Planning Application Status



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Lee's Summit School District #7 - Middle School #4, Lots 1 and Tract A
Final Plat
Final Plat
City Council
OLSSON ASSOCIATES (BRIAN LADD), Address:7301 W 133RD ST, SUITE 200, Phone:(913) 748-2550  
Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Engineering Review Approved with Conditions 05/09/2022 07/07/2022
Gene Williams, P.E.
DE C&O #01 Eng Plans – FP/PP
Corrective Action Required

All required engineering plans and studies, including water lines, sanitary sewers, storm drainage, streets and erosion and sediment control shall be submitted along with the final plat and approved prior to the approval of the final plat. All public infrastructure must be substantially complete, prior to the issuance of any building permits.
DE C&O #03 Eng & Insp Fees
Corrective Action Required

All Engineering Plan Review and Inspection Fees shall be paid prior to approval of the associated engineering plans and prior to the issuance of any site development permits or the start of construction (excluding land disturbance permit).
DE C&O #04 Cert FA or Escrow
Corrective Action Required

All subdivision-related public improvements must have a Certificate of Final Acceptance prior to approval of the final plat, unless security is provided in the manner set forth in the City's Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Section 7.340. If security is provided, building permits may be issued upon issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion of the public infrastructure as outlined in Article 3, Division V, Sections 3.540 and 3.550 and Article 3, Division IV, Section 3.475 of the UDO, respectively.
DE C&O #06 Land Disturbance
Corrective Action Required

A Land Disturbance Permit shall be obtained from the City if groundbreaking will take place prior to the issuance of a site development permit, building permit, or prior to the approval of the Final Development Plan / Engineering Plans.
DE C&O #07 Easements
Corrective Action Required

All permanent off-site easements, in a form acceptable to the City, shall be executed and recorded with the Jackson County Recorder of Deeds prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion or approval of the final plat. A certified copy shall be submitted to the City for verification.
Planning Review No Comments 05/09/2022 05/09/2022
Hector Soto Jr.
Fire Review No Comments 05/09/2022 05/02/2022
Mike Weisenborn
GIS Review No Comments 05/09/2022 05/02/2022
Mike Weisenborn
Traffic Review No Comments 05/09/2022 05/02/2022
Mike Weisenborn
Engineering Review Corrections 04/21/2022 04/21/2022
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Please refer to comment 4 in the previous applicant letter. The detention basin dedication language in the upper right hand corner of the plat has a series of items within brackets (i.e., covenants, conditions, restrictions, or operation manual) that is not clear. Will there be an HOA established? It was our understanding that no HOA is being established, and hence, no covenants, restrictions or conditions can exist. Please clarify by using the appropriate template.
Planning Review Approved with Conditions 04/21/2022 04/18/2022
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required

TRACT A DEDICATION PARAGRAPH. The paragraph that dedicates the "Detention Area" tract (Tract A) includes language in brackets (lines 2 and 3 of the paragraph) that is unfinished/placeholder language. Revise.
GIS Review No Comments 04/21/2022 04/15/2022
Kathy Kraemer
Traffic Review No Comments 04/21/2022 04/14/2022
Mike Weisenborn
Fire Review No Comments 04/21/2022 04/14/2022
Mike Weisenborn
Engineering Review Corrections 03/25/2022 03/24/2022
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

"S/E" is shown on the legend, but "Sanitary Sewer Easement" is called-out on the plat. Please reconcile.
Corrective Action Required

Sanitary sewer easement definition under "dedications" does not follow the City of Lee's Summit template. Please use the following template: "A permanent and exclusive easement is hereby granted to the City of Lee’s Summit to patrol, alter, conduct surveys, construct, erect, inspect, install, maintain, operate, rebuild, reconstruct, relocate, remove, renew, repair and replace sewer pipe lines, manholes, and appurtenances thereto, including the right and privilege at any time and from time to time to enter upon, over, under, through, across, in, and upon those areas outlined or designated upon this plat at “Sanitary Sewer Easement” or within any street or thoroughfare dedicated to the public use on this plat. Grantor, its successors and assigns, shall not obstruct or interfere with Grantee’s use and enjoyment of the easement granted hereunder by any means, including, without limitation, obstructing or interfering with the operation, maintenance, or access to such pipe lines, manholes, and appurtenances thereto, by erecting, or causing or allowing to be erected, any building, structure, or other improvements on said easement. Grantor, its successors and assigns, to the fullest extent allowed by law, including, without limitation, section 527.188, RSMo., hereby waives any right to request vacation of the easements herein granted. All easements shall, at all times, be deemed to be and shall be a continuing covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Grantor."
Corrective Action Required

Sanitary sewer easement was missing to the south of Cape Dr. Please dedicate a sanitary sewer easement (i.e., not a general utility easement) for the line to the south plat boundary.
Corrective Action Required

