Review Type |
Outcome |
Est. Completion Date |
Completed |
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineering Review - Street and Storm
Approved with Conditions
Gene Williams, P.E.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
One hundred feet of cross-section interval is too high for this project. Recommend no more than 25 feet due to the flatness of this project. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Center line cross-sections required at all intersecting streets and private driveways. It would appear at least two (2) additional cross-sections required above and beyond the additional cross-sections necessary to meet the 25 foot guideline. Corrections required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Cross-sections shall include all utilities. It appears the cross-sections are missing water mains, sanitary line, and storm line, and any other utilities that may impact this project. Corrections required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C.251: Stationing is obscured by strikeover errors. Corrections required to eliminate strikeover errors.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C.251: Title of sheet is "Overall Grading Plan". No grading is shown. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Previous applicant letter provided a markup of the cross-sections. Comments were not addressed. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Stormwater structures exist along the east side of Hamblen that could be utilized to manage stormwater after construction of a ditch along Hamblen Rd. Some are public, and some are private. Other alternative is to design and install new underground system along the new ditchline. Recommend evaluating which stormwater structure(s) to utilize for draining the new ditch along Hamblen Rd., either by utilizing the public stormwater structures (i.e., field inlet(s)), private stormwater structures (i.e., field inlet(s)), or new underground pipe system to be installed with this project. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
An erosion and sediment control plan was missing. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Subgrade stabilization or geogrid was missing from the shoulder typical section. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Recommend a minimum of two (2) sheets showing the overall grading plan. As presented, it is impossible to read due to strikeovers, missing contour elevation contours for existing elevations, and crowded labels. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
KCMMB concrete for new driveway within right of way shall not include woven wire fabric, and shall be minimum 8 inches non-reinforced concrete within the right of way. Understand this removal and replacement will likely be expanded since the existing drainage will need to be expanded in this area to construct a ditch in accordance with City standards. It is likely the entire driveway shall be removed and replaced, not just a short piece at the end. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C.253: This sheet presents nothing concerning the grading, and appears impossible to construct with the new ditchline and 3:1 slope. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C.253: Both views are not identified and have to be identified using the process of elimination. This is a questionable way to prepare plans to be utilized in the field. Provide a clear identification of every item shown on this sheet. Clarify what the typical section view is to be used. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Final Comment: The objective of the design shall be to: 1) construct a drainage swale/ditch along the east side of Hamblen Rd. in accordance with City standards, 2) divert the stormwater collected in this ditch toward public and/or private stormwater structures such as field inlets or other drainage ways, and 3) provide final restoration to those property owners and City facilities affected by this project. As presented, these objectives have not been met. Corrections required.
Traffic Review - Streets
No Comments
Erin Ralovo
Corrective Action Required
These improvements will extend past the shoulder and into the ditchline. Additional grading will be needed the restablish a ditch through these improvements.
Corrective Action Required
Please include a reestablishment plan for the disturbed area outside of the widening.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
The left side of the roadway shows 3 R/W lines. There should only be one.
Engineering Review - Street and Storm
Gene Williams, P.E.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
One hundred feet of cross-section interval is too high for this project. Recommend no more than 25 feet due to the flatness of this project. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Center line cross-sections required at all intersecting streets and private driveways. It would appear at least two (2) additional cross-sections required above and beyond the additional cross-sections necessary to meet the 25 foot guideline. Corrections required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Cross-sections shall include all utilities. It appears the cross-sections are missing water mains, sanitary line, and storm line, and any other utilities that may impact this project. Corrections required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C.251: Stationing is obscured by strikeover errors. Corrections required to eliminate strikeover errors.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C.251: Title of sheet is "Overall Grading Plan". No grading is shown. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Previous applicant letter provided a markup of the cross-sections. Comments were not addressed. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Stormwater structures exist along the east side of Hamblen that could be utilized to manage stormwater after construction of a ditch along Hamblen Rd. Some are public, and some are private. Other alternative is to design and install new underground system along the new ditchline. Recommend evaluating which stormwater structure(s) to utilize for draining the new ditch along Hamblen Rd., either by utilizing the public stormwater structures (i.e., field inlet(s)), private stormwater structures (i.e., field inlet(s)), or new underground pipe system to be installed with this project. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
An erosion and sediment control plan was missing. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Subgrade stabilization or geogrid was missing from the shoulder typical section. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Recommend a minimum of two (2) sheets showing the overall grading plan. As presented, it is impossible to read due to strikeovers, missing contour elevation contours for existing elevations, and crowded labels. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
KCMMB concrete for new driveway within right of way shall not include woven wire fabric, and shall be minimum 8 inches non-reinforced concrete within the right of way. Understand this removal and replacement will likely be expanded since the existing drainage will need to be expanded in this area to construct a ditch in accordance with City standards. It is likely the entire driveway shall be removed and replaced, not just a short piece at the end. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C.253: This sheet presents nothing concerning the grading, and appears impossible to construct with the new ditchline and 3:1 slope. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Sheet C.253: Both views are not identified and have to be identified using the process of elimination. This is a questionable way to prepare plans to be utilized in the field. Provide a clear identification of every item shown on this sheet. Clarify what the typical section view is to be used. Correction required.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
Final Comment: The objective of the design shall be to: 1) construct a drainage swale/ditch along the east side of Hamblen Rd. in accordance with City standards, 2) divert the stormwater collected in this ditch toward public and/or private stormwater structures such as field inlets or other drainage ways, and 3) provide final restoration to those property owners and City facilities affected by this project. As presented, these objectives have not been met. Corrections required.
Traffic Review - Streets
Erin Ralovo
Corrective Action Required
These improvements will extend past the shoulder and into the ditchline. Additional grading will be needed the restablish a ditch through these improvements.
Corrective Action Required
Please include a reestablishment plan for the disturbed area outside of the widening.
Miscellaneous Correction
Corrective Action Required
The left side of the roadway shows 3 R/W lines. There should only be one.
Engineering Review - Streetlight
Gene Williams, P.E.
Engineering Review - Street and Storm
Gene Williams, P.E.
Traffic Review - Streets
Erin Ralovo
Corrective Action Required
These improvements will extend past the shoulder and into the ditchline. Additional grading will be needed the restablish a ditch through these improvements.
Corrective Action Required
Please include a reestablishment plan for the disturbed area outside of the widening.