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East Trails Middle School - Cape Drive Extension
Engineering Plan Review
Engineering Plan Review
In Plan Review
OLSSON ASSOCIATES, Address:1301 BURLINGTON, SUITE 100, Phone:(816) 361-1171  
Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Engineering Review Approved with Conditions 12/24/2024 12/20/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Engineer's Estimate dated Dec. 18, 2024 has been accepted. City will add 10% for overage for the escrow agreement. Informational comment.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

It appears an additional drainage easement is required for the portion of the double box culvert to the north of the pink shaded area on Sheet 2 of 4, and the right of way line. Informational comment.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

It appears a general utility easement encompassing the entire area to the north of Cape Dr. to encompass the water line and storm line is appropriate. Informational comment.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

All easements described above shall be dedicated prior to formal approval of any escrow agreement. Iniformational comment.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required

Has the placement of rip rap over Tri County water district line been discussed with Tri County? If not, we need to see confirmation this will be acceptable to Tri County water district. This shall be required prior to formal approval of any escrow agreement.
Engineering Review Corrections 07/15/2024 07/12/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Proposed water main is shown beneath the future double box culvert, and is too deep. Maximum depth of cover is 7 feet. Please evaluate and revise as appropriate. Water Utilities does not want the water main placed beneath a box culvert. It would appear the road grade can be revised to allow for the placement of the water main on top of the box while maintaining vertical clearance from the box, and still maintaining 3.5 feet of cover over the top of the pipe. Please evaluate and revise as appropriate. Please be aware this will require revision to the grading plan.
Corrective Action Required

Utility easement shown on the plat does not appear to be sufficient to fully-contain the box and its rip rap on the north side of future Cape Dr., nor the increase in the 100 year calculated water surface elevation upstream of the box. Please evaluate, and revise the plat as appropriate.
Corrective Action Required

Has the placement of rip rap over Tri County water district line been discussed with Tri County? If not, we need to see confirmation this will be acceptable to Tri County water district.
Corrective Action Required

The north side of the box culvert appears to be placed in a skewed configuration in relation to the actual stream bed. The question is whether this is a logical placement of the culvert. Would it be better to place the entrance to the box culvert further to the east? If so, please show on the plan.
Corrective Action Required

Please be aware that any changes to the grading plan which raise the road bed of Cape Dr. will require a reanalysis of the culvert hydraulics to account for the increased roadway height in relation to the stream. This may also increase the area subject to change in the 100 year water surface elevation, and may increase the area needed for a drainage easement upstream of the box culvert.
Corrective Action Required

Cost estimate did not appear to include engineering for the future work. Please include engineering cost within the estimate.
Corrective Action Required

Cost estimate shall be revised to include any changes discussed within this applicant letter.
Corrective Action Required

Cost estimate shall include a 10 percent overage factor to account for possible overages in the estimate.
Corrective Action Required

You are showing a 2:1 slope for the grading around the box culvert. Maximum slope is 3:1. Please evaluate and revise as appropriate.
Corrective Action Required

You are showing 2.5 to 1 slope along portions of the roadway embankment. Maximum slope is 3:1. Please evaluate and revise as appropriate.
Corrective Action Required

Since we have been going back and forth on this application, I would recommend a Zoom meeting to discuss.
Traffic Review No Comments 07/15/2024 06/28/2024
Scott Ready
Engineering Review Corrections 04/24/2024 04/24/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Drainage Easement(s) dedicated to the City should be obtained at this time, not at the time of construction. Please provide these easements on forms provided by the City, along with a graphical representation of the easements. A review copy shall be submitted to the City prior to execution and recording.
Corrective Action Required

The cost estimate should be broken-down in terms of the following: 1) street, 2) stormwater, 3) water line, 4) sanitary sewer, and 5) erosion and sediment control. As presented, it is presented in terms of street and sanitary sewer. In addition, the cost estimate is almost 3 years out of date. Please revise the cost estimate and update the cost estimate to account for inflation since 2021 (the date the cost estimate was signed and sealed).
Corrective Action Required

Water main is shown with insufficient clearance between storm lines and the box culvert. A minimum 18 inches is required in the vertical direction, and 10 feet in the horizontal direction. Please review and revise as appropriate.
Corrective Action Required

Water main is shown too close to the pavement. The water main should be placed south of the sidewalk and fire hdyrants shall be placed in the greenspace between the sidewalk and the pavement. Please revise. There may be an allowance at the double box culvert if needed, but this preliminary plan should at least address the issue of the water main being too close to the pavement. Please revise as appropriate.
Corrective Action Required

Based on the results of your analysis, the City recommends the box culvert be upgraded to the double 10 by 5 rather than the double 9 by 5 box culvert. The only rationale given was cost, and given the double box culvert is marginally more costly than the double 9 by 5 option, please upgrade to the double 10 by 5 option. Please revise the report and preliminary plan as appropriate.
Engineering Review Corrections 01/30/2024 01/29/2024
Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineering Review Corrections 09/25/2023 09/22/2023
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Please refer to the previous applicant letter comment #1. Although a summary report was included, no detailed report was submitted for the HY-8 analysis. In addition, there was no calculation of the HGL for the 100 year event, nor any analysis of where this HGL exists in relation to the right of way line. These were requested in the previous applicant letter, comment #1. Please respond to the previous applicant letter, comment #1.
Corrective Action Required

