Redesign Review Approved 11/12/2024 11/07/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

I am not seeing any difference in this re-design from the previous revision from two weeks ago. What has changed? Explanation required.
Redesign Review Rejected 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

I am not seeing any difference in this re-design from the previous revision from two weeks ago. What has changed? Explanation required.
Engineering Review - Street and Storm No Comments 07/02/2024 06/28/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineer Review - Grading No Comments 06/21/2024 06/21/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.

Cross-sections shall be required for this project since there is no mass grading plan for the interior portion of the project along Bailey Rd. Please provide cross-sections in accordance with the Design and Construction Manual.
Engineering Review - Street and Storm No Comments 06/21/2024 06/21/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.

Tactile warning (i.e., truncated domes) are greater than 5.00 feet from the back of curb on two (2) ADA-accessible ramps shown on Sheet 8 (i.e., one (1) on the east side, and one (1) on the west side of intersection). A maximum of 5.00 feet is allowed from any portion of the tactile warning to the back of curb. Please revise as appropriate.

KCMMB asphalt mix is required for the project. Please revise the typical pavement section showing KCMMB asphalt pavement mix.

Please specify Type B ADA-accessible ramps straight across intersection rather than offsetting as shown. Install stop sign further to the north just behind the ADA-accessible route across the intersection. If any questions, I can send example of what was done on East Trails Middle School. This method was used at the East Trails Middle School to the west. Please revise.
Miscellaneous Correction

The ADA-accessible ramps shall be detailed with 1) slope callouts, 2) elevation callouts, 3) ADA-accessible route with width across the intersection along with cross-slope callouts, 4) turning space callouts showing no more than 1.5% in any direction, 5) distance from truncated domes to back of curb, and 6) width of sidewalk or greenway trail.
Miscellaneous Correction

Sheet 5: You are showing at least one (1) curb inlet that is installed at-grade rather than a sump condition. As such, KCAPWA has a separate detail for gutter buddy installation. Please show in schematic format on this sheet how the gutter buddies will be installed on the at-grade curb inlet(s). Please call me if any questions.
Miscellaneous Correction

Typical pavement section shall be detailed as to the thickness of asphaltic concrete beneath the curb and gutter. Please provide dimensions of this layer of asphaltic concrete beneath the curb and gutter. This is to ensure there are no misunderstandings in the field as to the requirements. Provide sufficient notation such as "leveling course" or equivalent language, along with the thickness of this layer.
Traffic Review - Streets No Comments 06/21/2024 06/17/2024
Erin Ralovo
Traffic Review - Streets No Comments 02/16/2024 02/20/2024
Erin Ralovo
Engineering Review - Street and Storm Corrections 02/16/2024 02/16/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Tactile warning (i.e., truncated domes) are greater than 5.00 feet from the back of curb on two (2) ADA-accessible ramps shown on Sheet 8 (i.e., one (1) on the east side, and one (1) on the west side of intersection). A maximum of 5.00 feet is allowed from any portion of the tactile warning to the back of curb. Please revise as appropriate.
Corrective Action Required

KCMMB asphalt mix is required for the project. Please revise the typical pavement section showing KCMMB asphalt pavement mix.
Corrective Action Required

Please specify Type B ADA-accessible ramps straight across intersection rather than offsetting as shown. Install stop sign further to the north just behind the ADA-accessible route across the intersection. If any questions, I can send example of what was done on East Trails Middle School. This method was used at the East Trails Middle School to the west. Please revise.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

The ADA-accessible ramps shall be detailed with 1) slope callouts, 2) elevation callouts, 3) ADA-accessible route with width across the intersection along with cross-slope callouts, 4) turning space callouts showing no more than 1.5% in any direction, 5) distance from truncated domes to back of curb, and 6) width of sidewalk or greenway trail.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 5: You are showing at least one (1) curb inlet that is installed at-grade rather than a sump condition. As such, KCAPWA has a separate detail for gutter buddy installation. Please show in schematic format on this sheet how the gutter buddies will be installed on the at-grade curb inlet(s). Please call me if any questions.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

Typical pavement section shall be detailed as to the thickness of asphaltic concrete beneath the curb and gutter. Please provide dimensions of this layer of asphaltic concrete beneath the curb and gutter. This is to ensure there are no misunderstandings in the field as to the requirements. Provide sufficient notation such as "leveling course" or equivalent language, along with the thickness of this layer.
Engineering Review - Streetlight No Comments 02/16/2024 02/16/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineer Review - Grading Corrections 02/16/2024 02/16/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Cross-sections shall be required for this project since there is no mass grading plan for the interior portion of the project along Bailey Rd. Please provide cross-sections in accordance with the Design and Construction Manual.
Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
9110068-Storm Fee $1,177.20 $1,177.20 Paid 07/11/2024
9110081-Street Inspections $9,704.87 $9,704.87 Paid 07/11/2024
9110071-Site Grading Fee $1,759.74 $1,759.74 Paid 07/11/2024
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
No outstanding fees.