Detention basin maintenance language includes reference to HOA, POA, or owner. Please be specific as to the responsible party, since the template is meant to be altered to be site-specific. In this case, it shall be the owner since there will not be a separate HOA or POA to provide future maintenance or inspection. Please correct.
Corrective Action Required

Private easement language is included within the dedication language. Where are these private easements? If no private easements, this language should be removed.
Corrective Action Required

Sidewalk is not shown along Cape Dr. It is only shown to the limits of the construction of Cape Dr., with no indication of future construction of sidewalk along both sides of Cape Dr. Please correct. Please see Planning comments for more information.
Corrective Action Required

Stream buffer language shall be revised as follows: "In the areas designated as “Stream Buffer Easement” there is hereby granted to the City an easement for the purpose of prohibiting any development of any kind and prohibiting the erection, construction, placement or maintenance of any structures upon such land, as the term “structure” shall be defined in the City’s Unified Development Ordinance in Chapter 33 of the City Code of Ordinances, and prohibiting any change in the grade and elevation of such land, and prohibiting the alteration of the natural course and flow of the water in the stream, and prohibiting the damming or stoppage of the water in the stream, and to require the owners of such land to keep and maintain such land in its natural vegetative state and to tend, maintain and mow such land as required by the City’s Property Maintenance Code in Chapter 16 of the City Code of Ordinances, which easement shall constitute a servitude upon the land so encumbered and which shall run with the land in perpetuity and be binding upon the land owners, their successors and assigns and all other parties claiming under them, and shall remain in full force and effect forever. A waiver or modification to this Stream Buffer Easement, or a release of this Stream Buffer Easement, may be granted by the City Engineer on behalf of the City as to any or all areas so designated on this Plat, which waiver, modification or release shall be recorded in the land records for Jackson County.”
Traffic Review No Comments 03/25/2022 03/23/2022
Brad Cooley, P.E., RSPI
Planning Review Approved with Conditions 03/25/2022 03/22/2022
Hector Soto Jr.
Legal Description
Corrective Action Required

Please submit an electronic copy of the legal description. Microsoft Word document or selectable text PDF are the preferred file formats. The legal description can be emailed to the planner's email address above.
Corrective Action Required

DATES. Update the years referenced in the owner's signature paragraph, notary paragraph and City Council approval paragraph from 2021 to 2022.
Corrective Action Required

SIDEWALKS. 5' sidewalks shall be added to both sides of the entire length of SE Cape Dr.
Corrective Action Required

LOT NUMBERS. Since the parcel on which the detention basin is located serves no other purpose than to house private infrastructure, rename Lot 2 as Tract A. Update the plat title and any other reference to Lot 2 throughout the document to reflect the change in lot name.
GIS Review Corrections 03/25/2022 03/22/2022
Kathy Kraemer
Corrective Action Required

Can you clearly identify where the 1 ft line is? It seems to be covered up by the plat boundary and the circles. I assume it is between the plat boundary and the tract to be dedicated for Bailey Rd ROW.
Fire Review No Comments 03/25/2022 03/18/2022
Scott Ready
Traffic Review Corrections 08/23/2021 08/26/2021
Michael Park
Corrective Action Required

Sidewalk (10') required along the south side of Bailey Road in accordance with sidewalk requirements and Comprehensive Plan (Greenway Master Plan Element). This has already been included in the Engineering Plans.
Corrective Action Required

Sidewalk (5') required along other streets impacted/extended in accordance with UDO. these sidewalks have also already been shown on the submitted Engineering Plans.
Planning Review Corrections 08/23/2021 08/23/2021
Hector Soto Jr.
Legal Description
Corrective Action Required

Please submit an electronic copy of the legal description. Microsoft Word document or selectable text PDF are the preferred file formats. The legal description can be emailed to the planner's email address above.
Corrective Action Required

SIDEWALKS. A 5' sidewalk is required to be constructed along the south side of SE Bailey Rd. Show and label said sidewalk.
Engineering Review Corrections 08/23/2021 08/23/2021
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Comment 5 on previous applicant letter was not addressed: It does not appear the stream buffer matches what is shown on the Final Development Plan. Two separate lines are shown for the stream buffer. It is our understanding the stream buffer extends to the property boundary to the east. Please check and ensure the correct stream buffer is shown on the plat. It appears one of the dashed lines represents the ordinary high water mark(?), so this should be reconciled.
Corrective Action Required

Comment 4 previous applicant letter was not addressed: Water line easement may need to be established, but no plans have been submitted for water line extension. If water main can be installed in embankment at minimum depth of cover, but above the box culvert, a separate water line easement might not be necessary. If however the water line extension cannot be installed on top of the box culvert without clearance issues or depth of cover issues, a separate water line easement shall be established around the box culvert, and crossing the creek to the east.
Corrective Action Required

