Planning Application Status



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Commercial Final Development Plan
Commercial Final Development Plan
Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
Planning Review No Comments 06/17/2016 07/12/2016
Jennifer Thompson
Engineering Review No Comments 06/17/2016 06/17/2016
Gene Williams, P.E.
DE Engineers Estimate
Corrective Action Required

The Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Costs has been accepted for this project, and the Public Works Review and Inspection Fee of $9,073.37 (which is based on 3% of the total infrastructure cost plus a water test inspection fee) must be paid prior to the issuance of an infrastructure permit and/or the final processing of a building permit.
DE Contact Field Eng. Inspector
Corrective Action Required

Contact Public Works Inspections at (816) 969-1800 at least 48 hours prior to the onset of construction.
DE Contact ROW Inspector
Corrective Action Required

Contact a Right-of-Way Inspector at (816) 969-1800 prior to any land disturbance within the right-of-way. These activities may require a permit.
DE Future Repair Work
Corrective Action Required

Please be aware that any future repair work to public infrastructure (e.g., water main repair, sanitary sewer repair, storm sewer repair, etc.) within public easements will not necessarily include the repair of pavement, curbing, landscaping, or other private improvements which are located within the easement.
PW Submit Land Disturbance (DELETE)
Corrective Action Required

If groundbreaking is scheduled prior to the issuance of a building permit, please submit a Land Disturbance Permit application and the required attachments to the Erosion Control Specialist.
DE C&O #12 Cut & Fill
Corrective Action Required

Any cut and / or fill operations, which cause public infrastructure to exceed the maximum / minimum depths of cover shall be mitigated by relocating the infrastructure vertically and / or horizontally to meet the specifications contained within the City’s Design and Construction Manual.
Fire Review Approved with Conditions 06/17/2016 06/16/2016
Jim Eden
Code Statement
Corrective Action Required

All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2012 International Fire Code.
Corrective Action Required

IFC 903.3.7- Fire department connections. The location of fire department connections shall be approved by the fire code official. Connections shall be a 4 inch Storz type fitting and located within 100 feet of a fire hydrant, or as approved by the code official. The FDC is not shown on the plans, but the location was confirmed with the design engineer.
Traffic Review No Comments 06/17/2016 06/15/2016
Michael Park
Planning Review Corrections 05/10/2016 05/19/2016
Jennifer Thompson
Corrective Action Required

Please reconcile between the architectural plans and the civil plans the lane widths on the east side of the building. The civil plans show a 20-foot lane width and the architectural plans show 34-foot lane width.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C201 indicates the ground mounted units will be screened by landscaping on the east side of the building and by a decorative fence for the units on the west side of the building. However, the architectural plans indicate a metal louvered screen will be used. Please match the plans. Also, within the architectural plans sheet E1.1 mentions the ground mounted units will be screened by a vinyl screen? Please clarify the method of screening.
Corrective Action Required

Provide a photometric diagram indicating the foot candle levels through the site and at the property lines.
Corrective Action Required

Provide the location, height, intensity and type of outside lighting fixtures for the exterior of the building and parking lots. The Unified Development Ordinance requires any development providing a parking lot accommodating 11 or more parking spaces shall provide parking lot lighting.
Corrective Action Required

Provide the manufacturer's specification sheets for proposed exterior lighting to include both parking lot pole mounted and wall mounted fixtures. The specification sheets shall indicate the exact fixture to be used.
Corrective Action Required

Staff recommends bollards be placed on the outside of the ground mounted units located on the east side of the building.
Corrective Action Required

On Sheet C200, the 15-foot easement that runs along the northeast side of the lot, the easement reference isn't quite right. Revise the label to read: Doc. No. I-1216671 in Bk I-2449, pg. 1466 and Doc. No. I-1216672 in Bk I-2449, pg. 1470.
Traffic Review No Comments 05/10/2016 05/10/2016
Michael Park
Engineering Review Approved with Conditions 05/10/2016 05/10/2016
Gene Williams, P.E.
DE Engineers Estimate
Corrective Action Required

The Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Costs has been accepted for this project, and the Public Works Review and Inspection Fee of $9,073.37 (which is based on 3% of the total infrastructure cost plus a water test inspection fee) must be paid prior to the issuance of an infrastructure permit and/or the final processing of a building permit.
DE Contact Field Eng. Inspector
Corrective Action Required

