Review Type |
Outcome |
Est. Completion Date |
Completed |
Planning Review
No Comments
Hector Soto Jr.
Traffic Review
No Comments
Michael Park
Engineering Review
Approved with Conditions
Gene Williams, P.E.
DE Engineers Estimate
Corrective Action Required
The Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Costs has been accepted for this project, and the Public Works Review and Inspection Fee of $2,328.09 (which is based on 3% of the total infrastructure cost) must be paid prior to the issuance of an infrastructure permit and/or the final processing of a building permit from the Codes Administration Department.
DE Contact Field Eng. Inspector
Corrective Action Required
Contact Public Works Inspections at (816) 969-1800 at least 48 hours prior to the onset of construction.
Fire Review
Approved with Conditions
Jim Eden
Code Statement
Corrective Action Required
All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2012 International Fire Code .
Corrective Action Required
IFC 105.6.20- A Hazardous materials permit is required for the using, dispensing, transporting, handling, and/or storing of extremely hazardous substances. “Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) Facilities” are defined as facilities subject to the provisions of Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA TITLE III), Section 302, for storing, dispensing, using, or handling of listed chemicals in excess of their threshold planning quantities (TPQ). See amended Section 5001.4 of the 2012 International Fire Code.
Provide MSDS information for the product. The quantity and type of material my require a modification to the existing Haz-mat Permit.
Fire Review
Approved with Conditions
Jim Eden
Code Statement
Corrective Action Required
All issues pertaining to life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises, and to the safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations, shall be in accordance with the 2012 International Fire Code .
Corrective Action Required
IFC 105.6.20- A Hazardous materials permit is required for the using, dispensing, transporting, handling, and/or storing of extremely hazardous substances. “Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) Facilities” are defined as facilities subject to the provisions of Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA TITLE III), Section 302, for storing, dispensing, using, or handling of listed chemicals in excess of their threshold planning quantities (TPQ). See amended Section 5001.4 of the 2012 International Fire Code.
Provide MSDS information for the product.
Traffic Review
No Comments
Michael Park
Planning Review
Hector Soto Jr.
Corrective Action Required
CURBING. CG-1 curbing shall be provided around the boundary of the expanded paved area.
Corrective Action Required
BUILDING ELEVATIONS. Architectural drawings for the proposed 28' x 20' building shall be provided. The drawings shall identify the exterior building materials and proposed material colors.
Corrective Action Required
LIGHTING. Are any new exterior light fixtures such as parking lot light poles or wall-mounted light fixtures proposed as part of this project? If so, show them on the site plan or building elevations to the extent possible. Parking lot light pole fixtures are subject to the requirements of Section 7.250 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Wall-mounted fixtures are subject to the requirements of Section 7.260 of the UDO.
Engineering Review
Gene Williams, P.E.
Corrective Action Required
A backflow device will be necessary for the proposed 2" hydrants.
Corrective Action Required
It appears curb and gutter will need to be placed at the edge of pavement.
Corrective Action Required
An Engineer's Estimate of Probable Construction Costs should accompany your final submittal drawings. The Engineering Plan Review and Inspection Fee is based on this estimate, and calculated at 3% of the total project cost, plus a $100 per trip fee for the collection of water samples. Items to include in the estimate are: 1) grading for parking lot expansion, 2) pavement, 3) curb and gutter, 4) subgrade preparation, including the area one (1) foot beyond the back of curb, 5) final restoration, including sodding, seeding, fertilizer, mulch, and topsoil.