Property Review

Parcel Number: 61700010600000000

Property Details
SEC-16 TWP-47 RNG-31---BEG SE COR NW 1/4 TH N 88 DEG 05 MIN 19 SEC W 41.15' TO TRU POB TH N 88 DEG 0 S 03 DEG 13 MIN 17 SEC W 294.93' TH S 02 DEG 13 MIN 12 SEC W 5.15' TO TRU POB

There is no visible address information.

Type Description
Property Owner WHITANCE DAVID E & NANCY L, Address:1720 SE RANSON RD
Historic Owner WHITANCE DAVID E & NANCY L, Address:1720 SE RANSON RD
Historic Owner WHITANCE DAVID E & NANCY L, Address:1720 SE RANSON RD
Historic Owner WHITANCE DAVID E & NANCY L, Address:1720 SE RANSON RD
Historic Owner WHITANCE DAVID E & NANCY L, Address:1720 SE RANSON RD
Historic Owner WHITANCE DAVID E & NANCY L, Address:1720 SE RANSON RD
Historic Owner WHITANCE DAVID E & NANCY L, Address:1720 SE RANSON RD
Historic Owner WHITANCE DAVID E & NANCY L, Address:1720 SE RANSON RD

Permit Applications
Permit # Type Work Class Status Date Issued
PRSUBD20214936 Public Infrastructure DEVELOPMENT COMPLETE Final Acceptance 04/04/2022

: Construction of a new 15" public sanitary sewer main
Planning Applications
Permit # Type Status Date Closed
PL2021114 Engineering Plan Review Complete 03/07/2023
: East Trails Middle School - Off-site 15" Sanitary Sewer Main Extension No. 1 - Segment #1

: This is the first segment of the off-site sanitary sewer line. Second segment to be submitted separate.