Comment 10 within previous applicant letter was not addressed: Prior to approval of the plat, Cape Dr. improvements plans shall be submitted and approvable. This would not only include Cape Dr. plans, but also water line extension to the plat boundary, storm improvements, and box culvert improvements.
Corrective Action Required

Please refer to comment 7. The City has standard detention basin language that should be used to identify maintenance aspects of the basins. Although the private easement would be a good idea, identification of the parties responsible for the operation and maintenance is required. If you do not have the most up to date language, we will send it separately.
GIS Review Corrections 08/23/2021 08/18/2021
Kathy Kraemer
Corrective Action Required

What is that 1 foot length designation near the POB? Is there an associated bearing?
Fire Review No Comments 08/23/2021 08/17/2021
Jim Eden
Planning Review Corrections 06/25/2021 06/25/2021
Hector Soto Jr.
Legal Description
Corrective Action Required

LEGAL DESCRIPTION. Please submit an electronic copy of the legal description. Microsoft Word document or selectable text PDF are the preferred file formats. The legal description can be emailed to the planner's email address above.
Corrective Action Required

PLAT TITLE. - Add the lot numbers to the plat title. - Staff suggests retitling the plat so it reads, "Lee's Summit Middle School #4, Lots 1 and 2". Update all plat title references on the drawing to reflect the new name.
Corrective Action Required

ADDRESSES. Label each lot with their respective address: Lot 1 - 1001 SE Bailey Rd; and Lot 2 - 1001 SE Cape Dr.
Corrective Action Required

STREET NAME. Add the "SE" quadrant prefix to the Cape Dr street name label.
Corrective Action Required

SIDEWALKS. 5' sidewalks are required along both sides of SE Cape Dr and along the south side of SE Bailey Rd.
Corrective Action Required

CITY SIGNATURE BLOCK. Replace Dana Arth's name with Cynda Rader as the Planning Commission Secretary.
Engineering Review Corrections 06/25/2021 06/25/2021
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Cape Dr. shall be adjusted as described during the Zoom call with Terry Parsons and Ryan Fleming on Jun. 24, 2021.
Corrective Action Required

Minimum of 10 feet of general utility easement shall be provided along Cape Dr. on each side of the right of way.
Corrective Action Required

Sanitary sewer easement shall be adjusted in accordance with the alignment discussed during the Jun. 24, 2021 zoom meeting.
Corrective Action Required

Water line easement may need to be established, but no plans have been submitted for water line extension. If water main can be installed in embankment at minimum depth of cover, but above the box culvert, a separate water line easement might not be necessary. If however the water line extension cannot be installed on top of the box culvert without clearance issues or depth of cover issues, a separate water line easement shall be established.
Corrective Action Required

Stream buffer limits shall be shown on the plat.
Corrective Action Required

Stream buffer language shall be shown on the plat.
Corrective Action Required

Detention basin language shall be shown on the plat in a form acceptable to the City. As shown, it does not follow our standard language for detention basins, but rather, references BMP areas.
Corrective Action Required

Detention basin locations shall be shown on the plat.
Corrective Action Required

A minimum 10 foot general utility easement should be dedicated along the Bailey Rd. right of way. This new easement may overlap existing easements.
Corrective Action Required

Prior to approval of the plat, Cape Dr. improvements plans shall be submitted and approvable. This would not only include Cape Dr. plans, but also water line extension to the plat boundary, storm improvements, and box culvert improvements.
Corrective Action Required

Traffic Review Corrections 06/25/2021 06/24/2021
Brad Cooley, P.E., RSPI
Corrective Action Required

Right-of-way shown for Cape Drive shall be coordinated with property to the east (Bailey Farms) and aligned accordingly.
Corrective Action Required

Sidewalk needs to be shown with measurements.
GIS Review Corrections 06/25/2021 06/15/2021
Kathy Kraemer
Corrective Action Required

The first call in the legal is different than the drawing (20.00 vs 19.96).
Corrective Action Required

Please note the POINT OF BEGINNING in the legal description
Corrective Action Required

What is that 1 foot length designation near the POB? Is there an associated bearing?
Fire Review No Comments 06/25/2021 06/14/2021
Jim Eden
Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
9110077-Final Plat fee $706.00 $706.00 Paid 06/16/2021
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
No outstanding fees.

Title Location Date Time
Planning Commission Meeting 07/14/2022 5:00 PM Council Chambers 07/14/2022 05:00 PM
Public Hearing Review
City Council Ordinance 1st Reading 07/26/2022 6:00 PM Council Chambers 07/26/2022 06:00 PM
Public Hearing Review
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