Permit Application Status


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Public Works Infrastructure Permit - Commercial
Final Acceptance
Public Works Infrastructure
Fire Station #2 - water, storm, sanitary
STRAUB CONSTRUCTION CO, Address:7775 MEADOW VIEW DR, Phone:(913) 451-8828  

There are no reviews for this permit application.

Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
Engineering Plan Review/PWI Fee $0.00 $2,633.10 Paid 02/14/2012
Water Test/Plat Fee $0.00 $200.00 Paid 02/14/2012
9110069-After Hours Inspections (Public Works)(Per Hour) $236.10 $236.10 Paid 02/14/2012
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
No outstanding fees.

Inspection Outcome Requested Scheduled Date Inspected
Water Line - Construction Inspection Passed 9/7/2010 at 12:00 AM 09/07/2010
Fire Line - Flush Passed 10/5/2010 at 12:00 AM 10/05/2010
Water Line - Coliform Test 1 Passed 10/6/2010 at 12:00 AM 10/06/2010
Water Line - Coliform Test 2 Passed 10/8/2010 at 12:00 AM 10/08/2010
Water Line - Coliform Test 1 Passed 10/11/2010 at 12:00 AM 10/11/2010
Water Line - Coliform Test 2 Passed 10/12/2010 at 12:00 AM 10/12/2010
Sanitary Sewer Construction Inspection Passed 11/30/2010 at 12:00 AM 11/30/2010
Storm Sewer Construction Inspection Passed 12/6/2010 at 12:00 AM 12/06/2010
Sanitary Sewer - Wye / Insert-A-Tee Installation Passed 12/6/2010 at 12:00 AM 12/06/2010
Sewer Service Inspection Passed 12/7/2010 at 12:00 AM 12/07/2010
Pavement-Aggregate Base Failed 3/16/2011 at 12:00 AM 03/16/2011
Corrective Action Required
The general contractor Straub Construction will have get an Engineering revision on the adjustment of the north concrete drive entrance from Cook, Flat, and Strobel. The correction will raise the percent of grade for the concrete drive to 3.5% instead of 7%. 7% grade will put the new 24"RCP storm pipe in the new 7" concrete slab.
Tie-Down Inspection Passed 3/21/2011 at 12:00 AM 03/21/2011
Driveway Inspection Passed/Re-Inspect 3/22/2011 at 12:00 AM 03/22/2011
Curb - Proof Roll Passed/Re-Inspect 3/23/2011 at 12:00 AM 03/23/2011
Driveway Inspection Passed 3/24/2011 at 12:00 AM 03/24/2011
Pavement-Proof Roll Passed 3/30/2011 at 12:00 AM 03/30/2011
Site Visit Passed 4/8/2011 at 12:00 AM 04/11/2011
Miscellaneous Inspection Passed 4/12/2011 at 12:00 AM 04/12/2011
Miscellaneous Inspection Passed 5/2/2011 at 12:00 AM 05/02/2011
Verify Substantial Completion Substantial Completion 5/27/2011 at 12:00 AM 05/27/2011
Miscellaneous PWORKS Inspection Passed 6/30/2011 at 12:00 AM 06/30/2011
Record Drawing Review Passed 8/17/2011 at 12:00 AM 08/17/2011
Documents & Images
Date Uploaded File Type Document Name
11/03/2010 P9060013.JPG
11/03/2010 P9060014.JPG
11/03/2010 Desktop.exe
11/03/2010 EN 09-043 Summit Grove Senior Apts Public Improvements Approval.doc
11/03/2010 PA290008.JPG
11/03/2010 PA120002.JPG
11/03/2010 20101028100050618.pdf
11/03/2010 PA280006.JPG
11/03/2010 PA280007.JPG
11/03/2010 20101013114317916.pdf
11/03/2010 PA280008.JPG
11/03/2010 20101102145753705.pdf
11/03/2010 P9030014.JPG
11/05/2010 20101105062542292.pdf
11/11/2010 20101111083235476.pdf
12/07/2010 20101207113742689.pdf
12/10/2010 PC060014.JPG
03/17/2011 20110317080030523.pdf
03/17/2011 20110317081434735.pdf
03/18/2011 20110317155652801.pdf
03/21/2011 20110321073642722.pdf
03/22/2011 20110322154951170.pdf
03/25/2011 20110325074659889.pdf
03/25/2011 20110325074516225.pdf
03/25/2011 20110325074516225.pdf
03/25/2011 P3240010.JPG
03/25/2011 P3240011.JPG
03/25/2011 P3240012.JPG
03/25/2011 P3240008.JPG
03/25/2011 P3240009.JPG
04/04/2011 P4010020.JPG
04/04/2011 20110404084903057.pdf
04/04/2011 20110404115847664.pdf
04/08/2011 P4060032.JPG
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04/08/2011 P4060039.JPG
04/11/2011 20110411082935061.pdf
04/15/2011 20110415103919461.pdf
04/15/2011 20110415104439827.pdf
04/15/2011 20110415104439827.pdf
04/15/2011 20110415105315149.pdf
05/26/2011 20110526114745421.pdf
05/27/2011 20110527105042663.pdf
10/12/2011 P1010098-2.JPG
01/05/2012 20120105085304486.pdf
01/05/2012 20120105085304486.pdf
01/05/2012 20120105085304486.pdf
01/05/2012 20120105085304486.pdf
01/05/2012 20120105085304486.pdf
01/05/2012 20120105085304486.pdf
01/05/2012 20120105085304486.pdf
01/05/2012 20120105085304486.pdf
08/06/2012 DOC080612-08062012144911.pdf
02/13/2013 Substatial Completion
02/13/2013 Final Acceptance
08/29/2013 Letter PW-Punch List
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