Contact Public Works Inspections at (816) 969-1800 at least 48 hours prior to the onset of construction.
DE Contact ROW Inspector
Corrective Action Required

Contact a Right-of-Way Inspector at (816) 969-1800 prior to any land disturbance within the right-of-way. These activities may require a permit.
DE Future Repair Work
Corrective Action Required

Please be aware that any future repair work to public infrastructure (e.g., water main repair, sanitary sewer repair, storm sewer repair, etc.) within public easements will not necessarily include the repair of pavement, curbing, landscaping, or other private improvements which are located within the easement.
PW Submit Land Disturbance (DELETE)
Corrective Action Required

If groundbreaking is scheduled prior to the issuance of a building permit, please submit a Land Disturbance Permit application and the required attachments to the Erosion Control Specialist.
DE C&O #12 Cut & Fill
Corrective Action Required

Any cut and / or fill operations, which cause public infrastructure to exceed the maximum / minimum depths of cover shall be mitigated by relocating the infrastructure vertically and / or horizontally to meet the specifications contained within the City’s Design and Construction Manual.
Fire Review Approved with Conditions 05/10/2016 05/05/2016
Jim Eden
Code Statement
Corrective Action Required

All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2012 International Fire Code.
Corrective Action Required

IFC 903.3.7- Fire department connections. The location of fire department connections shall be approved by the fire code official. Connections shall be a 4 inch Storz type fitting and located within 100 feet of a fire hydrant, or as approved by the code official. The FDC is not shown on the plans, but the location was confirmed with the design engineer.
Planning Review Corrections 04/08/2016 04/12/2016
Jennifer Thompson
Corrective Action Required

On Sheet C200 reference the document # for the 15-UE that runs along the northeast side of the lot. The recorded plat indicates this is Doc. No. I-1216671 in Bk I-2449, pg. 1466 and Doc. No.1 1216672 in Bk 1-2449, pg. 1470. Also, the recorded plat for this lot indicates the easement that runs along the cul-de-sac bulb portion of the lot is a 10-foot utility easement rather than a 15-foot utility easement, please revise.
Corrective Action Required

On Sheet C210, clarify is the the straight back curb the same as CG-1 curbing?
Corrective Action Required

On Sheet C210, label the material of the trash enclosure doors. The UDO requires a steel gate, painted to match the building it is to serve. Also, it appears the exterior of the trash enclosure will be brick, please confirm.
Corrective Action Required

Is the sidewalk along the fronts of the building higher than the parking lot? Is there at least a 6" rise for the sidewalk? Bumper blocks are typically not allowed.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet A-5 was not submitted and the comments related to sheet A-5 were not addressed. Label the proposed colors for the building. Indicated the location of all exterior wall lighting.
Corrective Action Required

Provide a photometric diagram indicating the foot candle levels through the site and at the property lines.
Corrective Action Required

Provide the location, height, intensity and type of outside lighting fixtures for building and parking lots.
Corrective Action Required

Provide the manufacturer's specification sheets for proposed exterior lighting to include both parking lot pole mounted and wall mounted fixtures. The specification sheets shall indicate the exact fixture to be used.
Corrective Action Required

Identify whether ground mounted or roof top units are proposed.
Engineering Review Corrections 04/08/2016 04/08/2016
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

Please see comment #2 from the applicant letter dated March 16, 2016. The typical pavement detail for asphaltic pavement is missing the subgrade stabilization or geogrid. Compacted subgrade is always a requirement in addition to the subgrade stabilization or geogrid.
Corrective Action Required

Please refer to comment #3 of the applicant letter dated March 16, 2016. It appears that a sanitary sewer lateral to serve Lot 293 (i.e., the adjacent lot) is being utilized for this project, which is not allowed. It will be necessary to utilize the existing sanitary sewer lateral to the east, rather than this particular sanitary sewer lateral.
Corrective Action Required

Please refer to comment #6 of the applicant letter dated March 16, 2016. Sufficient details are still lacking to show an inspector or contractor how to construct the detention basin outlet structure. A plan view with dimensions, a section view with dimensions, a side view with dimensions, including steel reinforcment details, and all other information needed was lacking. Finally, elevations were shown which do not make sense (i.e., 966.0 for the top of the "V", and 965.63 for the 100 year water surface elevation do not make sense.
Corrective Action Required