Inspection Outcome Requested Scheduled Date Inspected
Pavement-Proof Roll Pending
Grading/Excavation/Fill Inspection Pending
Install Street and Stop Signs Pending
Pavement-Stabilized Subgrade Pending
Erosion Control Inspection Pending
Punch List Inspection Pending
Pavement-Curb Construction Pending
9-27-24 BR Contractor (ESS) excavated the curb on Bailey Rd for new turn lane.
Sidewalk Inspection Pending
10-4-24 BR Contractor (ESS) took out 10 panels of sidewalk on Bailey Rd for new lane.
Storm Sewer Construction Inspection Pending
10-4-24 BR Contractor (ESS) removed 1st existing 8x4 curb inlet and storm box for relocation as well as existing 15'' RCP.
Pavement-Aggregate Base Pending
10-7-24 BR Contractor (ESS) installing aggregate base on new turn lane and entrance section on SE Bailey Rd.
Pavement-Surface Pending
10-24-24 BR Contractor (ESS) poured concrete for lane widening section on SE Bailey Rd. on both ends of turning lane.
Sidewalk Inspection Partial 10/4/2024 10/4/2024 10/04/2024
10-4-24 BR Contractor (ESS) took out 10 panels of sidewalk on Bailey Rd for new lane.
Pavement-Surface Partial 11/25/2024 11/25/2024 11/25/2024
10-24-24 BR Contractor (ESS) poured concrete for lane widening section on SE Bailey Rd. on both ends of turning lane. 11-25-24 BR Contractor installed reminder 5'' of KCMMB A-3 asphalt base on SE Bailey Rd. with 3rd party inspector (Ideker Inc.) getting 94 - 96 compaction.
Pavement-Aggregate Base Passed 11/20/2024 11/20/2024 12/04/2024
10-7-24 BR Contractor (ESS) installing 9" of aggregate base on new turn lane and entrance section on SE Bailey Farms PKWY. 11-20-24 BR Contractor (ESS) installing 1" of aggregate base on new turn lane and entrance section on SE Bailey Farms PKWY.
Pavement-Curb Construction Passed 11/22/2024 11/22/2024 12/04/2024
9-27-24 BR Contractor (ESS) excavated the curb on SE Bailey Rd for new turn lane. 10-1-24 BR Contractor (ESS) excavated more curb on SE Bailey RD for new turn lane. 11-21-24 BR Contractor (ESS) framed up curbs on SE Bailey Rd with aggerate compacted and at divider on Bailey PKWY. 11-22-24 BR Contractor poured 4k KCMMB mix concrete for curbs on SE Bailey Rd and at divider on Bailey PKWY. 12-3-24 BR All curb and gutter installed.
Storm Sewer Construction Inspection Passed 10/23/2024 10/23/2024 12/04/2024
10-4-24 BR Contractor (ESS) removed 1st existing 8x4 curb inlet and storm box for relocation as well as existing 15'' RCP. 10-5-24 BR Contractor (ESS) removed 3rd existing 8x4 curb inlet and storm box for relocation and remove 15'' RCP pipe. 10-7-24 BR Contractor (ESS) installed 1st existing 8x4 storm box to new location and working on removing 2nd storm box from existing location. 10-8-24 BR Contractor (ESS) removed 2nd storm box and installed new 15'' RCP pipe to storm box 1 & 3 with concrete columns with new inverts in both 1 & 3 storm box. 10-10-24 BR Contractor (ESS) replace 2 storm box with new structure in place box with #5 bars for reinforcing storm box structure ready for concrete. 10-11-24 BR Contractor (ESS) poured base for 2nd storm box and framing the walls getting ready for concrete. 10-14-24 BR Contractor (ESS) poured storm box 2 walls and openings for storm pipes. 10-23-24 BR Contractor (ESS) connected all 5 pipe to storm box 2 and flowable fill was applied. All 3 storm boxes are in place ready for concrete.
Documents & Images
Date Uploaded File Type Document Name
02/02/2024 Plans Engineering Designs - Bailey Turn Lanes_Rev_0_PRSUBD20240452
06/07/2024 Plans Engineering Designs - Bailey Turn Lanes_Rev_1_PRSUBD20240452
06/07/2024 Letter Response to Comments_Rev 0_PRSUBD20240452
06/24/2024 Letter SUBD Comment Letter
06/25/2024 Engineers Estimate Engineers Estimate_Rev 0_PRSUBD20240452
06/28/2024 Activity Document FeeWorksheetPublicTurnLaneBaileyFarms
07/10/2024 Approved Plans APPROVED PLANS_Rev 0_PRSUBD20240452 - SEE REVISED
07/11/2024 Receipt Receipt for transaction: 2024-005711
07/11/2024 Letter SUBD Building Permit
09/27/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/01/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/01/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/04/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/04/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/07/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/07/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/07/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/08/2024 Plans Engineering Designs - Bailey Turn Lanes_Rev_2_PRSUBD20240452
10/08/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/08/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/10/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/10/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/10/2024 Plans Engineering Designs - Bailey Turn Lanes_Rev_3_PRSUBD20240452
10/11/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/11/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/14/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/23/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
10/24/2024 Plans 21-136 - Turn Lane Plans(REV4) sealed
10/24/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
11/01/2024 Letter SUBD Comment Letter
11/04/2024 Plans 21-136 - Turn Lane Plans(REV4) sealed
11/08/2024 Approved Plans APPROVED PLANS_Rev 0_PRSUBD20240452
11/20/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
11/20/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
11/20/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
11/22/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
11/22/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
11/25/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
11/25/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
12/04/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
12/04/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
12/04/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
12/04/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
12/04/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
12/04/2024 Letter INSPECTION SUMMARY
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