Planning Application Status



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Engineering Plan Review
Engineering Plan Review
Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Record Drawings Review No Comments 10/31/2022 10/31/2022
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

There is a 30” water main along the south side of SW 14th Street in addition to the 36” main. Please show and label in the Plan view and show the crossing in the Profile view.
Corrective Action Required

Design and Construction Manual Section 6901.E.1.b requires 2 valves at every tee, on opposite lines. Please revise the plans accordingly. Also verify that the labels are all correct.
Corrective Action Required

Revise the estimate and Summary of Quantities table accordingly.
Record Drawings Review Corrections 10/26/2022 10/21/2022
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

There is a 30” water main along the south side of SW 14th Street in addition to the 36” main. Please show and label in the Plan view and show the crossing in the Profile view.
Corrective Action Required

Design and Construction Manual Section 6901.E.1.b requires 2 valves at every tee, on opposite lines. Please revise the plans accordingly. Also verify that the labels are all correct.
Corrective Action Required

Revise the estimate and Summary of Quantities table accordingly.
Record Drawings Review Corrections 10/17/2022 10/17/2022
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Engineering Review Approved with Conditions 07/31/2020 07/31/2020
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

There is a 30” water main along the south side of SW 14th Street in addition to the 36” main. Please show and label in the Plan view and show the crossing in the Profile view.
Corrective Action Required

Design and Construction Manual Section 6901.E.1.b requires 2 valves at every tee, on opposite lines. Please revise the plans accordingly. Also verify that the labels are all correct.
Corrective Action Required

Revise the estimate and Summary of Quantities table accordingly.
Engineering Review Corrections 06/29/2020 06/25/2020
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

There is a 30” water main along the south side of SW 14th Street in addition to the 36” main. Please show and label in the Plan view and show the crossing in the Profile view.
Corrective Action Required

Design and Construction Manual Section 6901.E.1.b requires 2 valves at every tee, on opposite lines. Please revise the plans accordingly. Also verify that the labels are all correct.
Corrective Action Required

Revise the estimate and Summary of Quantities table accordingly.
Engineering Review Corrections 06/04/2020 06/04/2020
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Line 1 exceeds the allowable dead end length of 700 feet. Please add a water line along the north side of SW 14th Street that connects Line 1 with the existing 8" main on the east side of Ward Road.
Corrective Action Required

Please show and label the existing 30" main along the south side of SW 14th Street in Plan view and show the crossing in Profile view.
Corrective Action Required

Where the existing water main is being removed across Heartwood Drive, please show capping the existing cross.
Engineering Review Corrections 05/13/2020 05/12/2020
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 1: • Delete General Note 13. I apologize, my previous comments were contradictory. • Remove the approval signature block for the City Engineer. A stamp will be provided electronically when approved.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 4: Revise the Plan view “Blow-Off Assembly” label to “Temporary In-Line Fire Hydrant” to match the Profile view and Engineer’s Estimate.
Corrective Action Required

Engineer’s Estimate: Revie the quantities shown for the two sizes of bends, they don’t appear to match the plans. Update the Summary of Quantities Table on Sheet 1 to match. Make sure to resubmit a signed/sealed estimate.
Engineering Review Corrections 03/06/2020 03/06/2020
Sue Pyles, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Public infrastructure plans must match the associated plats for location of improvements. When resubmitting, please provide separate plan sets for Woodland Glen 2nd Plat and Woodland Glen 3rd Plat.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 1: • Please add the plat number to the project title on this sheet and the title block on all sheets. • Please revise the phone number to 816-969-1200 in General Note 13. • Please remove General Notes 13 & 14, they are not applicable. • Please remove the sanitary sewer portion of Utility Note 4, it is not allowed by MDNR. • Please remove the casing pipe item from the Summary of Quantities table. • Please include a Vicinity Map with nearby streets labeled.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 2: City records indicate the water main continues east from SW Winthrop Terrace on the north side of SW Heartwood Drive. Please show this main throughout the plan set.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 3: • Label all street names. • Label existing and proposed grades in the Profile view. • It would appear a vertical bend is required near Sta. 0+55. Please revise as needed. • Remove the casing pipe requirement for the boring under SW 14th Street. They are no longer required for water mains under streets.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet 5: Please remove all standard details not required for this project.
Corrective Action Required

General: • Submit an Engineer's Estimate of Probable Construction Costs. • Submit the SWPPP and a copy of the MDNR Land Disturbance Permit.
Title Location Date Time
Documents & Images
Date Uploaded File Type Document Name
02/21/2020 Letter Routing Sheet
03/06/2020 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
05/05/2020 18-017 WATER (REV1)
05/06/2020 18-017 Engineers Probable Cost Estimate to City
05/06/2020 RESPONSE TO DE-Comment Letter 2nd-Water(Engineering Plans) dated 05-06-2020
05/06/2020 MDNR PERMIT
05/06/2020 SWP2
05/11/2020 20200220_18-017 WATER (Rev. 0)
05/12/2020 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
05/27/2020 18-017 Engineers Probable Cost Estimate to City (WATER)-sealed
05/27/2020 RESPONSE TO DE-Comment Letter 2nd-Water(Engineering Plans) 5-20-2020
05/27/2020 Plans 18-017 WATER (rev2)
06/04/2020 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
06/22/2020 Letter RESPONSE TO DE-Comment Letter 2nd-Water(Engineering Plans) 6-19-2020
06/22/2020 Engineer Report/Study 18-017 Engineers Probable Cost Estimate to City (WATER)
06/25/2020 Letter DE-Comment Letter (Engineering Plans)
07/02/2020 Activity Document WoodlandGlen2ndplat_MO0101087_202000701_MOGSE0035_CP
07/21/2020 Engineers Estimate 18-017 Engineers Probable Cost Estimate to City (WATER)
07/21/2020 Letter RESPONSE TO DE-Comment Letter 2nd-Water(Engineering Plans) 7-8-2020
07/21/2020 Plans 18-017 WATER (REV4)
08/05/2020 Letter Woodland Glen 2nd Plat MDNR SignedConc. Letter WAT Elec Signed
08/05/2020 Activity Document Water Model
08/05/2020 Activity Document Fees PL2020041 Woodland Glen 2nd Water
08/05/2020 Activity Document PL2020041 Woodland Glen 2nd Water Pending Items
05/27/2021 Letter Less's Summit PWS-MO1010459-Jackson Co-20210524-1000068-21-PDWB-CI
06/08/2021 Approved Plans Woodland Glen, 2nd Plat - Waterline Approved 6.8.21
06/08/2021 Letter DE-Engineering Plans Approval Letter
10/05/2022 Plans 20220926_18-017 WATER AS-BUILTS
10/17/2022 Email Woodland Glen 2nd Plat Sanitary Sewer and Water Record Drawing Review Comments
10/19/2022 Plans 20221018_18-017 WATER AS-BUILTS-Rev_1
10/21/2022 Email Woodland Glen 2nd Plat Sanitary Sewer and Water Record Drawing Review Comments
10/21/2022 Plans 20221021_18-017 WATER AS-BUILTS-Rev_1
12/01/2022 Accepted MDP Woodland Glen 2nd Water AsBuilts Accepted RD
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