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Internal Plan Review (Res)
Codes Administration- No merchandise, stock, interior furnishings or supplies shall be placed in this facility without approval from the City of Lee's Summit.
Codes Administration- Each structure shall have the address of that structure visibly posted on the jobsite throughout the construction process.
Codes Administration- It shall be the duty of the person doing the work authorized by a permit to notifiy the Building Inspections Division that such work is ready for inspection. (UBC Section 305.(c))
Codes Administration- A reinspection fee may be assessed for each inspection or reinspection when such portion of work for which inspection is called is not complete or when corrections called for are not made. ( UBC Section 305.(g))
Fire Department- The contractor shall provide to the fire department documentation that the tank, piping and associated components are compatible with the material stored.
F80-.301(b) Fire Department- Containers and Tanks. Design and Construction. Containers and tanks shall be designed and constructed in accordance with nationally recognized standards.
Fire Department- Is the system provided with any type of anti-siphoning device?
Fire Department-All leak detection shall be constantly monitored by the SCADA system as indicated.
F79.605. (a) Fire Department- General. Before being covered or placed in use , tanks and piping connected to underground tanks shall be tested for tightness an the presence of the chief. For pipe testing, see Section 79.708. The system shall not be covered until it has been approved.
F80-109. Fire Department- Persons responsible for the operation of areas in which hazardous materials are stored , dispensed , handled or used shall be familiar with the chemical nature of the materials and appropriate mitigating actions necessary in the event of a fire, leak or spill.
Responsible persons shall be designated and trained to be liasion for the fire department. These persons shall aid the fire department in preplanning emergency responses and identification of the locations where hazardous materials are located and shall have access to Material Safety Data Sheets and be knowledgeable in site emergency response procedures.
Fire Department- Fire alarm systems; fire hydrant systems; fire-extinguishing systems, including automatic sprinklers and wet and dry standpipes; halon systems and other automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall meet the approval of the fire department as to installation and locations and shall be subject to acceptance testing and such periodic testing as required by the chief. NOTE: Acceptance testing may scheduled at least 48 hours in advance by calling 969-7343. UFC 10.503
F80.401(c) Fire Department- Piping, Tubing, Valves and Fittings. 1. General. Piping , tubing , valves and fittings conveying hazardous materials shall be installed in accordance with approved standards and shall be in accordance with this subsection.
2. Design and Construction. Piping , tubing, valves , fittings and related components used for for hazardous materials shall be in accordance with the following:
A. Piping, tubing, valves, fittings and related components shall be designed and fabricated from materials compatible with the material to be contained and shall be of adequate strength and durability to withstand the pressure , structural and seismic stress and exposure to which they are subject.
B. Piping and tubing shall be identified in accordance with nationally recognized standards to indicate the material conveyed.*** The point of discharge into the well shall be apprpriately marked to indicate hazard.
C. Emergency shutoff valves shall be identified and the location shall be clearly visible and and indicated by means of a sign.
D. Backflow-prevention or check valves shall be provided when the back flow of hazardous materials could create a hazardous condition or cause the unauthorized discharge of hazardous materials.
Fire Department- Plans and installation of the underground storage tank must meet all current State and Federal requirements. A copy of the State approval documentation shall be provided to the fire department.
Planning and Development - All site improvements such as asphalt and fencing shall be completed prior issuance of a final.
F80.301 5. Fire Department- Underground tanks used for the storage of hazardous materials shall be located and protected in accordance with Secections 79.601 and 79.603. Secondary containment shall be provided for new installations of underground tanks.
Fire Department- Plans and specifications shall bear the seal of a Missouri licensed engineer.
Fire Department- Approved numbers or address shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. (UFC Section 10.301.(a))
Fire Department- A completed hazardous materials permit application shall be submitted to the Lee's Summit fire department. (UFC Section 4.103 and UFC Section 80.103.(a))
Fire Department- General. Buildings or portions thereof, in which hazardous materials are stored, handled or used shall be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. (UFC Section 80.108.(a))