Please refer to comment #9 of the applicant letter dated March 16, 2016. This comment was not addressed. The backflow vault and backflow assembly must be located as close to the public water line as possible (i.e., near the southeast corner of the property), outside any easements and outside any right of way. A gate valve is required immediately prior to the backflow vault and backflow assembly. The location shown is too far away to be effective in eliminating stagnant water from the City water system.
Corrective Action Required

Please refer to comment #19 of the applicant letter dated March 16, 2016. It appears that a portion of the detention basin outlet structure is encroaching into the public easement.
Corrective Action Required

Please refer to comment #20 of the applicant letter dated March 16, 2016. Rip rap should be specified as " per the City of Lee's Summit Design and Construction Manual" rather than as shown on the plans.
Corrective Action Required

The Engineer's Estimate of Probable Construction Costs appeared low for the following unit price: 1) backflow vault and backflow assembly.
Fire Review Approved with Conditions 04/08/2016 04/08/2016
Jim Eden
Code Statement
Corrective Action Required

All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2012 International Fire Code.

Confirm the lappropriate location of the backflow valve with PW Engineering.
Traffic Review No Comments 04/08/2016 04/06/2016
Michael Park
Fire Review Corrections 03/16/2016 03/16/2016
Jim Eden
Code Statement
Corrective Action Required

All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2012 International Fire Code .
Corrective Action Required

IFC 903.3.7- Fire department connections. The location of fire department connections shall be approved by the fire code official. Connections shall be a 4 inch Storz type fitting and located within 100 feet of a fire hydrant, or as approved by the code official. Action required: Show the location of the FDC.
Corrective Action Required

IFC 507.5.1- Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 300 feet from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, on-site fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Action required: The proposed hydrant meets the 300' requirement for the 18,000 sq. foot building, It is recommended that it be brought closer to the front of the building to keep it from being blocked by vehicles, or provide a NO PARKING sign. For information only- a second hydrant along Hamblen will be required to meet the 300' foot rule for the future building addition.
Traffic Review No Comments 03/16/2016 03/16/2016
Michael Park
Engineering Review Corrections 03/16/2016 03/16/2016
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required

An 8" KCMMB mix concrete approach is required for the new commercial entrance, from the sawcut to the right of way line.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C210 appears to be missing. This sheet is referenced as the location of the typical pavement details. Please see the new Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Article 12 "Parking" for specific requirements for pavement thickness, aggregate base, and subgrade stabilization/geogrid. Please note that aggregate base and subgrade stabilization/geogrid must extend a minimum of 1 foot beyond the back of curb. This also applies to subgrade compaction to 95% proctor.
Corrective Action Required

It appears a new sanitary sewer lateral is being proposed. It appears an existing sanitary lateral currently exists, and the question is why the existing lateral is not being utilized. If a new sanitary lateral is being proposed, then the existing sanitary lateral must be properly abandoned. The new sanitary lateral cannot be connected directly to the manhole, but rather, a distance of 4 feet minimum from the manhole on the downstream side.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C200 shows an MBOE of 996. Other sheets show a finish floor elevation of 1000.50. Please reconcile.
Corrective Action Required

Please show the 100 year water surface elevation within the stormwater detention basin. This can be done graphically, but please show the elevation of the 100 year water surface elevation within the basin.
Corrective Action Required

It is difficult to determine how the detention basin outlet structure will be constructed. Please show enough section views and plan view details to determine what is being proposed.
Corrective Action Required

A toe wall appears to be missing from the flared end section discharging into the detention basin.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C600: There should not be any public water line extensions necessary for this project. The fire hydrant and fire line serving the building shall be considered private.
Corrective Action Required

The backflow vault and backflow assembly must be installed as close to the public water main as possible, outside of any public easements or right of way, and generally within 6 feet of the right of way line or easement line on the private side (i.e., on private property).
Corrective Action Required

The domestic water connection must be a separate corporation stop if less or equal to two (2) inches diameter. It cannot be connected to the private fire line as shown. This connection will be made by the City.
Corrective Action Required

Please show the location of the domestic water meter on the plans. The domestic water meter must be located within an easement or right of way. The domestic water must be located in an area which is accessible to Water Utilities personnel for purposes of monthly meter-reading (e.g., near the commercial entrance).
Corrective Action Required