Easements discussed in the previous applicant letter (i.e., drainage easments, inundation easments, or both) were not addressed in the most recent submittal. These easments, if needed, shall be required prior to execution of the escrow agreement.
Traffic Review No Comments 09/25/2023 09/11/2023
Mike Weisenborn
Engineering Review Corrections 10/18/2022 10/18/2022
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Please refer to the previous applicant letter comment #2. No signed and sealed hydraulic analysis was provided in accordance with the terms of comment #2. Please provide the requested analysis of the culvert to prove the 10 by 5 double box culvert will be sufficient to limit the headwater effect to areas within the right of way, or if not, suitable inundation easements have been acquired.
Corrective Action Required

Grading plan was missing in the vicinity of the new box culvert. A grading plan is needed to determine the extent and nature of grading in this area. Please provide a grading plan.
Corrective Action Required

The north end of the box culvert is designed to accept stormwater from the creek in a skewed manner. Why was this alignment selected? As previously commented, a grading plan shall be required prior to moving forward with the escrow agreement, and the rationale for such an alignment shall be justified at that time.
Corrective Action Required

Public drainage easements shall be dedicated for the proposed box culvert prior to execution of the escrow agreement. Please show the limits of the easement on the preliminary plan for the box culvert. The limits of the easement shall include the energy dissipation measures installed, such as rip rap.
Corrective Action Required

The water line plan and profile was missing. It appears insufficient cover will be provided at the box culvert, and a re-design is necessary.
Corrective Action Required

Water main is shown too close to a curb inlet. A redesign is necessary.
Corrective Action Required

Water main is called-out as ductile iron. The City does not desire ductile iron pipe. Please specify C900 pipe for the water line, and show on plan and profile view.
Corrective Action Required

Embankment costs shall likely increase in relation to what is shown on your cost estimate due to increased vertical clearance needed at the box culvert. Please review and revise as appropriate.
Traffic Review No Comments 10/18/2022 10/18/2022
Brad Cooley, P.E., RSPI
Engineering Review Corrections 07/13/2022 07/13/2022
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

A preliminary design is required prior to reviewing any cost estimate for the project. No further review other than shown in this comment letter was performed.
Corrective Action Required

A signed and sealed analysis of the stream crossing was not prepared showing the sizing for the stream crossing. Please be aware this crossing shall be designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the Design and Construction Manual, and includes the requirement that any backwater effect does not extend outside the right of way for the 100 year event, unless suitable inundation easements are obtained from adjacent property owners. Design criteria for a collector road shall be utilized in addition to the criteria stated above. It is likely the headwater effect during the 100 year event encroaching upon neighboring properties shall prevail, so please be aware of this criteria.
Corrective Action Required

Cost estimate was missing the extension of the sanitary sewer to the plat boundary. This is a requirement for the escrow agreement.
Corrective Action Required

Cost estimate was not organized in a logical way. For instance, water line extension is shown under "Asphalt Paving", and the box culvert is shown under street paving. Please evaluate and reorganize the cost estimate accordingly.
Corrective Action Required

All cost estimates shall be sealed by a design professional registered in the State of Missouri. This was missing.

There are no hearings for this planning application.

Documents & Images
Date Uploaded File Type Document Name
11/01/2021 Engineers Estimate ENGINEERS ESTIMATE_REV 0_PL2021226
07/13/2022 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
10/04/2022 Plans Cape Road Extension
10/04/2022 Engineers Estimate ENGINEERS ESTIMATE_REV 1_PL2021226
10/18/2022 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
09/11/2023 Engineer Report/Study 020-0103_Cape Dr Box Culvert Sizing_Memo tmp signed_docx
09/11/2023 Plans 2023_09_08 Cape Drive Escrow Water Main Plan and Profile
09/11/2023 Plans 20230215_C_CAPE_0200103 Exhibit
09/11/2023 Engineers Estimate ENGINEERS ESTIMATE_REV 2_PL2021226
09/22/2023 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
01/16/2024 Plans 24-01-15_020-0103_Cape Dr Box Culvert Sizing_Memo tmp signed
01/29/2024 Email EMAIL COMMENTS
04/17/2024 Engineer Report/Study 24-04-17_Cape Dr Box Culvert Sizing_Memo_Signed TMP
04/24/2024 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
06/28/2024 Engineers Estimate ENGINEERS ESTIMATE_REV 3_PL2021226
06/28/2024 Letter 20240628 OLSSON COMMENT RESPONSES
06/28/2024 Plans 20240626 CAPE DRIVE EXHIBITS
07/12/2024 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
12/17/2024 Plans 20241216_Cape_Drive_Escrow_Exhibits
12/17/2024 Engineers Estimate ENGINEERS ESTIMATE_REV 4_PL2021226
12/27/2024 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
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