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Public Works Infrastructure Permit - Commercial
Maintainance Facility Salt Dome Improvements
Shawn Graff, Phone: 8169691871  
Not shown for privacy reasons.

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Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
9110081-Street Inspections $2,328.09 $2,328.09 Paid 10/12/2015
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid

Inspection Outcome Requested Scheduled Date Inspected
Site Visit Partial 5/29/2018 07/02/2018
Brice Lawson 07/02/2018 8:21 AM The following itmes were noticed during a site visit on 6/14/18 and 6/29/18. There has been work done to the detention basin that is not shown on the submitted plans. The following items were noticed: -A 12" vertical drain pipe has been installed and connected to the existing RCP pipe up stream of the outlet structure. -It appears that the exising FI proposed to be removed is half full of water. The 8" pvc pipe that is proposed to be abandoned may be plugged at the field inlet side(could not verify due to water in FI) but is not plugged at outlet end of pipe. -An approx. 9' by 40' section of 4" to 6" rip rap has been installed at the around and downstream of the existing 12" HDPE storm pipe on located on the west side of the basin. -An approx. 12' by 12' section of 4" to 6" rip rap has been installed around the 12" vertical perforated drain pipe upstream of the outlet structure. -It appears some rock checks have been installed to control erosion -Straw matting has been installed near the toe of slope in basin. The plans for the basin have been marked up showing the items that have been installed and the items that have not been completed according to the plan. I spoke with Craig Kohler about the construction of the detention basin. He has been working with operations in regards to the detention basin. He let me know that changes have been made to the construction of the detention basin that are not shown on the originally submitted plans. He let me know that further construction maybe done once the temporary haul road east of the detention basin is no longer needed. Shawn Graff informed me that they are not planning on completing the parking lot quite yet.
Site Visit Complete 01/17/2020
Brice Lawson 07/02/2018 8:21 AM The following itmes were noticed during a site visit on 6/14/18 and 6/29/18. There has been work done to the detention basin that is not shown on the submitted plans. The following items were noticed: -A 12" vertical drain pipe has been installed and connected to the existing RCP pipe up stream of the outlet structure. -It appears that the exising FI proposed to be removed is half full of water. The 8" pvc pipe that is proposed to be abandoned may be plugged at the field inlet side(could not verify due to water in FI) but is not plugged at outlet end of pipe. -An approx. 9' by 40' section of 4" to 6" rip rap has been installed at the around and downstream of the existing 12" HDPE storm pipe on located on the west side of the basin. -An approx. 12' by 12' section of 4" to 6" rip rap has been installed around the 12" vertical perforated drain pipe upstream of the outlet structure. -It appears some rock checks have been installed to control erosion -Straw matting has been installed near the toe of slope in basin. The plans for the basin have been marked up showing the items that have been installed and the items that have not been completed according to the plan. I spoke with Craig Kohler about the construction of the detention basin. He has been working with operations in regards to the detention basin. He let me know that changes have been made to the construction of the detention basin that are not shown on the originally submitted plans. He let me know that further construction maybe done once the temporary haul road east of the detention basin is no longer needed. Shawn Graff informed me that they are not planning on completing the parking lot quite yet.
Documents & Images
Date Uploaded File Type Document Name
10/12/2015 Receipt Receipt for transaction: 2015-005726
11/25/2015 Letter PW-Permit
12/30/2015 Maint. Facility Dev Comp Permit
07/02/2018 Letter DE-Daily Inspection Summary
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