Will there be a separate irrigation meter? The same standards for domestic water meters apply if this is desired.
Corrective Action Required

Since no public water main is being installed, separate plans for the private fire line and fire hydant and bacflow vault are not required, but rather, should be included in the Final Development Plan submittal.
Corrective Action Required

A landscaping plan did not appear to be submitted. In general, trees must be a minimum of five (5) feet from any City-owned utility (i.e., water and sanitary lines) as measured from the outside of the pipe to the outside of a mature tree trunk. Shrubs and small ornamental trees are exempt from this requirement, contingent upon the understanding that the City will not replace them in the event that future maintenance on the water or sanitary line is required.
Corrective Action Required

If a new sanitary sewer lateral is going to be installed, locator wire and riser shall be required. Please see the City standard detail for this.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C300: The contour lines are "greyed-out", and it is difficult to determine what are the existing contours versus the proposed contours. Please darken the proposed contours, and lighten the existing contours. Please provide elevations of both.
Corrective Action Required

Please provide information concerning the fill to be placed over the existing sanitary sewer line on the eastern edge of the project (i.e., near the detention basin). This will require that Record Drawings or elevation shots be obtained on the sanitary sewer invert elevations to determine their existing depth. It is preferred that a small profile view be shown of the existing sanitary sewer which includes the finish grade. The maximum depth of cover over the sanitary sewer line is fifteen (15) feet as measured from the top of the pipe to the ground surface.
Corrective Action Required

It appears that a sanitary sewer manhole near the detention basin will be impacted by grading activities. What are the plans on adjusting this manhole to grade? Please be aware that manholes can only be adjusted one (1) foot vertically with adjusting rings. If the adjustment is greater than one (1) foot, a new cone section may be required.
Corrective Action Required

It appears the detention basin outlet structure is within an easement. This is considered a Non-Allowed Use according to our encroachment policy.
Corrective Action Required

What energy dissiipation measures are being proposed at the end of the discharge for the detention basin? Please be aware there are issues with the design of this outlet structure which need to be addressed, and it is unclear what is being proposed at this location. At a minimum, rip rap will be required at the discharge point.
Corrective Action Required

An itemized and sealed Engineer's Estimate of Probable Construction Costs should accompany your final submittal drawings. The Engineering Plan Review and Inspection Fee is based on this estimate, plus a $100 per trip fee for the observation and collection of water samples. Items to include in the estimate are: 1) stormwater lines greater than 6 inches diameter, 2) stormwater inlets, manholes, junction boxes, 3) water lines greater than 2 inches diameter, 4) fire hydrants, 5) backflow vault and backflow assembly, 6) thrust blocks, 7) valves and valve boxes/covers, 8) tees, bends, fittings, 9) grading to establish proper drainage, 10) grading for detention basin, 11) detention basin outlet structure, 12) detention basin water quality feature, 13) grading for parking lot, including estimate removal and replacement of unsuitable subgrade, cut, fill, and compaction, 14) subgrade stabilization or geogrid, including the area one (1) foot beyond the back of curb, 15) aggregate base course, including the area one (1) foot beyond the back of curb, 16) pavement, 17) curb and gutter (CG-1), 18) sidewalk and leveling course, 19) KCMMB mix commercial entrance, 20) sanitary sewer abandonment, if applicable, 21) sanitary sewer wye connection, if applicable, 22) sanitary sewer locator wire and riser in accordance with City standard detail, if applicable to new lateral, 23) flared end section, 24) toe wall, 25) rip rap, 26) erosion and sediment control devices and measures, 27) final restoration, including sodding, seeding, fertilizer, mulch, and topsoil.
Planning Review Corrections 03/16/2016 03/10/2016
Jennifer Thompson
Corrective Action Required

Clarify the ownership for this lot. Jackson County records indicate different ownership then what was submitted on the application.
Corrective Action Required

When resubmitting, please omit the building permit drawings (mechanical, plumbing, etc.).
Corrective Action Required

Within the Development Information Table on Sheet C200, include the FAR (floor area ratio) for the development (for each phase) and label the zoning as PI (Planned Industrial). Also, include the parking calculations outlined in the UDO for Office/Manufacturing. For the office square footage, it's 4 spaces for every 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area and for the manufacturing area it's 2.5 spaces for every 1,000 sq. ft. of groos floor area. This totals 52 spaces required. If an alternate parking plan is proposed please refer to Article 12, Section 12.040, for the requirements for consideration.
Corrective Action Required

Sheet C210 is missing from the plan set. This sheet is referenced on Sheet C200 in the Plan Notes section as the detail sheet for pavement, curbing, accessible sign information, retaining wall, and other items. Please provide this sheet. Also, please refer to Article 12, Section 12.120, of the UDO, for pavement detail requirements and CG-1 curbing requirements.
Corrective Action Required

What is the height of the retaining wall? Retaining walls over a height of 4' (measured from the footing) are required to be engineered and require a building permit.
Corrective Action Required

The accessible sign detail should reference R7-8 model. This sign has a white background and green border.
Corrective Action Required

Make a note clarifying the 5-foot sidewalk along SE Hamblen Road is proposed and will be constructed as part of this project.
Corrective Action Required

A landscaping plan was not submitted. Provide a sheet outlining the requirements in Article 14, of the UDO. When running the landscape calculations, the future addition square footage can be included in the building footprint.
Corrective Action Required

Provide a typical for the dimensions of the parking stalls and the accessible aisle space. The accessible aisle space shall be 8-feet in width. The parking stalls shall be 9-feet by 19-feet. Where the head of the parking space abuts a six (6) foot sidewalk or curbed landscaped area, the length of the parking space may be reduced by two (2) feet to allow for vehicle overhang.
Corrective Action Required

On sheet A-5, label the proposed colors for the building.
Corrective Action Required

Provide a trash enclosure detail. Refer to Article 7 of the UDO for acceptable materials.
Corrective Action Required

Indicate on Sheet A-5 the location of all exterior wall lighting.
Corrective Action Required

Provide a statement indicating the location and limits of the 1% Annual Chance Flood, as set forth on the current FEMA maps with reference to the panel number. Elevations shall be provided is shown on the FEMA map.
Corrective Action Required

Label the surrounding zoning and property ownership information on the plans.
Corrective Action Required

Label the driveway width. The width shall be, at a minimum, 24-feet excluding curb and gutter.
Corrective Action Required

Provide a photometric diagram indicating the foot candle levels through the site and at the property lines.
Corrective Action Required

Provide the location, height, intensity and type of outside lighting fixtures for building and parking lots.
Corrective Action Required

Provide the manufacturer's specification sheets for proposed exterior lighting to include both parking lot pole mounted and wall mounted fixtures. The specification sheets shall indicate the exact fixture to be used.
Corrective Action Required

Identify whether ground mounted or roof top units are proposed.
Corrective Action Required

Provide the location, size and materials to be used in all screening of rooftop and ground-mounted mechanical equipment.
Corrective Action Required

Provide the location, size, and type of material of all proposed monument or freestanding signs.
Corrective Action Required

Label the 15-foot sanitary easement that runs along the northeast side of the lot. Also adjust the "future addition" so it's out of this easement. The recorded plat for this lot indicates the easement that runs along the cul-de-sac bulb portion of the lot is a 10-foot utility easement rather than a 15-utility easement. The plat also has a 20-foot building line rather than a 30-foot building line. Please revise.
Corrective Action Required

Is the intent to have the future phase approved during this final development plan review? If so we will need to see elevations for the future addition.
Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
9110077-Final Development Plan fee $600.00 $600.00 Paid 03/02/2016
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
No outstanding fees.

Title Location Date Time
Documents & Images
Date Uploaded File Type Document Name
03/02/2016 Letter Routing Sheet - FDP
03/02/2016 Receipt Receipt for transaction: 2016-000581
03/10/2016 Letter Routing Sheet - FDP
03/16/2016 Letter Applicant Letter - FDP (DFDP)
04/01/2016 Letter Resubmittal Routing Sheet - FDP
04/08/2016 Letter Applicant Letter - FDP (DFDP)
05/03/2016 Letter Resubmittal Routing Sheet - FDP
05/10/2016 Fee WorksheetUpdatedDevCenter
05/20/2016 Letter Applicant Letter - FDP (DFDP)
06/13/2016 Letter Resubmittal Routing Sheet - FDP
07/13/2016 Letter Applicant Letter - FDP (DFDP)
01/15/2017 Letter Applicant Letter - FDP (DFDP)
10/11/2018 Engineer Report/Study Storm Water Study
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